Appendix 1: Texts for Comparison
SOME KEY TEXTS of the Heart Sutra and the Hridaya in seven Asian languages are presented below, together with several English versions. These seven Eastern-language texts represent the principal world languages in which the sutra has been recited in the past. First, however, I offer some earlier texts as materials for examining the formation of the sutra. The Asian texts are presented in chronological order, roughly following the sequence of emergence suggested by Jan Nattier, as I introduced in chapter 13.
I use Xuanzang’s Chinese version as the primary text. To make a quick reference and comparison possible, I have divided the Xuanzang version into forty-four segments. Each segment consists of terms, a phrase, or a sentence. Lines in other texts that do not have corresponding parts in Xuanzang’s Chinese text are marked with the preceding line number followed by “x.” The bracketed words have been added later. For the shorter-version Heart Sutra and Hridaya texts, I have added in parentheses the abbreviations explained earlier.
25,000-LINE PRAJÑĀ PĀRAMITĀ (also known as Mahā Prajñā Pāramitā Sūtra or Large Sūtra), Sanskrit manuscript (circa sixth century). See fig. 4.
The core section of the Hridaya corresponds to this section of this version of the Prajñā Pāramitā. The first and last sections of the Hridaya did not come from this sutra. That is why Segments 0–5 and 21–44 are not found in this text.
Initial transcription by Gregory Schopen, revised by Paul Harrison for this book on the basis of a re-reading of the Gilgit manuscript. According to Paul Harrison, the manuscript consistently reads śunyatā for śūnyatā (a common variant spelling), and is full of minor mistakes from the point of view of classical Sanskrit (mostly in matters of sandhi), including some obvious scribal blunders (e.g. kāye is clearly a misread kāyaṃ, which would look very similar; this sort of mistake suggests the scribe wasn’t thinking about what he was writing, or didn’t understand it). Parentheses (. . .) indicate unclear or damaged akṣaras; square brackets [. . .] indicate omissions in the manuscript which Schopen or Harrison have supplied.
(6) na hi Śāradvatīputrānyad (7) rūpam anyā śunyatā nānya {should be nānyā} śunyatānyad rūpam | (8) rūpam eva śunyatā śunyataiva rūpam | (9) evaṃ nā(ny)ā vedanānyā śunyatā | nā(ny)ā saṃjñ(ā) nānyā {should be saṃjñānyā} śunyatā | nānye saṃskārā anye {should be anyā} śunyatā | 3 nānya[d] vijñānam anyā śunyatā | (9x) nānyaḥ {should be nānyā} śunyatānyad vijñānaṃ | vijñānam eva śunyatā śunyataiva vijñānaṃ | (10) (yā) Śāradvatīputra śunyatā (11) na sā utpadyate na nirudhyate | na saṃkliśyate na vyavadāyate | na hīyate na vardhate | (11x) nātītā nānāgatā na pratyutpannā yā notpadyate na nirudhyate na saṃkliśyate na vyavadāyate | na hīyate na vardhate | nātītā nānāgatā na pratyutpannā | (13) na tatra rūpaṃ na vedanā na saṃjñān na saṃskārān {should be na saṃjñā na saṃskārā} na vijñānaṃ (14) na cakṣur na śrotraṃ na ghrāṇaṃ na jīhvā na kāye {should be kāyaṃ} na manaḥ (15) na rūpaṃ na śabdo na gandho na rasa {should be raso} na sparśo na dharmāḥ (16) na tatra skandhā na dhātavo nāyatanāni na tatra cakṣurdhātu[r] na rūpadhātur na cakṣurvijñānadhātu[r] (16x) na (śro)tradhātu[r] na śabdadhātur na śrotravijñānadhātuḥ na ghrāṇadhātur na gandhadhātur na ghrāṇavijñānadhātu[r] na jīhvādhātur na rasadhātur na jīhvāvijñā-nadhātuḥ na kāyadhātur na spraṣṭavyadhātur na kāyavijñānadhātur na manodhātur na dharmadhātur na manovijñāna[dhā]tuḥr (sic) (17) na tatrāvidyā nāvidyānirodhaḥ (17x) na saṃskārān {should be saṃskārā} na saṃskāranirodhaḥ na vijñānaṃ na vijñānanirodhaḥ na nāmarūpaṃ na nāmarūpanirodhaḥ na ṣaḍāyatanaṃ na ṣaḍāyatananirodhaḥ na sparśo na sparśananirodhaḥ na vedanā na vedanānirodhaḥ na tṛṣnā na tṛṣnānirodhaḥ nopādānaṃ nopādānanirodhaḥ na bhavo na bhavanirodhaḥ na jātir na jātinirodhaḥ (18) na jarāmaraṇaṃ na jarāmaraṇanirodhaḥ (19) na duḥkhaṃ na samudayo na nirodho na mārgaḥ (20) na prāptir nābhisamayaḥ
25,000-LINE PRAJÑĀ PĀRAMITĀ (Maha Prajñā Pāramitā Sūtra, or Large Sūtra), Fascicle 1, translated by Kumarajiva in 404
(From Taisho, no. 223, vol. 8, p. 223a.)
