Becoming Best Friends at Work

How to Develop Appropriate Friendships That Benefit the Team

“I wouldn’t be able to survive the crazy if I didn’t have Jennifer there,” said Amalia, a physical therapist who works on a team with six others, including her best friend. “And believe me, there is so much crazy.” I’ll spare you the stories that ensued—mostly about their boss acting unethically, but also plenty of stories about their cranky and demanding patients—but it ended with her reiterating again how much her friendship made the job tolerable.

They have built a solid friendship: they both joined a roller derby team last year that practices together weekly, they frequently attend baseball games together with their husbands during the season, and they’ve done a couple trips to Las Vegas together. But it’s not how they moved their friendship to Frientimacy that impresses me as much as what they’ve done in the workplace that bears telling.

She and Jennifer made a pact to try to raise the morale of the other therapists, hoping to help offset what otherwise felt like a toxic environment. From decorating an unused bulletin board with “Getting to Know Your Therapist” photos and fun facts for the patients to see to coordinating holiday potlucks with everyone on the team—they recycled the energy their friendship gave them and shared it with the others.

It’s all too easy to find our “Jennifer” and cling to the friendship that is developing, but if we want to move a friendship up the Triangle, we’d be wise to practice how we can best protect it from the pressures of work and use it to raise the sense of connection in our entire workplace.

Be Generous with Intentional Positivity to Everyone Else.

Our first call to order, as illustrated so beautifully by Amalia’s story, is to extend the Positivity we feel with each other to those around us.

Be the joy. The responsibility of those of us who are enjoying our friends at work is to recycle that joy to the rest of the team. Our friendship should be a gift to everyone around us—they should want to be around us. Because we are comfortable with one another and enjoy one another, we can help set a tone of gratitude, humor, and fun at our team meetings, parties, and desks. Our closeness should be felt as something that envelops others in it with us when we’re at work, not something that feels exclusive.

Express affirmation. To offset the insecurities that others might project on our friendship, we must make sure that no one doubts that we see and appreciate everyone else. It’s crucial for both people in the friendship to step up their game and be known as people who cheer-lead and voice appreciation. To that end, we’ll do all we can to never give anyone reason to worry that we are competing with them, trying to elbow our way in, speaking poorly of them, or sabotaging them. On the contrary, we hope that they feel nothing but love from us. (Especially true if we’re friends with the manager. The manager’s success is based on the success of the team—so be someone the manager can trust to intentionally help build up the members of the team.)

Increase the Vulnerability to Talk about Our Relationship

Second, both of us are going to step up our Vulnerability—in this case by being willing to honestly have conversations that can help safeguard our relationship from various possible threats.

Proactively talk about our relationship. If we’re mature enough to build these friendships, then we’re mature enough to talk about them.

Toward the end of a conversation one day about what they didn’t like at work, Jennifer asked Amalia, “What can we do to help make sure we don’t get sucked into the vortex of pessimism?” It validated there was an “us” and elicited a conversation that set them on the path to fostering fun around them.

And it’s always easier to do so before there’s a reason to do so. In other words, don’t wait until issues come up. Try to think through as many of them ahead of time as possible. We can easily say to each other, “Hey, I’ve been loving our friendship and to help protect it from all the stuff that can come up in a shared workplace, would you be willing to meet for drinks one night when we can talk through what would feel best to each of us?”

Some possible questions:

          How do you think others feel about our friendship? Is there anything we could do differently to help them feel better/less worried?

          What would be the worst-case scenario you could imagine? What, if anything, could we do to help prevent some of those things from ever happening? How would you want me to respond in that situation if, God forbid, we ever find ourselves in that worst-case scenario?

          What will be the hardest part of this working relationship for you?

          If one of us ever feels like we have to tell the other one something that might hurt our feelings—how would you want me to do that?

          What kind of scenarios tend to stress you out the most? And what signals do you give off that would help me see what you’re feeling?

          What boundaries do we want to put in place to help safeguard our working relationship and our friendship?

          If you could ask anything of me, what would it be?

          I know you well, but if you were to come with a warning label—what would it be? What could you share with me that would help me better protect us?

          What do you most need from me while we’re at work?

          What are some of the most supportive things I can do for you at work? What feels helpful?

Basically, we want to have as many conversations ahead of time so that we both feel more confident that we can rely on the relationship in meaningful ways and feel better equipped for having to handle situations as they arise. These conversations help set healthy expectations, reminding us that just because we’re friends doesn’t mean we won’t have some challenges ahead.

Keep clarity and confidentiality in each role. This one doesn’t need a ton of explaining, but we don’t break our confidences, or boundaries—either at work or in the friendship.

Most successful friendships at work include boundaries about how we treat each other differently at work than we do outside of work. One supervisor shared with me that they call it out by pretending to take a hat off when they say, “Okay, now I’m taking my friend hat off and am saying this as a boss.” Another clarified, “Some days my friend barely even says more than hello to me at work, and I’m completely okay with that as we’re both clear that we care for each other, but we have different roles in this building.” And as one cadet in the Marine Corps said to me, “What happens in the barracks at night has no bearing on whether I salute my superiors the next morning.” We don’t forget our separate roles . . . nor take it personally when we sometimes have to act differently in each setting.

Furthermore, we don’t tell our friend details or private information about projects or people at work that isn’t theirs to know. Obviously, the longer we’ve known each other, the more we’re mutually sharing and the safer we feel in the friendship. It’s unrealistic to think we won’t be processing decisions and ideas with each other that may put us into some gray territory, but that’s all the more reason to be clear ahead of time what details aren’t appropriate or when we need to be vague.

