Author's Note

The character; Wilbur was based on a real-life hero who was stationed in Lao during the secret war. Whatever criticisms we may have about the wisdom or ethics of America's involvement there, the fact remains that many brave people on both sides lost their lives fighting for what they believed was right.

One of those was Major Wilbur M Greene. His role in Laos was pretty much as I've described it. The thoughts and beliefs attributed to Wilbur in this book belong entirely to the fictional character. Yet I hope I haven't betrayed his spirit by painting him with humour.

Will Greene died of hepatitis in Udon in April 1972. He was loved by the men he served with, and respected as a soldier and field officer.

I hope his children enjoy his appearance in this book.




Over one and three quarter million people died from the fighting in Indochina between 1965 and 1975. Most of these were civilians.


War and violence are not the last resort of conflict. They are merely the evidence that man is not intelligent enough to solve his problems any other way.