Special thanks go to my family and friends, who continue to enthusiastically champion my efforts, especially my sister, Nanci (I don’t want to ever write a book without you!) and my mother, who is the best promoter a daughter could have.
I want to acknowledge specifically the following people for their wonderful support: Nancy Yost, Susan Grimshaw, Jan Epstein, Martha Jo Katz, Barbara Kaufman, Esther Levine, Liz Hayes and Carol Nagel, Laurie Ann Goldman, Paloma Llorens, Willa Cline, Barb and everyone at Romance and Friends, Frances Drouin, The Paradies Shops, Becky Rose, Joahnna Barron, Tonda Fuller, and the lovely ladies at A Nose for Clothes.
My heartfelt thanks to the incomparable Avon Books team, including but not limited to: Darlene; the two Brians; Donna, Judy, and the entire Merch Sales Team; Mike, Carla, and the whole Field Sales Team; International Sales; Adrienne and Nicole in Marketing; Pam and Joan in Publicity; Lara and Laurie for Foreign Rights/Sub Rights; Tom, Gayle, and Patricia for my gorgeous covers; Managing Editorial; Carrie, May and most especially, Lyssa!
Finally, I sincerely thank my husband and children for giving me the opportunity to follow my passions and meet my deadlines.
Your support means the world to me.