Jade’s Diary

Chapter Twelve

April 18

I feel sorry for Dalma. She’s just moved to a new country. She barely speaks the language. She’s vulnerable. Mick should be careful not to lead her on. She could easily mistake his kindness for something else.

I saw that today. I had a spare period. Everyone was hanging out by the back door. I went over to say hi to Mick, and my phone rang. Two o’clock on the nose. Gavin’s preschool. He was having another migraine. When I mentioned our car was still in the garage, Mick didn’t hesitate. Not even for a second. He said, “I’ll take you.”

Dalma said, “I hope your little brother is okay”—or at least something more or less like that—but she had this strange look on her face, as if she was surprised Mick would just up and go. It made me wonder if he’s told her about us.

I was trying not to cry, so we didn’t talk much on the drive over to the daycare. The only thing I really remember is Mick putting his hand on mine and saying, “Don’t worry. It’ll be fine.” And of course once he said that, it was.

When we got to Tiny Tykes, Shirley was sitting with Gavin in the rocking chair. He was white as a ghost. Mick covered his eyes from the sunlight and brought him to the car. He put him in his car seat, told him to hug Kanga, then drove really slowly to the apartment. I didn’t need to tell him a thing. It’s like we have one brain. He knows exactly what to do.

Gavin vomited when we got upstairs. Mick cleaned it up while I gave Gavin a bath. He was feeling a little better by then, so I left them together and went off to pick up a frozen mac and cheese for our lunch. When I came back, the two of them were sound asleep on the couch.

I don’t want to have babies yet.

I really don’t. I want to get my nursing degree and start my career, but…but…seeing Mick lying there with Gavin in his arms, I couldn’t help thinking what a great dad he would make. Especially if the kids got his eyes.

And his hands.

And that funny smile of his.

(I’m bad…)

Note to Self

1. Arrange for babysitter for spring dance.

2. Decide about long hair or updo.