Jade’s Diary

Chapter Six

March 30

I shouldn’t say this, but it was almost funny running into Mick today. He’s so transparent. He shows up outside Mr. Panjvani’s room with another girl, then tries to act all surprised to see me there.

Hello-o. I’ve been taking that class all year. I always stay late on Fridays to help put the equipment away. He knows that better than anyone. Of course I’m going to be there!

I wonder what he was expecting. Some kind of jealous rage? Me running off in tears? He’s really not very good at this kind of thing—but that’s one of the many reasons I love him. He’s not phony. Mick can’t act a certain way if he’s not that way.

Can you imagine if it were Quinn trying to make me jealous? He’d have had the whole thing worked out. He’d have picked the hottest girl in school, and they’d be deep in the throes of passion right when I walked out the door.

Mick, on the other hand, looked like he was eight years old and his teacher had made him stand next to a girl in the bus lineup. You’ve got to wonder what poor Dalma was thinking. It couldn’t have been very comfortable for her either. They barely looked at each other.

Honestly, I felt obliged to put them out of their misery. That’s the only reason I offered to walk her to the language lab.

Her English isn’t very good, but she’s actually kind of sweet. I told her about Newcomers and left my number with the tutor in case he wanted me to give her some extra help during the week. She doesn’t have a phone yet, which is too bad. I think she and Kevin Peters might hit it off. He’s been wanting a girlfriend for ages, and he does like the tall ones! She’d be perfect.

Maybe we could double-date sometime. Her and Kevin, me and Mick. Wouldn’t that be ironic?

On another topic entirely…I’m a little annoyed at Mick. Not about the Dalma thing. (That’s almost touching, when you think about it. I mean, he wouldn’t have gone to all that trouble if he didn’t care!) It’s about Gavin. Mick asked me a couple of times in English class how he was doing, but since then—nothing. I expected him to be more concerned that that. He didn’t even mention Gavin today.

I hope he hasn’t forgotten about him. I wouldn’t want that to happen.

Note to Self

1. Set up meeting for Dalma with Newcomers Club.

2. Talk to Kevin P.

3. Send in application for nursing school.