
Chapter 11


Kip followed Major Burke around Los Angeles for the rest of the day. After searching Danielle’s house, Burke turned up Topanga Canyon and drove into the San Fernando Valley, a hot, sticky basin of humanity cradled behind Los Angeles. It was just like LA, but enjoyed more smog, more chain restaurants and ten more degrees of heat.

Burke drove along Ventura Boulevard, stopping at a California Pizza Kitchen in Tarzana where he ate alone outside on the patio. Kip ate two energy bars and drank a bottle of water, all the while considering jumping the fence to steal a slice from Burke’s plate. Instead, he waited in his Toyota across the street until the Major had downed a cold beer and ate his pizza. It was dark as Burke finished his meal and climbed back into his SUV.

Burke continued down Ventura, past the Taco Bell, Carl’s Jr, Panda Express, Dominos, Johnny Rockets, Baja Fresh, Hamburger Hamlet, Fatburger, and Koo Koo Roo’s.

He turned onto the Hollywood Freeway heading back into LA but exited at Universal Studios. He entered the Jurassic Parking Garage with Kip following, parking a few rows away.

Burke climbed the escalators up to City Walk, a few artificial blocks of retail shops, restaurants, and amusements, all themed around the movies. A giant King Kong swung out over the street, outlined in neon. An angry Incredible Hulk grimaced out from a hole in the wall next to the multiplex. A giant guitar stood tall and proud beside the Hard Rock Cafe. Burke ignored all these marvels as he entered the domed central courtyard and stood in line at the Jamba Juice.  

Kip held back, mixing in with the crowd of tourists while Burke waited for his drink. Once he paid for it, he walked up and down the two blocks of City Walk, killing time. Kip felt exposed as he followed Major Burke from the Billabong store to the Hard Rock Cafe and back again.

Burke finally stopped in the EB Games electronic store near the movie theaters. He stood in the window playing a demo of a warfare game, with a TV screen turned to the street so passers-by could watch the game. Kip sat on a bench outside, watching a crowd gathering around Burke as he shot his way from level to level, racking up kill points. One man caught his eye, an older man wearing aviator sunglasses. He watched Burke play for several minutes and then walked to the racks of games at the rear of the store. Burke stopped playing and moved near the older man. They stood near each other, backs to the windows, intently leafing through the selection of video games.

Kip took a risk and entered EB Games, opening his cell phone to get a picture of the two men together. He had no hope of hearing their conversation, but he wanted evidence of the two men together and perhaps identify the older man. He figured he had one shot at a photo. Kip stood by a rack of game magazines, opened one up, laying his cell phone on the page, and lined up a shot.  

He slid his phone above the magazine and snapped one side view of the two men from across the store. It showed them in profile, but it was the best he would get. He put the magazine back in the rack and left the store, just as his cell phone rang.  

“Yeah,” said Kip, walking fast across the plaza, into the crowd watching a rock video on the giant screen. He turned back to monitor the game store.  

“I’ve got something that might help,” said Danielle. “Where are you?”

“Universal Citywalk. Burke’s meeting an older guy, tall, thin, wearing sunglasses at night.”

“Interesting. It could be his Jericho boss. I’ve never met him, but everyone at Archer is afraid of him.”

“I got a photo of him. So, what have you got?” asked Kip.

“I think I have a name for our ghost in the jungle. He’s an agent on Novak’s shadow team. He’s called the Witch Doctor.”

“Good name for a spook assassin. Anything else?”

“His real name may be Mendez. He searched for the name using Patricia Master’s account. Burke’s name was also in the search list.”

“He searched on Burke’s name?” said Kip. “Give me the highlights on this Witch Doctor. What was in his file?”

“I’m trying to find something. The guy deleted all the files he found.”

“Novak must have something on him. We need to talk to our friend Karl again. Can you set something up?”

“Sure, if I still have my job. I haven’t reported in yet.”

“You better make up with Archer. We need someone inside and you’re it.”

“Do you realize what you’re asking? If I go back inside the building, I might never get out again,” said Danielle.

“I see Burke coming out now. I’ll call when I have something,” he said, hanging up.

Burke drove fast down the Hollywood Freeway, turning off into Hollywood and eventually weaving down to Sunset. Traffic was insane, slowed to a crawl from Fairfax going west. The eastbound lanes were a mere trickle of vehicles, nothing like normal. Burke’s SUV was plainly visible a few cars ahead of Kip. He wondered if this traffic was the reason for Burke’s interest. Whatever it was, Burke parked at the Saddle Ranch lot and walk. He dropped his keys with the valet and marched down Sunset, past the Hyatt and onward. Kip did the same, feeling odd to be walking. You cruised down Sunset, slow. Nobody walked.  

He hung back as Burke passed the billboards, trendy shops, and upscale patio restaurants crowding the sidewalk. Beyond the brightly lit Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf, Kip saw the rotating lights of the cop cars. Sunset was closed off, the traffic stalled down to one lane.  

Major Burke weaved through the cars, crossing the street. He ducked under the yellow crime scene tape, holding up his ID to the police officer on the perimeter guard.

Kip hung back, joining a large crowd of gawkers outside the Rainbow Bar and Grill. All the attention was on the gun shop across the street. He could see the ass end of a truck sticking out from the back of the store. There had been a break-in. Kip wondered what attracted Burke to it.

Kip dialed Danielle’s number, “I’m at a break-in on Sunset. A gun shop across from the Rainbow. Burke seems very interested in what happened here. Can you find out something about it?”

“I’ll just flash my ID at them. I’ve got major Homeland Security clout.”

“Good, get down here. Traffic is terrible, so walk in the last few blocks. I’ll be waiting.”

“It’s a date. I reported in to Tower and he promoted me to Acting CIO, taking over for Patricia.”

“The more you fail, the faster you get promoted,” said Kip, laughing.

“Yeah, maybe. I think they’re setting me up to take the fall for this screw-up,” said Danielle.

“One problem at a time. Just get down here.”

Kip hung up and kept watch. He could see Burke inside the store, talking to the lead detective, looking pissed.

An hour later, Danielle and Kip were in the same location where Burke had stood. They were talking to the lead detective who showed them a tape from the security camera at the rear of the store.

On the screen was a figure walking towards a pickup truck, smashing a window, climbing inside, and then driving right through the back door of the store.

“Look, the guy didn’t give a shit about the alarms. He just rammed the store, grabbed what he wanted and walked out,” said the detective.

Kip and Danielle just nodded in agreement. They were more interested in what the thief was wearing. The guy was wearing a Snakeskin suit. There was only one man who had one, other than Kip.  

The ghost from the jungles of Belize was in L. A.