(6)舍利弗(6x)色空故無惱壞相受空故無受相想空故無知相行空故 無作相識空故無覺相何以故舍利弗(7)色不異空空不異色(8)色即 是空空即是色(9)受想行識亦如是(10)舍利弗是諸法空相(11)不生 不滅不垢不淨不增不減(11x)是空法非過去非未來非現在(12)是故 空中(13)無色無受想行識(14)無眼耳鼻舌身意(15)無色聲香味觸法 (16)無眼界乃至無意識界(17)亦無無明亦無無明盡(18)乃至亦無老 死亦無老死盡(19)無苦集滅道(20)亦無智亦無得
25,000-LINE PRAJÑĀ PĀRAMITĀ, transliteration of the above
(6) she li fu (6x) se kong gu wu nao huai xiang shou kong gu wu shou xiang xiang kong gu wu zhi xiang xing kong gu wu zuo xiang shi kong gu wu jue xiang he yi gu she li fu (7) se bu yi kong kong bu yi se (8) se ji shi kong kong ji shi se (9) shou xiang xing shi yi ru shi (10) she li fu shi zhu fa kong xiang (11) bu sheng bu mie bu gou bu jing, bu zeng bu jian (11x) shi kong fa fei guo qu fei wei lai fei xian zai (12) shi gu kong zhong (13) wu se wu shou xiang xing shi (14) wu yan er bi she shen yi (15) wu se sheng xiang wei chu fa (16) wu yan jie nai zhi wu yi shi jie (17) yi wu wu ming yi wu wu ming jin (18) nai zhi yi wu lao si yi wu lao si jin. (19) wu ku ji mie dao (20) yi wu zhi yi wu de
DAZHIDU LUN (Treatise on Realization of Great Wisdom), attributed to Nagarjuna. Fascicle 36, 406 C.E., a quotation of the 25,000-line Prajñā Pāramitā (Mahā Prajñā Pāramitā Sūtra, or Large Sūtra) as translated by Kumarajıva
(From Taisho, no. 1509, vol. 25, p. 327c.)
(6) 舍利弗 (6x) 色空 故 無 惱壞相 受空 故 無 受相 想空 故 無 知相 行空 故 無 作相 識空 故 無 覺相 何以故 舍利弗 (7) 非色 異空 非空 異色 (8) 色 即是 空 空 即是 色 (9) 受想行識 亦如是 (10) 舍利弗 是 諸法 空相 (11) 不 生 不 滅 不 垢 不 淨 不 增 不 減 (11x) 是 空法 非 過 去 非 未來 非 現在 (12) 是故 空中 (13) 無 色 無 受想行識 (14) 無 眼 耳鼻舌身意 (15) 無 色聲香味觸法 (16) 無 眼界 乃至 無 意識界 (17) 無 無明 亦 無 無明盡 (18) 乃至 無 老死 亦 無 老死盡 (19) 無 苦集滅 道 (20) 亦 無 智 亦 無 得
DAZHIDU LUN, transliteration of the above text
(6) she li fu (6x) se kong gu wu nao huai xiang shou kong gu wu shou xiang xiang kong gu wu zhi xiang xing kong gu wu zuo xiang shi kong gu wu jue xiang he yi gu she li fu (7) fei se yi kong. fei kong yi se (8) se ji shi kong kong ji shi se (9) shou xiang xing shi yi ru shi (10) she li fu shi zhu fa kong xiang (11) bu sheng bu mie bu gou bu jing, bu zeng bu jian (11x) shi kong fa fei guo qu fei wei lai fei xian zai (12) shi gu kong zhong (13) wu se wu shou xiang xing shi (14) wu yan er bi she shen yi (15) wu se sheng xiang wei chu fa (16) wu yan jie nai zhi wu yi shi jie (17) wu wu ming yi wu wu ming jin (18) nai zhi wu lao si yi wu lao si jin (19) wu ku ji mie dao (20) yi wu zhi yi wu de
α VERSION, Chinese translation attributed to Kumarajıva (α)
(From Taisho, no. 250.)
