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Lana rolled across the bed and wrapped herself in a sea of black silk and satin. Who slept in bedding like this? Oh yeah, those used to decadence. What happened to good ole thousand-something-thread cotton sheets? Those felt just as nice to sleep on, and she didn’t feel like she would slide off the bed and hit the floor.
She was going to have to replace the damn things. She couldn’t be expected to sleep on them for however many nights she’d stay at this apartment. Sullivan had brought her there after the paramedics cleared her. Thankfully, they backed her up when Sullivan insisted she still go into the hospital to be checked over. She was fine and didn’t want to sit in the emergency room for hours on end.
His concern had been a bit disconcerting, but she’d been grateful for his presence. She shuddered to think of what might have happened to her if he’d not come by. Sullivan had turned in to her real life knight-in-shining-armor, and he showed no signs of returning to the status quo. It appeared he had every intention of building something with her and having a sincere relationship.
The bed was comfortable despite the slippery sheets. She had no desire to crawl out of it, but she had to figure out what was going on with her house. Sullivan believed it wasn’t salvageable, and Lana feared he was right. She sighed and sat up at the edge of the bed. Hiding from her problems wouldn’t solve anything. She had always taken pride in remaining in control. This was no different than anything else in her life.
The odor of smoke filled her nose. Ah, hell, she’d slept in her pajamas. Those sheets would have to go no matter what. That smell would stick to it like superglue. After several washings, she might get it out of her hair. More likely it would linger for weeks, being lightly masked by the scent of her shampoo. Gag. What the hell was she going to wear after her shower? She should have made Sullivan find her some clothes—well, purchase something at least.
Lana walked to the master bathroom. A robe hung on the hook and she had an idea. At least she could wash away the smoky smell and lounge around in that. She’d make Sullivan get her something more to wear later. She turned on the shower and let it heat up, then stripped off her ruined pajamas and panties. They were going right for the trash bin when she finished bathing.
She stepped into the shower, thankful for the hot water, and that Brady Blue kept the apartment well stocked. Shampoo, conditioner, and body wash sat on a small shelf. Sadly, they had a more masculine scent, but she’d make do. Beggars couldn’t be choosers, after all. They probably had more men using the apartment then women, and therefore catered to their needs. It was still a bit misogynistic of them.
Lana washed and savored her shower perhaps longer than normal. She told herself she deserved it, having made it through a night from hell—a month, to be more apt. It seemed she was on a nice, long streak of bad luck. Hopefully it ended soon, or she might not survive it.
With much reluctance, she turned the shower off and grabbed a towel to dry off. She wrapped her hair in a different towel and then slipped on the robe. The ruined clothes remained in a pile on the floor. She kicked them to the side and would deal with them later. Touching them after scrubbing away the offending scent bothered her. Lana strolled out of the bathroom and headed toward the front of the apartment. There had to be some kind of food in the kitchen. She could make breakfast and watch morning television until Sullivan came by.
When she reached the front room to turn the television on for background noise as she cooked, she stopped short. Sullivan was spread out on the couch. His head was turned in a weird angle that would probably leave a crick in his neck. One arm was slunk upward above his head, and the other was hanging over the side. He had removed his shoes and untucked his shirt, but was still dressed. Why hadn’t he gone home? Lana walked over to him and nudged him. He didn’t move, so she shook him harder.
Sullivan spun around so fast he fell completely off the couch and hit the floor with a loud thud. “What the fuck...”
“Why are you sleeping on the couch?”
He sat up and leaned his back against the edge of the couch. Sullivan rubbed his face with his hands and then stretched. “Because you’re sleeping in my bed.”
Words she never thought to hear come out of his mouth... “You live here? Why didn’t you mention that last night?” How had she never known he didn’t reside at the mansion? She’d always assumed he stayed there. Why not? It was enormous and could house ten families comfortably.
“Would you have stayed here if you knew?” he asked warily. “Because sometimes I think you do the exact opposite of what I suggest to piss me off.”
“I do not,” she said offensively. There was some validity to his statement. She hated when he was right, and so she went out of her way to prove him wrong. It was rather fun to make him eat crow every once in a while. When she realized he was right on occasion, she made herself scarce. She didn’t want to confess she might have made things harder on him if she’d been aware he lived in the company apartment. “Why would you say this apartment belonged to Brady Blue if it’s yours?” Her go-to reaction was to go on the offensive. It was a tactic that had never failed her before. Ask a question and divert the attention away from herself.
“I have never once lied to you,” Sullivan said. “Why start now? The apartment does belong to the company. I claimed it for the time being. I’d like to buy my own place, but I’ve been too busy to go about finding one.” Sullivan stopped suddenly and stared at her. His gaze traveled from her feet up toward her face. “You look rather good in my robe. Please tell me you have clothes on underneath it.”
His voice was husky, and damn if he didn’t look sexy as hell sitting there on the floor. Mussed black hair, sleepy green eyes, and a mouth so seductive it begged to be kissed. She wanted to sit in his lap, wrap her arms around him, and kiss him until they were both breathless with need. “I do believe every stitch of clothing I own is now a pile of ashes.”
