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Aide-de-camp position



Alexander, Edward P.

Alger, Russell A.

Bristoe campaign and

Chickahominy crossing and

Gettysburg and

James City and

Richmond and

Trevilian Station and

Allen, R. O.


Andersonville Prison

Antietam, Battle for

Appomattox Station

Army of Northern Virginia

Army of Virginia


Ash, Joseph P.

Averell, William W.

Bacon, Albert

Bacon, Daniel (father-in-law)

approval of

disapproval of

engagement and

life of

Bacon, Eleanor Sophia

Bacon, Elizabeth. See Custer, Libbie (wife)

Bacon, Rhoda (mother-in-law)

Baker, Laurence S.

Ball, Charles

Ballard, S. A.

Ballard, S. H.

Balloon Corps

Banks, Nathaniel

Bank’s Ford

Barbour, John S. “Jack”

Barnard, John G.

Barse, George R.

Battle flags

Beauregard, Pierre G. T.

Beaver Dam Station,

Benet, Stephen Vincent

Benny Havens Tavern

Beverly Ford

Bingham, John A.

Birge, Manning D.

Birth of George Custer

Black Horse Cavalry

Black Thursday

Blackford, William

Blair, Austin

Bolza, Charles E.


Bowen, Nicholas

Boyd, Erasmus J.

Bragg, Braxton

Brandy Station

Brewer, Charles

Briggs, George

Bristoe Campaign

Brooke-Rawle, William

Brown, Eliza Denison

Brown, G. Campbell

Brown, John

Browne, Mortimer L.

Buchanan, James

Buckland Races

Buell, Don Carlos

Buford, John

Beverly Ford and

Bristoe Campaign and

cavalry organization and

Culpeper and

Heth and

Jones’s Crossroads and

Williamsport and

Buhrman, C. H.

Bull Run, First Battle of

Bull Run, Second Battle of


Burnside, Ambrose E.

Burnt District

Burton’s Ford

Butler, M. C.

Buttermilk Farms

Camp followers

Capeheart, Henry


Cavalry tactics

Cedar Creek

Cemetery Ridge


Chambliss, John

Brandy Station and

Gettysburg and,

Hagerstown and

Jones’s Crossroads and

Chancellorsville, Battle of

Chandler, Zachariah

Chapman, George

Chickahominy River

Christiancy, Isaac

Christiancy, James


Church, Albert

Churchill, Norvil F.

Cisco, Johnny

A Complete Life of Gen. George A. Custer (Whittaker)

Comte, Victor

Confederate States of America, formation of

Copeland, Joseph


Court martials

Crawford, George

Cress Ridge

Cub Run Bridge


Custer, Boston (brother)

Custer, Brice (half-brother)

Custer, Emanuel (father)

Custer, John (half-brother)

Custer, Libbie (wife)

after death of Custer

at ceremony for promotion to general

concerns of

courtship of

early life of

engagement to

Fanny Fifield and

feelings of

initial encounter with

life after marriage

at Long Meadow

marriage proposal and

at signing of surrender document

wedding and

on West Point

Custer, Margaret (sister)

Custer, Maria (mother)

Custer, Nevin (brother)

Custer, Thomas (brother)

birth of

joining army

Medals of Honor and

at wedding

working with

Custer’s Luck

Dabb’s Farm

Dahlgren, Ulrick

Dandridge, Adam

Dandridge, Sallie

Davies, Henry E.

Davis, Benjamin “Grimes”

Davis, Jefferson

Deane, Charles

Delafield, Richard


Devin, Thomas C.

Dinwiddie Court House


Dorsey, Gus W.

Douglas, Henry


Duffie, Alfred

Dunlop, William

Early, Jubal

Gettysburg and

Shenandoah and

at Waynesborough

Early life of George Custer

Elder, Samuel

Eliza (cook). See Brown, Eliza Denison

Emancipation Proclamation


Evans, Lemuel D.

Everett, Edward

Ewell, Richard


Fair Oaks

Falling Waters,

Farnsworth, Elon

Hanover and

promotion of

slaughter of

Farnsworth, John F.

Felty farm

Ferguson, M. J.

Fern, Fanny

Fifield, Fanny

anger of

Libbie Custer and

marriage of

relationship with Custer

Fisher’s Hill,

Five Forks

Flags, captured

Fleetwood Hill

Flourney, Cabell E.

Fontaine, Edmund

Fontaine, John B.

Forney farm

Fought, Joseph

Fredericksburg, Battle of

Fremont, John C.

French, John

Funsten, O. R.

Gallantry, citation for

Gamble, William


Gettysburg, Battle for

events preceding

first day at

map of

overview of

retreat after

second day at

Stuart’s role in loss at

third day of

Gettysburg Address

Gordon, James B.

Grant, Ulysses S.

at Lee’s surrender

life of

Sheridan and

Tennessee and

Trevilian Station and

unconditional surrender and

Gray, George

Gray Ghost

Greeley, Horace

Greene, Jacob

Greenwood, Grace

Gregg, David

Brandy Station and

Culpeper and

as division commander

Gettysburg and,

Kelly’s Ford and

Munford and

Todd’s Tavern and

Trevilian Station and

Gregg, John Irvin

Griffin, Charles

Griffin, W. H.


