Before delving into the story, allow me to share a moment of candor. I have had the great fortune of working closely with Herb Greenberg for over a quarter of a century. He has been a mentor, a business partner, and a friend. We wrote two books together (one a New York Times bestseller) and presented our findings at global conferences in Shanghai, London, Paris, Dublin, São Paolo, and Honolulu, among many others. When Herb appointed me president of his management consulting firm in January 2009, as the great recession hit us and our clients with a gale force, together we learned an enormous amount as we guided our company through its most challenging time. After realigning our strategy and creating even stronger bonds with our employees and our clients, we led Caliper into a new era, introducing many innovations.
I have long admired Herb’s intelligence, wit, creativity, insights, and sheer determination. I am, admittedly, a fan. So, there is no way I can be totally objective. What I can promise you, however, is to provide a candid insider’s view into the inner workings of a tireless entrepreneur, one who knows how to see the bright side of any cloudy situation, one who never seems to be daunted by a challenge, one who senses opportunities where others see confusion, one who wants to level the playing field for anyone who (like himself) did not have an equal opportunity, one whose enthusiasm is contagious, one who is always stretching to be “just a little better,” and one who pursues his passions with everything he has—and then some.
I can also promise that you will gain insights into the psychological makeup of a leader—insights that you will be able to apply to your own personal leadership journey and that will help you uncover and develop the leadership potential of others. As I tell this story in segments, then step back and provide psychological insights for you to reflect upon, I believe you will find a way to strengthen your own leadership potential so that it convincingly highlights your strengths, beliefs, and values.
This book combines an entrepreneur’s inspiring personal story with practical ideas and insights that can help you become the leader you were meant to be.
Herb Greenberg, who lost his sight at the age of 10, has been able to see something that many of us inadvertently overlook—our own potential, and the potential of those around us.
He went on to create a consulting firm with offices in over a dozen countries that for more than a half century has helped Fortune 500 companies as well as start-ups and organizations in-between to discover and develop the potential of their applicants and employees.
This book was created to share insights from Herb’s inspiring story, with the goal of helping you realize your own leadership potential, uncover the potential of those around you, and see a new world of possibilities.
In the rendering of this unique story, you will find three distinct interwoven layers. On one level, there is a truly inspirational success story about an entrepreneur who faces daunting challenges with fervent belief, hope, and confidence. In parallel, we will delve into psychological qualities derived from this story so that you can reflect upon how you might apply these insights for yourself and others. In addition, each chapter contains questions for you to consider as you create your own vision, tap into your personal strengths, pursue your own leadership journey, and seek to develop leaders around you.
Herb’s story is about overcoming seemingly insurmountable odds, finding an inner strength, connecting with others, creating his own path, loving what he does, and succeeding on his own terms. His lessons will resonate viscerally with the hearts and minds of leaders everywhere. Essential to his story, as it is for every leader, is knowing what to accept and, equally important, knowing what to fight for.
I am very enthused about sharing this story because inside of it, I believe you may also glean psychological insights into how you as a leader can shape your own story, sense opportunities, become more optimistic, overcome rejection, take necessary risks, strive to be “just a little bit better,” and see new possibilities in yourself and in those with whom you choose to surround yourself.
With that, there is one last thing I can promise: the story of a leader that will engage and inspire you—touching your heart and opening your mind.