(0)摩訶般若波羅蜜大明咒經(1)觀世音菩薩(2)行深般若波羅蜜時 (3)照見五陰(4)空(5)度一切苦厄(6)舍利弗(6x)色空故無惱壞相受 空故無受相想空故無知相行空故無作相識空故無覺相何以故舍 利弗(7)非色異空非空異色(8)色即是空空即是色(9)受想行識亦如 是(10)舍利弗是諸法空相(11)不生不滅不垢不淨不增不減(11x)是空 法非過去非未來非現在(12)是故空法(13)無色無受想行識(14)無眼 耳鼻舌身意(15)無色聲香味觸法(16)無眼界乃至無意識界(17)無無 明亦無無明盡(18)乃至無老死亦無老死盡(19)無苦集滅道(20)無智 亦無得(21)以無所得故(22)菩薩(23)依般若波羅蜜故(24)心無罣礙 無罣礙故(25)無有恐怖(26)離一切顛倒夢想苦惱(27)究竟涅槃(28) 三世諸佛(29)依般若波羅蜜故(30)得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提(31)故知 般若波羅蜜(33)是大明咒(34)無上明咒(35)無等等明咒(36)能除一 切苦(37)眞實不虚(38)故説般若波羅蜜咒(39)即説咒曰(40)竭帝竭 帝(41)波羅竭帝(42)波羅僧竭帝(43)菩提僧莎訶(44)摩訶般若波羅 蜜大明咒經
α VERSION, transliteration of the above (αtl)
(0) mo he bo re bo luo mi da ming zhou jing (1) Guan shi yin pu sa (2) xing shen bo re bo luo mi shi (3) zhao jian wu yin (4) kong (5) du yi qie ku e (6) She li fu (6x) se kong gu wu nao huai xiang shou kong gu wu shou xiang xiang kong gu wu zhi xiang xing kong gu wu zuo xiang shi kong gu wu jue xiang he yi gu She li fu (7) fei se yi kong. fei kong yi se (8) se ji shi kong kong ji shi se (9) shou xiang xing shi yi ru shi (10) She li fu shi zhu fa kong xiang (11) bu sheng bu mie bu gou bu jing, bu zeng bu jian (11x) shi kong fa fei guo qu fei wei lai fei xian zai (12) shi gu kong fa (13) wu se, wu shou xiang xing shi (14) wu yan er bi she shen yi (15) wu se sheng xiang wei chu fa (16) wu yan jie nai zhi wu yi shi jie (17) wu wu ming yi wu wu ming jin (18) nai zhi wu lao si yi wu lao si jin. (19) wu ku ji mie dao (20) wu zhi yi wu de (21) yi wu suo de gu (22) pu sa (23) yi bo re bo luo mi gu (24) xin wu gua ai. wu gua ai gu (25) wu you kong bu (26) li yi qie dian dao meng xiang ku nao (27) jiu jing nie pan (28) san shi zhu fo (29) yi bo re bo luo mi gu (30) de a nou duo luo san miao san pu ti (31) gu zhi bo re bo luo mi (33) shi da ming zhou (34) wu shang ming zhou (35) wu deng deng ming zhou (36) neng chu yi qie ku (37) zhen shi bu xu (38) gu shuo bo re bo luo mi zhou (39) ji shuo zhou yue (40) jie di jie di (41) bo luo jie di (42) bo luo seng jie di (43) pu ti seng suo he (44) mo he bo re bo luo mi da ming zhou jing
Transcribed by Ryosaburo Sakaki, Unrai Ogiwara, Shindo Shiraishi, and Shuyu Kanaoka. Fig. 8.