Halleck, Henry

Hampton, Wade

Beverly Ford and

cavalry organization and

Cress Ridge and

Fleetwood Hill and

Gettysburg and,

Hanover and

Hunterstown and

promotion of

reorganization of cavalry and

supply train capture and

Trevilian Station and

Hancock, Winfield Scott

Hanover Road

Harpers Ferry raid

Harper’s Weekly magazine covers

Harry (horse)

Havens, Edwin

Haw’s Shop, battle at

Hazen, William B.

Heth, Henry

Hill, Ambrose

Holland, Mary Jane “Mallie”

Holmes, Theodore J.

Hooker, Joseph

Chancellorsville and

Lookout Mountain and

promotion of

resignation of

Williamsburg and

Yorktown and



Howard, Jacob M.

Howard, Oliver O.

Hudgin, Dr.

Huey, Pennock

Huff, John A.

Hullihen, W. Q.

Humphrey, Annette (“Nettie”)

Humphrey, Levi S.

Hunter, David


Imboden, John

Injuries to Custer


Isham, Asa B.

Jackson, Thomas “Stonewall”

Bull Run and

Chancellorsville and

death of

Mechanicsville and

James City

Jenkins, Albert G.

Jenkins, Micah

Johnston, Albert Sidney

Johnston, Joseph E.

Johnston, P. P.

Jones, Anna E.

Jones, William E. “Grumble”

Kearny, Philip

Kellogg, F. W.

Kelly, John

Kelly’s Ford

Kennedy, John Pendleton

Keogh, Myles W.

Kidd, James H.

after Williamsport

Brandy Station and

Bristoe Campaign and

on cavalry tactics

Chickahominy crossing and

Gettysburg and

Kilpatrick and

Kilpatrick-Dahlgren raid and

Richmond and

Trevilian Station and

Wilderness and


Kilpatrick, Judson

Aldie and

Boonsboro, Williamsport and

Bristoe Campaign and

cavalry organization and

command of

Culpeper and

death of Farnsworth and men and

espionage and

Gettysburg and

Hanover and

loss of command

Richmond and

wagon train and

Weber’s cavalry unit and

West Point and

Williamsport and

Kilpatrick-Dahlgren raid

Kirkpatrick, David (half-brother)

Kirkpatrick, Lydia Ann. See Reed, Lydia Ann (half-sister)

“Knight of the Golden Spurs”

Lane, Lafayette “Lafe”

Latane, William

Lea, John “Gimlet”

Lee, Fitzhugh

Aldie and

Brandy Station and

Bristoe Campaign and

cavalry organization and

Gettysburg and,

injury to

as possible successor to Stuart

pursuit of Union cavalry and

Trevilian Station and

Wilderness and

Lee, Harry

Lee, Robert E.

aggressiveness of

appointment as leader of Confederate forces

Boonsboro, Williamsport and

Brandy Station and

Bull Run and

cavalry organization and

Chancellorsville and

Gettysburg and

Harpers Ferry raid and

Rapidan river and

retreat after Gettysburg

Sayler’s Creek and

Stuart and

surrender of

Wilderness and

Lee, Rooney

Lincoln, Abraham

election of

Emancipation Proclamation and

Gettysburg Address and

Libbie Custer and

loyalty to

reelection of

rumors of secession and

Lippincott, Sara

Little Bighorn

Locke’s Ford

Lomax, Lunsford L.

Bristoe Campaign and

cavalry organization and

Culpeper and

Richmond and

Longstreet, James

Appomattox and

Gettysburg and

Stuart and

Williamsburg and

Lowe, Thaddeus S. C.


Ludlow, William

Lynching parties

Magruder, Fort

Magruder, John B.

Manassas, Battles of

March to the Sea

Marshall, Charles

Martin, James P.

Mattoon, D. C.

McClellan, George Brinton

aide-de-camp to

Antietam and

leadership of

life of

loss of command

presidential candidacy of

promotion of Custer and

relationship with

Seven Days’ Campaign and

Seven Pines and Fair Oaks and

Yorktown and

McClellan, Henry

Brandy Station and

death of Stuart and

Kilpatrick-Dahlgren raid and

Richmond and

Rummel’s farm and

McClure, William

McCoy’s Ford

McCrea, Tully

McDowell, Irvin

McIntosh, John

McLean, Wilmer

Meade, George Gordon

Bristoe Campaign and

Gettysburg and

Hagerstown and

Kilpatrick-Dahlgren raid and

life of

Mine Run Campaign and

Richmond and

Stuart and

Mechanicsville, Battle of

Medals of Honor

Merritt, Wesley

Appomattox and

Brandy Station and

Five Forks and

Kilpatrick-Dahlgren raid and

lack of promotion of

praise for

promotion of

Richmond and

Trevilian Station and

West Point and

Mexican War

Michigan Brigade Ball

Middle Military Division

Miller, William,

Mine Run Campaign

Monroe, Michigan

Moorman, Marcellus N.

