Jade’s Diary

Chapter Fourteen

April 24

It’s as if Mick has just disappeared. He isn’t in the cafeteria at lunchtime anymore. He wasn’t shooting hoops in his third-period spare. On Tuesday, he wasn’t even in English class. He was there Wednesday, but he barely said hi.

It is starting to worry me. We’ve come so far in the last couple of weeks—then this. I don’t know if I can stand the emotional roller coaster anymore. (Especially since my dress arrived yesterday for the spring dance. I’m not even sure we’re going yet!)

I got Gavin to sleep, then I had a little cry. This doesn’t make any sense. Why is Mick acting this way? We were so much happier when we were together. If he’d just relax and spend some time with me again, he’d see that. He’s got to stop listening to Quinn. He’s got to stop whatever he thinks he’s doing with Dalma. He can’t keep screwing up our lives this way.

I felt so sad and mad and frustrated. I tried to do some ironing, but I had to stop. I was afraid I’d burn something.

I stood there for the longest time, staring at the steam coming out of the iron. I burned myself before. I remember how much it hurt. It was right before Dad left. He put this special ointment on it and let me stay up late watching TV with him. I was only seven, but the scar’s still there. That made me cry again, and I don’t have time for that. I said, “Jade. Pull yourself together. You’re being ridiculous. You’re a strong person. You’re a good person. You work hard. You deserve to be happy. It will hurt for a while, but you can do it.”

I wiped the tears away, and then I got up. I put my books away and decided what I was going to wear tomorrow. I made Gavin his lunch. I gave him a little extra this time, just to be on the safe side.

Now I’ve just got to figure out which shoes to get for the dance. I’m worried the teal ones might be too old-ladyish. I’ve got to make up my mind by tomorrow, or they won’t be here in time for the dance.

Note to Self

1. Text Lily BEFORE English class.

2. Check Mom’s work schedule.