(0x) namas sarvajñāya (1) Āryāvalokiteśvara-bodhisattvo (2) gaṃbhīraṃ prajñāpāramitāyāṃ caryāṃ caramāṇo (3) vyavalokayati sma: pañca skandhās tāṃś (4) ca svabhāva-śūnyaṃ paśyasti sma. (6) iha Śāriputra, (6x) rūpaṃ śūnyatā śūnyatā-iva rūpaṃ. (7) rūpan na pṛthak śūnyatā, śūnyatāyā na pṛthag rūpaṃ, (8) yad rūpaṃ sā śūnyatā yā śūnyatā tad rūpaṃ. (9) evam eva vedanā-saṃjñā-saṃskāra-vijñāni. (10) iha Śāriputra, sarva-dharmāḥ śūnyatā-lakṣaṇā, (11) anutpannā aniruddhā amalāvimalā nona na paripūrṇāḥ. (12) tasmāc Chāriputra śūnyatāyāṃ (13) na rūpaṃ na vedanā na saṃjñā na saṃskāra na vijñāni. (14) na cakṣuḥ-śrotra-ghrāṇa-jihvā-kāya-manāṃsi. (15) na rūpa-śabda-gandha-rasa-spraśtavya dharmāḥ, (16) na cakṣur-dhātur yāvan na mano-vijñāna-dhātuḥ. (17) na vidyā nāvidyā na vidyākṣayo nāvidyākṣayo. (18) yāvan na jarā-maraṇaṃ na jarā-maraṇa-kṣayo. (19) na duḥkha-samudaya-nirodha-mārgā. (20) na jñānam, na prāptitvaṃ (21) tasmāc (22) bodhisattvasya (23) prajñāpāramitām āśritya (24) viharaty a-cittāvaraṇaḥ. cittāvaraṇa (25) nāstitvād atrasto (26) viparyāsātikrāntaḥ (27) niṣṭhā-nirvāṇaḥ (28) tryadhvavyavasthitāḥ sarva-buddhāḥ (29) prajñāpāramitām-āśritya- (30) anuttarāṃ samyak-sambodhiṃ abhisaṃbuddhāḥ. (31) tasmāj jñātavyaṃ: prajñāpāramitā (32) mahā-mantro (33) mahā-vidyā-mantraḥ (34) anuttara-mantraḥ (35) asamasama-mantraḥ, (36) sarva-duḥkha-praśamanaḥ (37) satyam amithyatvāt, (38) prajñāpāramitāyām ukto mantraḥ, (39) tadyathā: (40) gate, gate, (41) pāragate, (42) pārasaṃgate (43) bodhi svāhā. (44) iti Prajñāpāramitā-hṛdayaṃ samāptaṃ.
(From Taisho, No. 251.)
(0)[摩訶]般若波羅蜜多心經(1)觀自在菩薩(2)行深般若波羅蜜多 時(3)照見五蘊(4)皆空(5)度一切苦厄(6)舍利子(7)色不異空空不 異色(8)色即是空空即是色(9)受想行識亦復如是(10)舍利子是諸 法空相(11)不生不滅不垢不淨不增不減(12)是故空中(13)無色無受 想行識(14)無眼耳鼻舌身意(15)無色聲香味觸法(16)無眼界乃至無 意識界(17)無無明亦無無明盡(18)乃至無老死亦無老死盡(19)無苦 集滅道(20)無智亦無得(21)以無所得故(22)菩提薩埵(23)依般若波 羅蜜多故(24)心無罣礙無罣礙故(25)無有恐怖(26)遠離[一切]顛倒 夢想(27)究竟涅槃(28)三世諸佛(29)依般若波羅蜜多故(30)得阿耨 多羅三藐三菩提(31)故知般若波羅蜜多(32)是大神咒(33)是大明咒 (34)是無上咒(35)是無等等咒(36)能除一切苦(37)眞實不虚(38)故説 般若波羅蜜多咒(39)即説咒曰(40)掲帝掲帝(41)般羅掲帝(42)般羅 僧掲帝(43)菩提僧莎訶(44) [摩訶]般若波羅蜜多心經
CHINESE, XUANZANG VERSION, transliteration of the above (CXtl)
(0) [mo he] bo re bo luo mi duo xin jing (1) Guan zi zai pu sa (2) xing shen bo re bo luo mi duo shi (3) zhao jian wu yun (4) jie kong (5)du yi qie ku e (6) She li zi (7) se bu yi kong kong bu yi se (8) se ji shi kong kong ji shi se (9) shou xiang xing shi yi fu ru shi (10) She li zi shi zhu fa kong xiang (11) bu sheng bu mie bu gou bu jing, bu zeng bu jian (12) shi gu kong zhong (13) wu se, wu shou xiang