How to Develop Relationships at Work That Are Vulnerable

Of the Three Requirements, Vulnerability is undoubtedly the scariest one for most of us—especially in the workplace. When we think about encouraging it in the workplace, our brains conjure up images of employees crying in boardrooms, of employees gossiping and processing their personal drama instead of working, and of awkward trainings where we might all have to share our feelings.

But ask us what we want most from our coworkers and we’ll say things like:

          “I just want to feel appreciated for what I am doing.”

          “I want to feel safe sharing my ideas without feeling judged.”

          “It’d be nice to know my boss actually cared about me, as a person, not just as a means to an end.”

          “I wish I didn’t feel like I had to conform in order to be valued.”

          “I can see what we need, but no one ever asks me for my opinion.”

Then, ask the leaders and they’ll add to the list:

          “I wish I knew what my team really thought. Sometimes I’m afraid they just tell me what they think I want to hear.”

          “I think my team is capable of more, but that they’re so afraid of failure they prefer to play it safe.”

          “I often feel caught in the middle—feeling like I have to toe the party line and yet wanting to just be honest with them about what’s going on.”

          “I struggle between wanting to be closer to my team and worrying that then they won’t respect me.”

          “Sometimes I wish I was allowed to simply say, ‘I don’t know the right answer,’ without feeling like I’d look weak or incompetent.”

And you’ll see that despite our fears of Vulnerability gone bad, it’s actually Vulnerability at work that we desperately want. Not because we’re eager to come in and disclose our personal lives, but because we know how important it is to feel seen for who we are, even at work—or, maybe, especially at work. To that point, what continuously correlates with higher level of loneliness at work is how people answer the question about whether they “have to hide their true selves at work.”1 We want to be accepted for who we are. Work is not only where we spend most of our lives, but it’s where we’re making one of our biggest contributions. Why would we not want that significant side of us seen, recognized, valued, and accepted?


At the bottom of the Triangle, it’s not appropriate to confide and process our lives with someone with whom we don’t have a history of Consistency, but we can aim to be genuine in sharing who we are and be curious in learning more about the other. We won’t tell others everything about what we’re thinking, reveal our lives to them, or probe for juicy details—but we can aim to show up with authenticity in the context in which we’re connecting. At a bare minimum, we will show up with genuine interest—for who they are, in what we’re willing to share about ourselves, and for what this relationship could become.

The goal of Vulnerability is to get to know each other, which we do incrementally as we practice Consistency and Positivity with someone. When we’re asked what matters most to us in a relationship, most of us rank honesty at, or very near, the top.2 We want to believe that people are showing us who they really are, and we deeply want to believe we can do the same, without fear of judgment, exclusion, or punishment.

But, Vulnerability, perhaps more than Consistency or Positivity, is the one requirement our culture struggles with the most when it comes to “how much?” How honest should we be? How expressed can we be? How much of “us” can we show? How many of the details can we whisper? The Triangle provides us with the visual reminder that, again, it’s not whether to be honest, but to what degree.

Our goal is to be authentic in a way that is balanced by the level of relationship we have with someone. As we move up the Triangle, we will both practice increasing our Vulnerability in our shared context, eventually moving to sharing more in other areas of our lives, and slowly moving up to levels where we’re not only each sharing, but where we’re more likely to be processing our feelings, confiding our fears and shame, and shining proudly in who we are.

At the Top of the Triangle we experience meaningful transparency, both feeling that we either know everything there is to know about the other person, or at least that we’re willing to explore it together. Ideally, there is little need up there for filters, masks, or off-limit subjects because we feel secure in our commitment (highest level of Consistency) and complete acceptance (highest level of Positivity).


The most important thing is to keep in mind that there is a spectrum, a range of what’s appropriate to share and who needs to know what. We must work to find a baseline on which we can try to show up with as much genuine interest as any specific context calls for when interacting with most people. Then, with those who matter to us, we can hopefully move those relationships up the Triangle as we increase Vulnerability in conjunction with Consistency and Positivity.


