Dips and Dressings

It is interesting to serve some side dishes and dips with Chinese meals to give added interest and authenticity to your meal. Choose your side dishes carefully so that they complement the main courses.

Many salads or vegetable dishes can be tossed with simple dressings to add interest and Chinese appeal to a range of salad ingredients.

Garlic Dip

Makes about 250 ml/8 fl oz/1 cup

4 cloves garlic, crushed

120 ml/4 fl oz/½ cup soy sauce

15 ml/1 tbsp tabasco sauce

pinch of sugar

Blend all the ingredients together well and serve with roast chicken.

Garlic Dip with Soy Sauce

Makes about 120 ml/4 fl oz/½ cup

4 cloves garlic, crushed

60 ml/4 tbsp soy sauce

10 ml/2 tsp brown sugar

10 ml/2 tsp chilli oil

Blend all the ingredients together well and serve with fried or roast chicken dishes.

Ginger Dip

Makes about 120 ml/4 fl oz/½ cup

90 ml/6 tbsp soy sauce

30 ml/2 tbsp wine vinegar

15 ml/1 tbsp brown sugar

1 slice ginger root, minced

Blend all the ingredients together well and serve with prawn or seafood dishes.

Hoisin Dip

Makes about 90 ml/6 tbsp

90 ml/6 tbsp hoisin sauce

5 ml/1 tsp sesame oil

Blend the ingredients together well and serve with pork dishes.

Hot Chilli Dip

Makes about 120 ml/4 fl oz/½ cup

90 ml/6 tbsp chilli sauce

60 ml/4 tbsp soy sauce

2.5 ml/½ tsp mustard powder

Blend all the ingredients together well and serve with pork or chicken dishes.

Mustard Dip

Makes about 120 ml/4 fl oz/½ cup

120 ml/4 fl oz/½ cup made mustard

60 ml/4 tbsp soy sauce

2.5 ml/½ tsp salt

Blend all the ingredients together well and serve with pork dishes.

Peanut Dip

Makes about 75 ml/5 tbsp

30 ml/2 tbsp groundnut (peanut) oil

15 ml/1 tbsp peanut butter

15 ml/1 tbsp soy sauce

5 ml/1 tsp salt

5 ml/1 tsp chilli sauce

5 ml/1 tsp sesame oil

Blend all the ingredients together well and serve with tofu or chicken dishes.

Rice Wine Dip

Makes about 250 ml/8 fl oz/1 cup

120 ml/4 fl oz/½ cup rice wine or dry sherry

60 ml/4 tbsp soy sauce

5 ml/1 tsp brown sugar

Blend all the ingredients together well and serve with fried or roast chicken dishes.

Seafood Dip

Makes about 120 ml/4 fl oz/½ cup

120 ml/4 fl oz/½ cup wine vinegar

1 slice ginger root, minced

Blend the ingredients together well and serve with fish or seafood dishes.

Sesame Dip

Makes about 120 ml/4 fl oz/½ cup

120 ml/4 fl oz/½ cup soy sauce

5 ml/1 tsp sesame oil

1 clove garlic, crushed

Blend all the ingredients together well and serve with pork dishes.

Sesame and Hoisin Dip

Makes about 75 ml/5 tbsp

30 ml/2 tbsp hoisin sauce

15 ml/1 tbsp brown sugar

15 ml/1 tbsp water

15 ml/1 tbsp sesame oil

Blend all the ingredients together well and serve with prawn or seafood dishes.

Soy Sauce Dip

Makes about 250 ml/8 fl oz/1 cup

90 ml/6 tbsp groundnut (peanut) oil

120 ml/4 fl oz/½ cup soy sauce

Heat the oil to smoking point then remove from the heat. Stir in the soy sauce and serve with chicken dishes.

Soy Sauce and Mustard Dip

Makes about 60 ml/4 tbsp

45 ml/3 tbsp soy sauce

10 ml/2 tsp mustard powder

5 ml/1 tsp sesame oil

Blend all the ingredients together well and serve with chicken or tofu.

Tomato and Chilli Dip

Makes about 120 ml/4 fl oz/½ cup

60 ml/4 tbsp tomato ketchup (catsup)

30 ml/2 tbsp chilli sauce

5 ml/1 tsp hoisin sauce

Mix all the ingredients together well and serve with prawn or seafood dishes.

Mustard Dressing

Makes about 90 ml/6 tbsp

30 ml/2 tbsp soy sauce

30 ml/2 tbsp wine vinegar

15 ml/1 tbsp mustard powder

5 ml/1 tsp brown sugar

2.5 ml/½ tsp sesame oil

Mix together all the ingredients until well blended. Chill for several hours before using to dress cold chicken dishes.

Oil and Vinegar Dressing

Makes about 90 ml/6 tbsp

60 ml/4 tbsp groundnut (peanut) oil

30 ml/2 tbsp wine vinegar

5 ml/1 tsp brown sugar

salt and freshly ground pepper

few drops of sesame oil

Blend all the ingredients together well.

Peanut Mayonnaise

Makes about 250 ml/8 fl oz/1 cup

30 ml/2 tbsp wine vinegar

75 ml/5 tbsp water

5 ml/1 tsp groundnut (peanut) oil

60 ml/4 tbsp peanut butter

2.5 ml/½ tsp salt

2.5 ml/½ tsp sesame oil

freshly ground Szechuan pepper

Gradually blend all the ingredients together, seasoning with pepper and extra salt to taste.

Salad Dressing

Serves 4

45 ml/3 tbsp groundnut (peanut) oil 45 ml/3 tbsp soy sauce

45 ml/3 tbsp rice wine or dry sherry

45 ml/3 tbsp wine vinegar

45 ml/3 tbsp orange juice

45 ml/3 tbsp lemon juice

15 ml/1 tbsp sugar

salt and freshly ground pepper

15 ml/1 tbsp sesame seeds

15 ml/1 tbsp chopped ginger root

15 ml/1 tbsp chopped garlic

Blend all the ingredients together well and serve in a sauceboat with cold vegetables or green salads.

Soy and Groundnut Dressing

Makes about 90 ml/6 tbsp

60 ml/4 tbsp soy sauce

30 ml/2 tbsp groundnut (peanut) oil

5 ml/1 tsp salt

5 ml/1 tsp sugar

Mix all the ingredients together well. Pour over meat or fish.

Soy and Sesame Dressing

Makes about 90 ml/6 tbsp

90 ml/6 tbsp soy sauce

5 ml/1 tsp sesame oil

Blend the ingredients together well and pour over cold meat or fish.

Soy and Vinegar Dressing

Makes about 120 ml/4 fl oz/½ cup

45 ml/3 tbsp soy sauce

45 ml/3 tbsp wine vinegar

45 ml/3 tbsp groundnut (peanut) oil

15 ml/1 tbsp brown sugar

Blend the ingredients together well and pour over cold vegetable dishes.