Morton’s Ford

Mosby, John Singleton

Munford, Thomas


Namozine Church

National Conscription Act

Neckties, scarlet

Negley, James Scott

Noble, Conway

Owen, Thomas

Palmer, Innes

Palmer, James

Parker, Jim

Parsons, H. C.

Parsons, James

Pate, Henry C.

Paul, E. A.

Payne, W. H.

Peace Platform

Pelham, John

Chambersburg and

death of

praise for

promotion of

Sallie Dandridge and

West Point and

Williamsburg and

Pender, William

Pennington, Alexander

Bristoe Campaign and

Culpeper and

Five Forks and

Gettysburg and,

Lea and

West Point and

Williamsport and

Peterkin, Joshua



Pettigrew, J. Johnson

Pickett, George E.

Five Forks and

Gettysburg and

Pickett’s charge

Pitts, Fred

Pleasonton, Alfred

aide-de-camp for

Aldie and

Brandy Station and

Bristoe Campaign and

Gettysburg and

heroism of Custer and

Kilpatrick-Dahlgren raid and

loss of command

support for Custer from

“Pleasonton’s Pet”

Pope, John

Porter, Fitz-John

Potter, Horace



Quaker guns

Raccoon Ford

Ramseur, Stephen D.

Randol, Alanson,


Reed, David (brother-in-law)

Reed, Harry (nephew)

Reed, Lydia Ann (half-sister)

Reno, Marcus


Richmond, Loraine

Richmond, Nathaniel P.

Richmond, Rebecca

Roanoke (horse)

Robertson, Beverly

Robertson, James M.

Rooster incident

Rose (dog)

Rosser, Betty

Rosser, Thomas Lafayette

Aldie and

Bristoe Campaign and

Bull Run and

Five Forks and

Gettysburg and

injury to

Kilpatrick-Dahlgren raid and

lack of confidence in

promotion of

Shenandoah and

Trevilian Station and

West Point and

Wilderness and

Royce, David G.

Rummel’s farm,

Russell’s Ford

Ryerson, Peter

Saber hooks


Sanford, George B.

Sayler’s Creek

Scott, Winfield


Sedgwick, John

Seven Days’ Campaign

Seven Pines and Fair Oaks, Battle of

Seventh Michigan Cavalry

Shenandoah campaign

Sheridan, Philip

command of

Five Forks and

overview of

Richmond and

Shenandoah and

Spotsylvania and

surrender table and

Total War and

Trevilian Station and

Sheridan’s Ride

Sherman, William T.

Shiloh, Battle of

Sims, Robert

Skiff Creek bridge


Smith, William F. (“Baldy”)

Somerville Ford

Special Order No. 191

Special sword


Stagg, Peter

Stahel, Julius

Stanton, Edwin

Stebbins’ Academy

Stedman, William

Stoneman, George

Storrs, Charles E.

Stuart, Jeb

after Gettysburg

Aldie and

Brandy Station and

Bristoe Campaign and

cavalry organization and

Chambersburg and

Culpeper and

death of

Gettysburg and

Hanover and

Harpers Ferry raid and

injury to

Kilpatrick-Dahlgren raid and

overview of

purpose of cavalry and

Richmond and

Spotsylvania and

supply train capture and

Wilderness and

Yorktown and

Sumter, Fort

Surrender at Appomattox Court House

Surrender table

Swallow Barn (Kennedy)

Taylor, Walter

Terrill, William R.

Thomas, Charles

Thomas, George H.

Thompson, George H.

Thompson, Henry E.


Todd’s Tavern


Tom’s Brook

Torbert, Alfred T. A.

Harpers Ferry and

promotion of

replacement of

Shenandoah and

Trevilian Station and

Total War

Town, Charles H.

Trevilian Station

United States Military Academy at West Point

appointment to

arrest and

entrance exam for

graduation from

history of

impact of impending war on

time at

Urbanna incident

Vallandingham, Clement L.

Venable, A. R. “Reid”

Vicksburg, siege of

Von Borcke, Heros

Walker, Leicester

Walker, R. Lindsay

War of 1812

Warren, Gouverneur

Washburne, Elihu B.

Washington, James

Washington Artillery

Watts, George


Weber, Peter


Week of Prayer service

Wells, William

West Point Military Academy

appointment to

arrest and

entrance exam for

graduation from

history of

impact of impending war on

time at

Whitaker, Edward W.

Whiting, Charles J.

Whittaker, Frederick

Wickham, Williams C.

Wilcox, C. M.

The Wilderness,



Willis, Sara Payson

Wilson, James H.


Winston, Betty. See Rosser, Betty

Winston Farm

Witcher, Vincent


Woodstock Races

Wright, Horatio G.

Wyndham, Percy

Yankee Doodle

Yates, George

Yates, Richard

Yellow Tavern


Young, Pierce M. B.

Zieber, William K.