xing shi (14) wu yan er bi she shen yi (15) wu se sheng xiang wei chu fa (16) wu yan jie nai zhi wu yi shi jie (17) wu wu ming yi wu wu ming jin (18) nai zhi wu lao si yi wu lao si jin (19) wu ku ji mie dao (20) wu zhi yi wu de (21) yi wu suo de gu (22) pu ti sa duo (23) yi bo re bo luo mi duo gu (24) xin wu gua ai. wu gua ai gu (25) wu you kong bu (26) yuan li [yi qie] dian dao meng xiang (27) jiu jing nie pan (28) san shi zhu fo (29) yi bo re bo luo mi duo gu (30) de a nou duo luo san miao san pu ti (31) gu zhi bo re bo luo mi duo (32) shi da shen zhou (33) shi da ming zhou (34) shi wu shang zhou (35) shi wu deng deng zhou. (36) neng chu yi qie ku (37) zhen shi bu xu (38) gu shuo bo re bo luo mi duo zhou (39) ji shuo zhou yue (40) jie di jie di (41) bo luo jie di (42) bo luo seng jie di (43) pu ti seng suo he (44) [mo he] bo re bo luo mi duo xin jing
KOREAN, transliteration of the Chinese Xuanzang version (Ktl)
Transcription by Dongho for this book.
(0) [Maha]Banya baramilda simgyeong (1) Gwanjajae bosal (2) haeng sim banya baramilda si (3) jogyeon o-on (4) gaegong (5) do ilche goaek. (6) Sarija, (7) saek bul i gong, gong bul i saek. (8) saek jeuk si gong, gong jeuk si saek. (9) su sang haeng sik yeokbu yeosi. (10) Sarija, si jebeop gongsang, (11) bul saeng, bul myeol, bul gu, bu jeong, bu jeung, bul gam. (12) sigo gongjung, (13) mu saek, mu su sang haeng sik, (14) mu an i bi seol sin ui, (15) mu saek seong hyang mi chok beop, (16) mu angye, naeji mu uisikgye, (17) mu mumyeong yeok mu mu myeongjin, (18) naeji mu nosa yeok mu nosajin, (19) mu go jip myeol do, (20) mu ji yeok mu deuk. (21) i mu sodeuk go, (22) borisalta (23) ui banya baramilda go, (24) sim mu gaae. Mu gaae go, (25) mu yu gongpo, (26) wonri jeondo mongsang, (27) gugyeong yeolban (28) samse jebul (29) ui banya baramilda go (30) deuk anyok dara sammyak sambori. (31) go ji banya baramilda (32) si daesin ju, (33) si daemyeong ju, (34) si musang ju, (35) si mudeungdeung ju, (36) neungje ilche go. (37) jinsil bul heo. (38) go seol banya baramilda ju, (39) jeuk seol ju wal: (40) aje aje (41) bara aje (42) bara seung aje (43) moji sabaha. (44) [Maha]Banya baramilda simgyeong
JAPANESE, transliteration of the Chinese Xuanzang version (Jtl)