Vulnerability, the willingness to lower our defenses and drop our protective armor, is the only way we will ever be seen. We might feel safe if we keep that smile plastered on our face, that polished image on our social media profiles, that commanding personality that makes people fear us, that poker face that leaves us feeling like we have the upper hand, or that ability to hide our feelings behind our jokes and laughter; but that pretense of safety comes at a huge cost of not really feeling known, seen, or understood.

If we want a high-performing team—either because we want to enjoy our time at work more or because we care about accomplishing our goals—then it’s not a matter of if we need more Vulnerability, but rather how we can create that “psychological safety” that is present in the best of teams.

In some ways, this might be the hardest chapter in the book to write, because “appropriate Vulnerability” will undoubtedly look very different in each of our contexts. A group of social work case managers might routinely end the day debriefing their cases with one another, talking about when they were personally triggered, and safely expressing their feelings. But it’s less expected that a group of lawyers would make the time to do the same, what with the valuing of billable hours, their likelihood of being out with clients, and being in an industry in which facts trump feelings. And while we can attest that lawyers represent one of the loneliest professions (so something probably needs to change), it’s beyond the scope of these pages to be able to determine what the ideal looks like for every industry, team, or culture.

But there are four guidelines I’d like to suggest, the first one filled with a long list of ways we could potentially practice Vulnerability no matter where we work.

Vulnerability Is More Than Disclosure

Vulnerability is not about everyone telling everyone everything. Not even close.

On the contrary, what we’re going for isn’t necessarily more disclosure as much as it’s more authenticity, empathy, curiosity, and courage. This isn’t about bringing more of our personal life drama to work as much as it’s about having the bravery to deal with the drama that is work. This isn’t about asking everyone on our team to reveal more as much as it’s about reducing judgment interruptions, and the fear of being embarrassed if we think outside the box. Vulnerability isn’t always about saying more as much as it’s about showing up more—showing up with honesty and hope when morale is down, showing up with courage and resilience when change is inevitable, showing up with kindness and clarity when hard conversations beckon.

Vulnerability is the remembering that we are human beings whose hearts and feelings not only can’t be shut off for eight hours a day but that we wouldn’t want them to be. We know that we aren’t our greatest despite our feelings, but because of them. Our Vulnerability is what allows us to celebrate our team wins, innovate creative solutions, empathize with our customers, and forgive our leaders for not living up to our expectations.

Vulnerability is the portal to feeling accepted, good enough, wanted, and valued. We want our vast experience to be helpful, our strengths to be appreciated, our ideas to be taken seriously, and our contributions to matter. For that to happen, we have to be willing to let those experiences, strengths, ideas, and contributions be seen. To feel accepted, we have to feel known; and to feel known, we have to reveal ourselves.

Examples of Vulnerability at Work

Brainstorming and Problem Solving. For many, this is one of the most vulnerable actions we can take—the sharing of our ideas. What if no one thinks it’s a good idea? Or worse, what if everyone goes in this direction, it doesn’t work, and I feel responsible?

In consulting various companies, I find myself in conversations all too frequently with employees who say something along the lines of, “It’s so frustrating because all he would have to do is . . .” Then a cascade of wisdom about what they wish their supervisor would do comes pouring out. To which I always ask, “Have you shared this with them?” Nine out of ten people say no. Oh, some will assure me that their boss wouldn’t listen or try to convince me it doesn’t really matter—they can just keep doing their job. But their venting behind the supervisors’ backs not only hurts the team that might benefit from that idea, but these employees are clearly frustrated and ultimately less engaged as they convince themselves that their ideas don’t matter.

One of the most powerful acts of brave Vulnerability we can practice is voicing our opinions and ideas. That doesn’t mean pushing them, fighting for them, or refusing to support other ways, but it does mean being willing to speak up when we see a problem and offer solutions when we can.

One manager of an internal communications team I worked with bravely, and vulnerably, led one team off-site meeting by asking all the people on her team to anonymously write down one problem they saw that they thought was either hurting the team or was a missed opportunity. She then wrote them all up on the whiteboard and facilitated a conversation about how these problems might be addressed.

As we build our relationships with one another, we practice “psychological safety,” which is the one most necessary ingredient on every high-performing team. We have to believe that we can say something without being embarrassed, dismissed, ostracized, or punished.

