Jade’s Diary

Chapter Ten

April 15

I learned a few things today.

The first is that MSG definitely brings on Gavin’s migraines. He had a little tiny bit tonight and boom. Just like that, he was crying and screaming and throwing up. The whole nine yards. It was ugly.

The second thing I learned is that I can count on Mick. I don’t know why I keep doubting it. I called him tonight when I realized how bad this was going to be. I was really apologetic about it. I knew he was doing something with Dalma, and she can’t have many friends yet, so it was probably disappointing for her too—but what choice did I have? Mom can’t be leaving work every time Gavin’s sick.

I didn’t have to explain that to Mick. He understands. He immediately went, “Don’t worry. I’ll be right there.”

Twenty minutes later, he was at the door. Poor Dalma. I wonder if she had to take the bus home.

The two of us managed to get Gavin cleaned up and settled down. Then Mick put him to bed. It was so adorable. Light really bothers Gavin’s eyes when he’s having a migraine, so Mick couldn’t turn on the lamp to read him a story. Not that he needed to. Mick’s put him to bed enough times that he knows the words by heart. The two of them lay in the pitch-dark, flipping pages, while Mick “read” Go Dog Go. So sweet.

Then he made me some toast and positively slathered it with peanut butter. He didn’t seem to care about how fat that was going to make me. We snuggled on the couch and, for a while, it was just like it used to be.

That’s when I learned the third thing. I can’t rush him. I don’t want to scare him away.

Note to Self

1. Only fruit and water tomorrow.

2. And be patient!