Revelation: Good news and conquest.
September 1813
“Come in, Edward.”
“Mr. President. It’s a message from Commodore Oliver Perry.”
“Good news from Lake Erie?”
“Yes, sir. The commodore’s words: ‘We have met the enemy, and he is ours.’ The British Lake Erie squadron has surrendered.”
“This is a first, Edward. Never before has an entire British naval squadron surrendered. Outstanding!”
“Yes, sir. We have taken more prisoners than Commodore Perry had men onboard.”
“And the captured vessels?”
“Two ships, two brigs, one schooner, and one sloop. All brought back to Presque Isle.”
“Excellent! Not only will that secure the northern borders of Ohio, Pennsylvania, and western New York, but it will make it much more difficult for the English to supply Detroit.”
“This may be the turning point in the battle for the West, sir.”
“Indeed, Edward. Commodore Perry should receive some sort of medal for his heroic achievement!”