Sullivan cursed and stood. He stalked toward her with a predatory stride. Lana took a step back as excitement ricocheted through her. Finally, he was going to do more than kiss her. He had to. Right? When he reached her, he stopped in front of her and pulled the towel off her head then tossed it to the floor. He skimmed his knuckles across her cheek. “You’re so beautiful,” he said gutturally. It sent shivers up her spine.
They were so close, yet so far away. He was barely touching her, and she had never been so turned on in her life. Sullivan leaned in and pressed light kisses along her jaw and down her neck. He pushed the robe apart just enough so he could kiss farther down the parted V. Lana reached for the tie to loosen it, but he stilled her hand. “Don’t,” he ordered. “Have patience, Lisanna dear.”
Lana whimpered. She wanted to beg but refused to. She wanted to breathe him in and be so familiar with his scent that she’d recognize him anywhere. She’d never bared her heart and soul, but with him, she was perilously close to falling hard and deep. She’d always known that was possible. At the present though, she couldn’t imagine any other way to be. “Sully,” she whispered. It was as close to pleading as she would get.
“I’ve wanted to see you naked for years,” he said. “Now that I’m close, I find I want to savor it. I’ll never get a second chance to do this right.”
“You’re talking too much,” she said. “Touch me.”
He chuckled. “I plan on it.” He pulled her into his arms and nuzzled her neck. “But not as much as you want. Not right now, maybe not even tonight, but soon. I promise.”
Sullivan captured her lips with his and kissed her hard and deep. Lana brought her hands up to his hair and held him in place. She knew exactly what to do to gain his attention. This wasn’t her first time, and she’d be damned if she acted like a shrinking violet now. Sullivan might have his own agenda, but he was about to find out that it clashed with hers. She wanted him, and before the morning was done, she’d have him. On her terms, and in every way she could imagine. He wouldn’t know what hit him after the storm finished.
She raked her nails down his back and rubbed herself against him. Nipped him with her teeth and somehow managed to loosen the tie on her robe along the way. Let him try to push her away. Lana was no man’s pushover, and normally Sullivan was more than aware of that fact. Perhaps he needed a little reminding that she didn’t play by any rules but her own. She stepped out of his arms and shoved him back. “If you don’t want to see me naked today, then you can stop this immediately.”
Sullivan was breathless and his eyes had glazed over with desire. Still, he stayed in place, remaining in control. Lana tilted her lips into a sultry smile and slid the sash of the robe open. It dropped to the side, but the robe didn’t open. Everything remained covered except for a small slit that showed her bare skin. “Don’t,” he croaked.
“Don’t what?” she said. “This?” She slid her hand slowly down the edge of the opening. She pulled it back slightly. His breathing became more ragged as she inched it open a hair. Lana kept her gaze on his, waiting for the moment he gave in and let go. “Perhaps you would rather I showed more leg?” She turned to her side and shoved the robe to the side enough for him to see her bare hip.
Sullivan cursed. “Babe, you’re killing me.”
“Not yet,” she replied. “I’m not done with you.” The doorbell rang, echoing through the apartment. It was Lana’s turn to curse. Who the hell could be there? “Don’t answer that.”
“I don’t want to,” he said then groaned. “But they’re going to keep ringing the bell until I do.”
Lana glanced down and could see his erection pushing against his pants. At least they were both going to go a bit unsatisfied because of this untimely interruption. A little bit longer and she’d have had him naked. Then the possibilities were endless. She sighed and tied the robe back in place. Whoever was at the door had a serious death wish.
Sullivan headed to the door and looked through the peephole. “Of course it’s her.”
Lana didn’t know who he referred to, but at least he wasn’t happy to find another woman on the other side of his apartment door. “Make them go away.” Maybe there was a chance to rekindle what they were about to do.
“No chance of that, love.” He opened the door and said, “Go away.”
“Does that even work?” Jessica said as she entered the apartment.
“Normally,” he said gruffly. “What are you doing here?”
She ignored him and went over to Lana and wrapped her in a hug. “I stopped by your house and it terrified me. I admit to being slightly hysterical, but a nice fireman calmed me down and then directed me here. How are you?”
Sullivan shook his head and said, “I’m going to take that as my cue to leave.” He slipped on a pair of shoes, grabbed his keys and phone, then headed toward the door. He stopped suddenly and turned toward Lana. “There is a change of clothes in the first drawer. I had my assistant pick up a few things for you. You’ll also find a new cell phone too. Activate it and call me later.”
Lana wrinkled her nose. Did he have to think of everything? “I suppose I’ll go dress.” She went back into the bedroom and located the items Sullivan had procured for her. His assistant had found her a velvety soft pair of lounge pants, a tank top, and a zip up jacket that matched the pants. She’d even found lingerie in her size. How had she known what to get? Sullivan must have guessed or something. She didn’t want to think too hard on it.
After she dressed, she went back to the front room with a phone and a credit card in hand. He hadn’t just bought her a new outfit and phone. He’d left a way for her to shop too, and she was going to take advantage of it. Maybe a nice piece of sexy lingerie would make him lose that control of his.
“Let’s go,” she ordered. “We’re going to have a bit of fun and Sully’s footing the bill. How do you feel about some good ole fashioned retail therapy?”
“My favorite kind,” Jessica said then smiled.
Lana grabbed the set of keys Sullivan had given her to the apartment and locked up after they left. She’d activate the phone in the car on their way to the mall. She couldn’t wait to see him later and have a night to remember.