Acknowledgements and permissions

We would particularly like to thank Rakhi Kabawala at the Thomas Coram Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London, who liaised with contributors and prepared the manuscript for publication.

Special thanks as well to the authors and publishers who gave permission to reprint material included in this volume:

Simon & Schuster, Inc., for permission to reprint parts of Woman of Valor: Margaret Sanger and the Birth Control Movement in America (1992) by Chesler, E. Copyright © 1992 by Ellen Chelser. Afterword Copyright © 2007 Ellen Chesler.

Duke University Press, for permission to reprint parts of ‘Transnational Discourses and Circuits of Queer Knowledge in Indonesia’ (2008) by Blackwood. E., GLQ: Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, 14, 481–507.

Taylor & Francis, for permission to reprint, in abbreviated form, ‘Hidden Love: Sexual Ideologies and Relationship Ideals in the Context of HIV/AIDS in South Africa’ (2008) by Harrison, A., Culture, Health and Sexuality, 10, 2, 175–89.

Taylor & Francis, for permission to reprint parts of ‘Geographies of Contagion: Hijras, Kothis, and the Politics of Sexual Marginality in India’ (2005) by Reddy, G., Anthropology and Medicine, 12, 3, 255–70.

Taylor & Francis, for permission to reprint parts of ‘Intersexuality and Sexual Rights in Southern Brazil’ (2009) by Machado, P., Culture, Health and Sexuality, 11, 3, 237–50.

ABC-CLIO, for permission to reprint material from Sexual Health, Volume 1: Psychological Foundations (2007) by Tepper, M. & Owens, A. F. (eds) (pp. 7–35: ‘Sexual Health: Definitions and Construct Development’. Copyright © Eli Coleman). Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers.

Taylor & Francis, for permission to reprint, in abbreviated form, ‘Is “Bareback” a Useful Construct in Primary HIV-prevention? Definitions, Identity and Research’ (2009) by Carballo-Diéguez, A., Ventuneac, A., Bauermeister, J., Dowsett, G. W., Dolezal, C., Remien, R. H., Balán, I. and Rowe, M., Culture, Health and Sexuality, 11, 1, 51–65.

Taylor & Francis, for permission to reprint parts of ‘The Hip-hop Club Scene: Gender, Grinding and Sex’ (2007) by Muñoz-Laboy, M., Weinstein, H. and Parker, R., Culture, Health and Sexuality, 9, 6, 615–28.

Taylor & Francis, for permission to reprint, in abbreviated form, ‘Passionate Uprisings: Young People, Sexuality and Politics in Post-revolutionary Iran’ (2007) by Mahdavi, P., Culture, Health and Sexuality, 9, 5, 445–57.

Taylor & Francis, for permission to reprint parts of ‘Black Lesbian Gender and Sexual Culture: Celebration and Resistance’ (2009) by Wilson, B., Culture, Health and Sexuality, 11. 3, 297–313.

Taylor & Francis, for permission to reprint pages 212–24 of Sexuality, Health and Human Rights (2008) by Corrêa, S., Petchesky, R. and Parker, R.

HURIPEC, Makerere University, for permission to reprint in a revised form elements of ‘Paradoxes of Sex Work and Sexuality in Modern-day Uganda’ (2009) by Tamale, S., East African Journal of Peace and Human Rights, 5, 1.