And, on the flip side, we don’t bring personal stuff we know about each other to work. For example, if we were at our friend’s house over the weekend, that probably doesn’t need to be mentioned during the Monday morning group share. We don’t need to hide that we’re friends, but we definitely don’t need to keep it in everyone’s face.

Lastly, look for ways to assure others that we aren’t talking about them. When a colleague references something they assume we know because our friend told us, we’ll be quick to say, “Oh, actually I didn’t know that. We’re very careful to not talk about anyone on the team.” A few blatant lines like that over time helps build the team trust.

View your friendship as the place to practice tough things. So often we mistake friendship as the place where we should let each other off easily, look the other way, expect blind loyalty, hope for favors, or avoid hurting feelings. That’s all backwards. The closer we are to each other, the safer we should feel to practice flexing the relational muscles that help us both become better people. Our closest friends are the ones who know us best (Vulnerability), love us most (Positivity), and are most committed to us (Consistency), so those are the best places for us to practice such things as:

          setting boundaries

          asking for what we need

          sharing how their actions left us feeling

          giving loving, but honest feedback

          receiving feedback with the best of assumptions

          praising them when jealous

          giving voice to the unspoken issue we’re tempted to avoid

          disagreeing respectfully

          revealing our insecurities and doubts

          expressing pride for ourselves without downplaying our strengths

          negotiating for our preferences and needs

The list could go on, but the point is, if we can’t practice doing these skills with our friends, then what chance do we ever have of feeling more comfortable doing these important actions with our vendors, our customers, and our other team members? Our relationships are where we grow so if we’re willing to take on the joy of having fun together, then it’s also our responsibility to take on the Vulnerability of growth that comes with deep friendship.

This means we don’t make excuses for each other without asking some honest questions. Neither do we confuse loyalty for keeping someone in a role that isn’t working out. And we practice giving and receiving feedback, honestly meaning it when we say, “Do you think I read that wrong?” rather than practicing the defensiveness we might put up with someone we aren’t as sure has our best interests in mind. One of the best gifts we can give each other is the chance to role-play hard things that we each have to do in our positions.

The moral of the story: make sure our friendship is making us a better person, a better leader, a better contributor. Friendship isn’t something to hide behind but rather something to expand us.

Spend More Time Together Outside of Work and Leave Work Time for Others (Consistency)

As time and attention become our most valuable commodities in our relationships, it’s important that we invest them to meet the needs of our team and protect our friendship.

Focus mostly on others while at work: This isn’t to say we can’t connect while at work, but we want to be very clear that the last thing our colleagues want is to feel left out or concerned that the two of us act as a unit. We don’t need to sit next to each other in team meetings, eat lunch together every day, or be seen sitting for long periods of time in each other’s office. We’ll purposely mix with others at work parties, check in with colleagues about their weekends, and extend help to those around us. We remember that friendship isn’t an all-or-nothing game, so just because we’ve found one person we love being around doesn’t mean we don’t still invest heavily in those around us with our curiosity, authenticity, and kindness. These actions, from both of us, help protect our coworkers and contribute to a more positive workplace.

Spend time with your friend outside of work: As we become closer to someone at work, it becomes increasingly important that we spend more time with each other away from the workplace. Extending the invitation to connect at other times not only ensures that our bonding isn’t as visible of a threat to the team and isn’t on the company’s time, but it’s the best way we can protect our friendship too. If we want to remain friends after the job eventually ends for one of us, the chances to do that increase exponentially if we’ve already practiced spending time together away from the office. This will take our friendship to a whole new level, allowing us to see each other in different areas of our lives, giving us the space to talk more about new subjects, and hopefully eventually meeting other people who are important to each of us.


But what about when things inevitably go wrong?

The quote I chose to open my book Frientimacy was by Dr. Frank Andrews, who sagely said, “It seems impossible to love people who hurt and disappoint us, yet there are no other kinds of people.”1 It’s a painful realization that it’s impossible to be close to someone without also suffering from hurt feelings, unmet needs, and shattered expectations. And, yes, even our friends at work will annoy us, frustrate us, and leave us questioning their actions.

That doesn’t mean it’s an unhealthy friendship, or that our friend is selfish or toxic. In fact, depending on how we both respond to it, it can be the catalyst that leaves us feeling closer, safer, and more trusting of each other down the road. Think of close family members or romantic partners—we don’t feel safe with them because they’ve loved us perfectly the whole time, we feel safe with them because we’ve gone through hard things and still love each other on the other side.

But how to get there?

The First Step: Prioritize the Work

First and foremost, let’s remember we have two relationships in this one person: a friend and a colleague. And much the same way healthy parents continue to love and “coparent” their children even when they are fighting (even if what they are fighting about involves the kids), we will commit to “coworking” well together—no matter what. We don’t want the “kids” to suffer by speaking badly of the other parent, trying to get them to pick sides, fighting in front of them, or sabotaging the efforts of the other to care well for them. Even if a couple gets divorced and brings that romantic relationship to an end, they can still choose to be positive, contributing, and healthy coparents. Think of our work as “the kids,” and when we’re in front of them, they are our priority, which also means the other parent they love is our priority too.



In a moment we’ll look at how to reconcile as friends, but before that, and even if that never happens, let’s be clear with each other that we are mature enough to work well together as colleagues. That could include: