
We would not—and could not—have undertaken a project of this scope without the help of experts in the disciplines that this text covers. We want to thank the many volunteers who made this book possible.

We’d especially like to thank the contributors who put in the long hours to draft or revise chapters. They are:

Chapter 5 on stock funds: Deborah H. Miller

Chapters 6 and 7 on bond and money market funds: Dwight Churchill and Claire M. Churchill

Chapter 8 on trading: Eric Roiter

Chapter 9 on proxy voting: Matthew R. Filosa

Chapter 10 on mutual fund sales: Alexander C. Gavis

Chapter 11 on retirement plans: John Kimpel

Chapter 12 on competition: Karl-Otto Hartmann on ETFs and Michael Pereira on hedge funds

Chapter 14 on portfolio recordkeeping and valuation: Virginia M. Meany

Chapter 15 on fees and expenses: Maria Dwyer

Chapters 17 and 18 on the internationalization of mutual funds: Christopher Bohane and Robert F. Hynes, Jr.

We want to thank our dedicated group of reviewers who commented on the draft manuscript. Their suggestions were invaluable: Carl Baldassare, Susan Christoffersen, Larry Cranch, Dwight Churchill, Lena Goldberg, Kathleen Miskiewicz, Betsy Pohl, Brian Reid, Craig Tyle, and Elizabeth Watson.

Many people provided input on particular chapters: Kino Clark, Catherine Coyne and her colleagues at NQR, Rhonda Dixon-Gunner, Mark Fischer, Joseph C. Flaherty, Jr., Stuart E. Fross, Annelise Goldberg, Laurie Gruppuso, Martin Guest, Giulia Hamacher, Van Harlow, Judy Hogan, Brett MacLeod, Charles Muller, Betsy Palmer, Gary Palmer, Mary Podesta, Fred Quatrocky, Richard A. Schlanger, Peggy C. Schooley, Edgar Wallach, Michael Woodall and his associates at Putnam, Eric Woodbury, the trading team at MFS (Donald M. Mykrantz, Jeff Estella, and Greg Heller), and the trading team at Pioneer (Robert F. Gauvain and Mark Phillips).

A special thanks to the Investment Company Institute for their help in updating data, particularly Shaun Lutz.

Bob thanks MFS Investment Management for giving him the flexibility of time to work on the third edition of this book.

Theresa would like to thank the NICSA staff and the NICSA board for their support. She also thanks her mom.

But our biggest thanks go to our spouses. Without their love and patience, this book would have been completely impossible.

November 2010