Chapter 2


“Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.”

—(I Cor. 13:1)

This is the greatest Love Epic ever written. If men and women were to meditate on the inner meaning of this chapter, one of the greatest in the Bible, their lives would be transformed. It is only too true that men use high-sounding words, write beautiful poetry and give wonderful sermons, yet unless these words be permeated with love and feeling they are empty.

For example, a man told me recently that his mother was dying in the hospital. His sister visited him, and together they went to the hospital, where the girl began to pray audibly. He said the words were beautiful, poetic and flowery. When she had finished she said to him, “Were the words not lovely?” And he replied, “Yes, my dear, they were.” On their way down from the ward, his sister turned to him saying, “Mother hasn’t got a chance, poor thing. She will die shortly.” He told me how stunned he was with surprise.

Here is a perfect illustration of what this verse means. Love is Freedom. The words used by this good lady were beautiful and she was sincere enough in her own way. Nevertheless, they were as sounding brass and tinkling cymbal. In order to make words effective, they have to be felt as true. It is necessary to pour life, love and feeling into our words and statements of truth.

This girl had not Charity (Love). Charity, in the Bible, means Love. Love is the cement that binds. It is that sense of Oneness with the Father of all—the Almighty Power. Therefore, Love being a deep sense of our unity with God, with Life, with the All Powerful, we must in prayer become one with our ideal of perfection.

In the case of a woman who is sick in the hospital, we must not “see” her sick or in pain. No, we must have Charity—or Love—and see her as the perfect being, an offspring of the Infinite, clothed with all the qualities and attributes of God.

Love frees, it opens prison doors, sets free the captives and them that are bound. It gives beauty for ashes, the oil of Joy for mourning and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness that we may become trees of righteousness.

A simple treatment used by a son for his crippled mother in Rochester recently was as follows: He did not see her as a cripple—he had Charity, which is the Love of God, or Good. This boy healed his belief about his mother through Divine Love. He decided that he would become as a little child and shed all his preconceived notions and beliefs about medicine, doctors’ verdicts, mother’s attitude, etc. Twice daily he prayed in this simple, direct and spontaneous manner: “Mother’s life is God’s life and it flows through her now as harmony, health and peace. There is only the One Life and that is God and God is Life.” Then he would say to himself, “How can the flow of life be impeded?” And he reasoned that, “In Truth it cannot be. Mother is believing a lie and she is experiencing the results of her false belief. Now,” he said to himself, “the truth is God walks and talks in her. She is healed; made whole and perfect now—this instant!”

Then every night before going to sleep, in his imagination he would kiss his mother and feel her warm embrace. He would hear her say to him, “Son, a miracle has happened. God has healed me and I walk. Isn’t it wonderful?” He would reply, “Yes, mother, His Name is wonderful!” Then he would go off to sleep into the arms of the Absolute Lover.

Truly this man spoke with the tongues of angels. The angel means the new attitude of mind, a new perception of God or Good. The angel is “the angle” at which we look at God. This boy’s angle was that there is only One Presence and One Power and It is now moving in his behalf. “None shall stay its hand and say unto it what doest thou.” Love frees.