If Laurel and Hardy would of been Laos, they would of been Suk and Sivilai. You ain't never seen two funnier looking Asians in your life. Suk had a waist that was somewhere down around his knees. He had so many chins, one of 'em was his belly. The only meat on Sivilai was his tongue. You see them two together and you think some guy's been separated from his skeleton and he's walking around with it figuring how to get it back in.
But, man, them two was dedicated to the Pathet Lao. They sure was. There wasn't a thing they wouldn't of done for Porn and Souk. It's just that the PL couldn't use 'em much on account of the way they looked. Secret agents gotta be invisible. It don't help if they give the impression they're gonna launch into a comedy routine. It was heartbreaking for the two guys stuck in an office doing paperwork.
So you can imagine how delighted they was when they got their first mission. They was Thai-based PL with legal, well, almost legal, Thai papers, so they was perfect for the job Porn give 'em. After the briefing, they went up to Mukdahan and met up with the Lao/American girl and she give 'em the background.
Both of 'em fell head over heels in love with Saifon, but thanks to their loyalty to each other neither of 'em confessed their feelings. Suk knew Saifon would of chose him and it would of crushed his friend. Sivilai knew the same thing only in reverse.
They was camped out in their van down from the compound on the Ubon road when the truck come out. There was two guys to do the driving and it stopped at the first gas station and filled up. You never filled up in the northeast less you was planning a real long trip. It was a box truck but Suk climbed up on the roof of their van and could see that there was vents open on the top. That had to be the dispatch they was watching for.
Suk and Sivilai shared the driving and kept their distance just like they'd seen at the movies. Next morning they found they was coming into the outskirts of Bangkok. A couple of times they almost lost the truck in crazy traffic. The deeper they got into the city, the crazier it got.
At nine in the morning that old truck stopped in front of a pair of fancy iron gates at a big, dumb-looking mansion near the docks. It pulled inside, the gates shut, and the boys knew they'd just done a real good job of spying. For sure, they was going on to bigger and better things.