
I am indebted to the following men, who graciously corresponded with me or allowed me to interview them. In many cases, they reached out to me, and each man welcomed me not only into his home but into his life: Jim Abbott, Bob Arnold, John Bittick, John Braly, Tom Brown III, Arne Bruflat, Carl Bruntlett, Gary Case, Dan Clarke, Ed Davis, John Davis, Larry Duthie, James Ellis, Paul Engle, Hal Farley, Larry Feldhaus, Wynn Foster, Ted Franks, Dick Haman, Tom Howard, Jack Jeffords, Dave Johnson, Ken Kreutzmann, John Laughter, Lonny McClung, Tom McClard, Bunny Marks, Tom Maxwell, Jim Mueller, Pat Patrick, Bob Pearl, Don Purdy, Ed Rasimus, Bob Rasmussen, Randy Rime, John Roosen, Harry Sampson, Dick Schaffert, Dick Schulte, Dave Sheeley, Bill Span, Wayne Steward, Cal Swanson, Thad Taylor, Jim Waldron, and Denny Wisely.