Jade’s Diary

Chapter Eight

April 2

The big accident! Or, should I say, the big, HAPPY accident.

The policeman was so sweet. I told him a cat darted in front of the car, and he was totally sympathetic. Said it could happen to anyone. He made me promise, though, that next time I wouldn’t risk my life to save anything “that low on the food chain.” (I think he kind of liked me.)

He doesn’t have to worry. Trust me. I’d never do that again. IT WAS SCARY!!!!! I thought I was just going to slide off into the ditch, but then we hit that boulder and almost rolled. I was shaking so hard when I texted Lily. I must have made a million typos.

Constable Cheng looked us over and said he didn’t think we needed to go to the hospital, but I made him take us anyway. Not for my sake. For Gavin’s. He’s such a brave little guy because of all the pain he’s endured. Sometimes it’s hard to know when he’s actually hurt.

My eyes filled up with tears when I said that. I guess I’ve been under more stress than I realized these last six weeks—but whatever. It worked. Constable Cheng took us straight there.

He insisted on calling Mom even though I begged him not to. I said I didn’t want her to worry and that we needed the money. No one’s going to pay her for sitting around in the emergency room. But he wouldn’t listen. He said it would make me feel better.

What actually made me feel better was Mick. I was surprised—but not really—to see him come barreling into the ER. It’s when bad things happen that people show their true colors.

Then when I saw him hug Gavin? I can’t even think about that without getting misty-eyed again. It was so sweet and so genuine. I felt surrounded by love.

The funny thing is, I really do mean it when I say I’m happy we broke up. We’d gotten used to each other. I almost couldn’t see him anymore. Now he walks into a room, and my heart goes crazy. I forgot how beautiful his eyes are. Those little specks of green. How could I have forgotten about them?

And I love how tall he is. Most big guys stand with their heads up and their shoulders way back. They flaunt it. But Mick kind of bends down to your level. You don’t feel like you’re small or he’s doing you a favor. You just feel kind of looked after.

I didn’t appreciate that before, but I do now. It’s time we got back to normal.

Note to Self

1. Call garage about car.

2. Take early lunch.