Celebrating, Cheering, and Pride. Vulnerability isn’t only acknowledging the shame we feel around our insecurities, but it’s also recognizing we have just as much, if not more, shame around our success.

Pride, like joy, is one of the feelings that brings the most Positivity, and yet it’s a vulnerable feeling that comes with guilt for far too many. Pride doesn’t mean we think we’re better than everyone, just as to feel inspired doesn’t mean we think we’re more inspired than everyone. We can feel pride, and should feel pride, and still celebrate and cheer for the success of others. True humility isn’t thinking less of ourselves, downplaying our success, or dismissing compliments; true humility sees how amazing we are and believes that everyone else is too. We don’t need more false humility in this world, and we definitely don’t need more people thinking less of themselves. We have big problems, and we need people who believe they can solve them. If Vulnerability is about being seen, then of course, we definitely want to be seen for our good too.

I routinely ask my friends, “Tell me something you’re proud of in your life right now.” I figure if we can’t practice being proud with our friends, then what chance do we have of showing up in the world with the confidence we need for facing the critics, the obstacles, and the fears? The workplace, in embracing more Vulnerability, has the chance to also shine brighter.

Showing Our Creativity. Sharing our creativity, in any form, is one of the most vulnerable acts because not only does creativity hinge so very much on uncertainty, but it can so often feel like a piece of us is on display, naked.

While some industries live in the world of creativity—advertising, performance art, music, fashion, research and development, media, and architecture, to name a few—creativity is a skill that is in growing demand across our workforce. A recent IBM study of 1,500 CEOs revealed that creativity is the single most important skill for leaders,3 and in a workforce preparedness study conducted by The Conference Board, 97 percent of employers said that creativity is of increasing importance.4

But we won’t have it on our team without practicing Vulnerability. Our employees aren’t going to volunteer that risk in a vacuum.

This was brought home for me as I recently facilitated an off-site meeting for a design team that scored high in Vulnerability. At first, I had been surprised because they all work remotely, which often isn’t correlated to high Vulnerability scores. And they had such diversity on the team that commonalities that might have helped them feel close weren’t immediately apparent. But, as Lee said, “Hey, when every week you’re each putting your ideas and designs in front of each other, knowing the end product will look nothing like what you are starting with, you have no choice but to be vulnerable.”

A couple things we can learn from teams that practice this skill regularly: the more you do it, the easier it becomes as you get less attached to any one form of your creativity; and the more everyone does it, the more likely everyone learns to practice empathy, Positivity, and encouragement as they all know what it feels like to have their work on display.

Responding to Conflict. It is not conflict that hurts a relationship, or organization, as much as our response to that conflict. The two most damaging responses tend to be avoiding the frustration and letting it fester in order to keep a façade of peace, or blowing up bombs of blame, shame, and anger.

The cost of ignoring conflict, in addition to the missed opportunity to learn more about each other and build the trust that we can solve problems together, is high turnover, passive-aggressive communication, a dysfunctional team, loss of productivity, and broken trust.

And I’ll guess that most conflicts we avoid aren’t some clear and obvious malicious monsters everyone on the team sees. Yes, there is bullying, blatant grievances, and palpable problems, but it’s frequently the less straightforward conflicts that we dodge: giving honest feedback to an employee, sharing our disagreement on the best approach to a problem, telling a coworker we took offense to his or her comment, or not expressing a need we have for our workplace comfort and effectiveness.

Jacob says that while he has a lot of good ideas, he hates “fighting about the best way forward, so it’s easier to just sit back and let everyone else figure it out.” To have people back down, wait and see, or simply withdraw is not only a massive loss of possibility for the organization and team, but it means one more employee who doesn’t feel seen. Ironically, it’s often the people who hate conflict the most who have the greatest superpower for bringing harmony to a team, if only they’d be willing to stay engaged and help influence the tone of the conversation.

Learning how to confront issues in mature and healthy ways takes incredible Vulnerability. We know what to expect if we just swallow our feelings (or go home and complain to someone else when we’re in charge of the narrative!), but we step right into uncertainty when we choose to engage. Vulnerability invites us to be less defensive, more present, and in touch with our feelings—all qualities that can turn conflict into connection.

Honoring Diversity and Inclusion. Diversity isn’t just getting our numbers right, it’s making sure we hear more voices, experiences, and perspectives. In other words, diversity for optics isn’t the same as diversity when we really see the unique contribution. But that takes Vulnerability, because we don’t know what we don’t know.

All too often we hire diversity because we love the idea of having new voices added into the mix, and yet in reality we don’t bring the curiosity that encourages those voices. To hire them means we may have to learn to do things differently. To welcome them means admitting our viewpoint isn’t the only, or the best, one. To hear them means we have to stop speaking and start listening. Those calls are all born from Vulnerability—that place where we don’t have complete control.

If our goal is for our employees “to feel seen in a safe and satisfying way,” then how can we ask questions in a way that assures them we not only won’t punish them for their answers but will appreciate their perspective? Are we willing to hear the answers to “What might we not see that you do?” or “What might you need that we haven’t thought of yet?” To ask this of our oldest and youngest employees; to ask this of people with different work styles, strengths, and personalities; to ask this of those who come from other countries, religious backgrounds, and political leanings; to ask this of the minority gender, ethnicity, and sexual orientation; to ask this of those who have physical or mental challenges; to ask this of those who have worked primarily outside of our industry—this is what it means to value diversity.

Living with chronic pain, Peter expended so much energy every day simply trying to hide this truth. He downplayed it, minimized it, and tried to pretend it simply didn’t bother him. But when a friend asked him, “If you could change anything at work, what would it be?” it got him thinking how even a few hours of working alone in quietness every afternoon would feel like a game changer. His friend then responded, “That’s not an impossible request, you know.” An eventual conversation with his boss inspired her to ask everyone on the team that same question, which resulted in a lot of people feeling like their needs were taken seriously.

Jaysmine, an African American woman, says she just wishes that people weren’t so afraid of talking about racism at her workplace. “I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched us avoid the conversations we need to have because our senior leaders are afraid of saying or doing the wrong thing.” It takes Vulnerability to say, “We won’t do this perfectly, but we want to try. Will you help us?”

Our companies won’t benefit from the beauty of diversity until, and unless, we are vulnerable enough to let those diversified voices impact and change us.

Apologizing. Apologizing is a tricky business. It’s perhaps one of the most courageous choices a human can make, because it’s truly a lowering of our defenses. “We are wired for defensiveness,” says psychologist Harriet Lerner, author of Why Won’t You Apologize? “It’s very hard for humans to take clear and direct responsibility for specifically what we have said or done.”5

We don’t always know how the other person will respond. Will it lead to the outcome we hope for? What will they end up thinking about us? How will we feel afterward? Furthermore, most of us don’t even know how to do it well, when we should do it, or why. But apologies—recognition that we broke a social rule, unintentionally or not—can do more to repair trust in a relationship than nearly any other act of Vulnerability. An apology tells the other person we see them and their hurt feelings and that we care enough to want to reestablish better expectations.

But here’s the tricky part: the answer isn’t for all of us to apologize more.

Much has been said about women’s tendency to over-say “sorry.” We apologize for asking someone to fix what they messed up, for having a differing opinion, for taking someone’s time, and for expecting people to do their job. Vulnerability in many situations might mean being brave enough to take up space without apologizing.

Conversely, considering that our culture has not been stellar at encouraging, modeling, or expecting men to practice Vulnerability, it would make sense that those muscles probably aren’t as well developed. Lerner points out that while “in all cultures studied, men apologize less frequently than women,” it’s not because they refuse to do it as much as that they don’t think they’ve done anything wrong.

Gabriel lamented to me, “I honestly didn’t think I needed to apologize. I obviously didn’t mean to offend her and she tends to be overly sensitive.” But he said that watching the news of men in power refusing to apologize to people whom they’ve hurt softened him enough to try. The connection left him feeling greater respect for her and increased trust in their working relationship.

Whether we each fit those gender norms or not, the gift in Vulnerability is for each of us to be more reflective as we ask ourselves if we are more likely to hide behind our apologies or our defensiveness. But either way, our goal is to hide less.

And the list could go on. It takes Vulnerability to: