APPROXIMATELY 153 MILLION children around the world live as orphans, meaning that they have lost at least one parent. Included in that number are about eighteen million children who have lost both parents. Not included in that number, though, are the millions of effectively orphaned children who live in institutions or on the streets, in addition to vast multitudes who live as “social orphans,” meaning that even if a parent is alive, the children rarely, if ever, see that parent or experience life as part of a family.[2]
When you add to the world’s orphan crisis the 245 million widows—115 million of whom live in poverty and suffer from social isolation and economic deprivation as a result of losing their husbands—the problem can feel overwhelming.[3] However, Scripture teaches us that God knows and cares about the plight of orphans and widows. In fact, he tells his people throughout Scripture to take care of those in need. We are to imitate Jesus in reaching out to the destitute. And, as we provide for the physical needs of orphans and widows, we also point people to the one who provides ultimate security and protection through the gospel.