(0) [Maka] Hannya haramitta shingyō. (1) Kanjizai bosa<tsu> (2) gyōjin hannya haramitta ji (3) shōken go’on (4) kaikū (5) do issai kuyaku. (6) Sharishi, (7) shiki fu i kū. Kū fu i shiki. (8) Shiki soku ze kū. Kū soku ze shiki. (9) Ju sō gyō shiki yakubu nyoze. (10) Sharishi, ze shohō kūsō, (11) fu shō, fu metsu, fu ku, fu jō, fu zō, fu gen. (12) Zeko kūchū, (13) mu shiki, mu ju sō gyō shiki, (14) mu gen ni bi zes shin (n)i, (15) mu shiki shō kō mi soku hō, (16) mu genkai, naishi mu ishikikai, (17) mu mumyō yaku mu mu mumyō jin, (18) naishi mu rōshi yaku mu rōshi jin, (19) mu ku shū metsu dō. (20) Mu chi yaku mu toku. (21) I mu shotok ko, (22) bodaisatta (23) e hannya haramitta ko, (24) shin mu keige. Mu kei ge ko, (25) mu u kufu, (26) onri [issai] tendō musō, (27) kukyō nehan. (28) Sanze shobutsu (29) e hannya haramitta ko, (30) toku anoku tara sammyaku sambodai. (31) ko chi hannya haramitta (32) ze daijin shu, (33) ze daimyō shu, (34) ze mujō shu, (35) ze mutōdō shu, (36) nōjo issai ku. (37) Shinjitsu fu ko. (38) Ko setsu hannya haramitta shu, (39) soku setsu shu watsu: (40) Gyatei gyatei, (41) hara gyatei, (42) hara sō gyatei, (43) bōji sowaka. (44) [Maka] Hannya haramitta shingyō
VIETNAMESE, SOUTHERN, transliteration of the Chinese Xuanzang version
Transcribed by Quang Huyen for this book.
(0) Bát Nhã Ba La Mật Đa Tâm Kinh (1) Quán Tự Tại Bồ Tát (2) hành thâm Bát nhã Ba la mật đa thời, (3) chiếu kiến ngũ uẩn (4) giai không, (5) độ nhứt thiết khổ ách. (6) Xá Lợi Tử, (7) sắc bất dị không, không bất dị sắc, (8) sắc tức thị không, không tức thị sắc, (9) thọ tưởng hành thức diệc phục như thị. (10) Xá Lợi Tử, thị chư pháp không tướng, (11) bất sanh bất diệt, bất cấu bất tịnh, bất tăng bất giảm. (12) Thị cố không trung (13) vô sắc, vô thọ tưởng hành thức. (14) Vô nhãn nhĩ tỷ thiệt thân ý, (15) vô sắc thanh hương vị xúc pháp, (16) vô nhãn giới nãi chí vô ý thức giới. (17) Vô vô minh, diệc vô vô minh tận, (18) nãi chí vô lão tử, diệc vô lão tử tận. (19) Vô khổ, tập, diệt, đạo. (20) Vô trí diệc vô đắc. (21) Dĩ vô sở đắc cố, (22) bồ đề tát đõa, (23) y Bát nhã Ba la mật đa cố, (24) tâm vô quái ngại, vô quái ngại cố, (25) vô hữu khủng bố, (26) viễn ly điên đảo mộng tưởng, (27) cứu cánh Niết bàn (28) tam thế chư Phật, (29) y Bát nhã Ba la mật đa cố, (30) đắc A nậu đa la Tam miệu Tam bồ đề. (31) Cố tri Bát nhã Ba la mật đa, (32) thị đại thần chú, (33) thị đại minh chú, (34) thị vô thượng chú, (35) thị vô đẳng đẳng chú, (36) năng trừ nhứt thiết khổ, (37) chân thiệt bất hư. (38) Cố thuyết Bát nhã Ba la mật đa chú, (39) tức thuyết chú viết: (40) Yết đế yết đế, (41) ba la yết đế, (42) ba la tăng yết đế, (43) bồ đề tát bà ha.
VIETNAMESE, NORTHERN, transliteration of the Chinese Xuanzang version (Vtl)
Transcribed by Quang Huyen for this book.
(0) Bát Nhã Ba La Mật Đa Tâm Kinh (1) Quán Tự Tại Bồ Tát (2) hành thâm Bát nhã Ba la mật đa thời, (3) chiếu kiến ngũ uẩn (4) giai không, (5) độ nhất thiết khổ ách. (6) Xá Lợi Tử, (7) sắc bất dị không, không bất dị sắc, (8) sắc tức thị không, không tức thị sắc, (9) thụ tưởng hành thức diệc phục như thị. (10) Xá Lợi Tử, thị chư pháp không tướng, (11) bất sinh bất diệt, bất cấu bất tịnh, bất tăng bất giảm. (12) Thị cố không trung (13) vô sắc, vô thụ tưởng hành thức. (14) Vô nhãn nhĩ tỷ thiệt thân ý, (15) vô sắc thanh hương vị xúc pháp, (16) vô nhãn giới nãi chí vô ý thức giới. (17) Vô vô minh, diệc vô vô minh tận, (18) nãi chí vô lão tử, diệc vô lão tử tận. (19) Vô khổ, tập, diệt, đạo. (20) Vô trí diệc vô đắc. (21) Dĩ vô sở đắc cố, (22) bồ đề tát đõa, (23) y Bát nhã Ba la mật đa cố, (24) tâm vô quái ngại, vô quái ngại cố, (25) vô hữu khủng bố, (26) viễn ly điên đảo mộng tưởng, (27) cứu cánh Niết bàn (28) tam thế chư Phật, (29) y Bát nhã Ba la mật đa cố, (30) đắc A nậu đa la Tam miệu Tam bồ đề. (31) Cố tri Bát nhã Ba la mật đa, (32) thị đại thần chú, (33) thị đại minh chú, (34) thị vô thượng chú, (35) thị vô đẳng đẳng chú, (36) năng trừ nhất thiết khổ, (37) chân thực bất hư. (38) Cố thuyết Bát nhã Ba la mật đa chú, (39) tức thuyết chú viết: (40) Yết đế yết đế, (41) ba la yết đế, (42) ba la tăng yết đế, (43) bồ đề tát bà ha.
Transcribed by Fumimasa-Bunga Fukui. See Chapter 12.
(0) prajñā pāramitā-hṛdaya-sūtraṃ (1) āryāvalokiteśvaro-bodhisattvo (2) gaṃbhīrāṃ prajñā-pāramitā-caryāṃ caramāṇo (3) vyavalokayati sma: pañca skandhās tāṃś (4) ca svabhāva-śūnyaṃ paśyasti sma. (6) iha Śāripu-tra, (6x) rūpaṃ śūnyatā śūnyataiva rūpaṃ. (7) rūpān na pṛthak śūnyatā, śūnyatāyā na pṛthag rūpaṃ, (8) yad rūpaṃ sā śūnyatā yā śūnyatā sā rūpaṃ. (9) evam eva vedanā-saṃjñā-saṃskāra-vijñānam, (10) iha Śāriputra sarva-dharmāḥ śūnyatā-lakṣaṇā, (11) anutpannā aniruddhā amalā avimalā anūnā aparipūrṇāḥ. (12) tasmāc Chāriputra śūnyatāyāṃ (13) na rūpaṃ na vedanā na saṃjñā na saṃskāra na vijñānam, (14) na cakṣuḥ-śrotra-ghrāṇa-jihvā-kāya-manāṃsi (15) na rūpa-śabda-gandha-rasa-spraśtavya dharmāḥ, (16) na cakṣur-dhātur yāvan na mano-vijñāna-dhātuḥ. (17) nāvidyā na vidyā nāvidyā-kṣayo nāvidyā-kṣayo (18) yāvan na jarā-maraṇaṃ na jarā-maraṇa-kṣayo (19) na duḥkha-samudaya-nirodha-mārgā, (20) [jñā] na jñānaṃ, na prāptiś (21) ca tasmān nāprāpti-tvā (22) bodhisattvasyām (23) prajñā-pāramitām āśritya (24) viharaty acittāvaraṇaḥ. cittāvaraṇa- (25) nāstitvād atrasto (26) viparyāsātikrāntaḥ (27) niṣṭhānirvāṇam. (28) tryadhva-vyavasthitāḥ sarva-buddhāḥ (29) prajñā-pāramitām āśritya- (30) anuttarāṃ samyak-[sam]bodhim abhisambuddhāḥ. (31) tasmāj jñā-tavyaṃ prajñā-pāramitā (32) mahā-mantro (33) mahā-vidyā-mantraḥ (34) anuttara-mantraḥ (35) asamasama-mantraḥ, (36) sarva-duḥkha-praśamanaḥ (37) satyam amithyatvā. (38) prajñāpāramitām ukto mantraḥ, (39) tadyathā: (40) (Oṃ) gate, gate, (41) pāragate, (42) pāra-saṃgate (43) bodhi svāhā.
Transcribed by Fumimasa-Bunga Fukui. See Chapter 12.
(0) 般若波羅蜜多心經 (1) 聖觀自在菩薩 (2) 深般若波羅蜜多行 行時 (3) 照見五蘊 (4) 彼自性空現 (6) 此舍利子 (6x) 色空空性是色 (7) 色不異空空亦不異色 (8) 是色彼空 是空 彼色 (9) 如是受想行識 (10) 此舍利子諸法空相 (11) 不生不滅不垢不淨不增不減 (12) 是故 舍利子空中 (13) 無色無受無想無行無識 (14) 無眼耳鼻舌身意 (15) 無色聲香味觸法 (16) 無眼界乃至無意識界 (17) 無明無明無明盡無 明盡 (18) 乃至無老死無老死盡 (19) 無苦集滅道 (20) 無智無得無證 (21) 以無所得故 (22) 菩提薩埵 (23) 般若波羅蜜多依於住 (24) 心無 罣礙心無 罣礙 (25) 無有恐怖 (26) 顛倒遠離 (27) 究竟涅槃 (28) 三 世所住諸佛 (29) 依般若波羅蜜多故 (30) 得無上等正覺 (31) 是故應 知般若波羅蜜多 (32) 大呪 (33) 大明咒 (34) 無上彼呪 (35) 無等呪 (36) 一切苦正息 (37) 眞實不虚 (38) 般若波羅蜜多 (39) 説呪曰 (40) 誐諦誐諦 (41) 播囉誐諦 (42) 播囉僧誐諦(43) 冒地娑嚩賀 (44) 梵 本般若心經
CHINESE, AMOGHAVAJRA VERSION, transliteration of the above (CAtl)
(0) bo re bo luo mi duo xin jing (1) sheng guan zi zai pu sa (2) shen bo re bo luo mi duo xing xing shi (3) zhao jian wu yun (4) bi zi xing kong xian (6) ci She li zi (6x) se kong kong xing shi se (7) se bu yi kong kong yi bu yi se (8) shi se bi kong shi kong bi se (9) ru shi shou xiang xing shi (10) ci She li zi zhu fa kong xiang (11) bu sheng bu mie bu gou bu jing bu zeng bu jian (12) shi gu She li zi kong zhong (13) wu se wu shou wu xiang wu xing wu shi (14) wu yan er bi she shen yi (15) wu se sheng xiang wei chu fa (16) wu yan jie nai zhi wu yi shi jie (17) wu ming wu ming wu ming jin wu ming jin (18) nai zhi wu lao si wu lao si jin (19) wu ku ji mie dao (20) wu zhi wu de wu zheng (21) yi wu suo de gu (22) pu ti sa duo (23) bo re bo luo mi duo yi yu zhu (24) xin wu gua ai xin wu gua ai (25) wu you kong bu (26) dian dao yuan li (27) jiu jing nie pan (28) san shi suo zhu zhu fo (29) yi bo re bo luo mi duo gu (30) de wu shang deng zheng jue (31) shi gu ying zhi bo re bo luo mi duo (32) da zhou (33) da ming zhou (34) wu shang bi zhou (35) wu deng zhou (36) yi qie ku zheng xi (37) zhen shi bu xu (38) bo re bo luo mi duo (39) shuo zhou yue (40) e’e di e’e di (41) bo luo e’e di (42) bo luo seng e’e di (43) pu ti suo fu he (44) fan ben bo re xin jing
Transcribed by Edward Conze. See Chapter 12.
(0x) oṃ namo bhagavatyai Ārya-Prajñāpāramitāyai! (1) ārya-Avalokiteśvaro bodhisattvo (2) gaṃbhīrāṃ prajñāpāramitāyā-caryāṃ caramāṇo (3) vyavalokayati sma: pañca-skandhās tāṃś (4) ca svabhāva śūnyan paśyast sma. (6) iha Śāriputra (6x) rūpaṃ śūnyatā śūnyataiva rūpaṃ, (7) rūpan na pṛthak śūnyatā, śūnyatāyā na pṛthag rūpaṃ, (8) yad rūpaṃ sā śūnyatā yā śūnyatā tad rūpaṃ. (9) evam eva vedanā-saṃjñā-saṃskāra-vijñānaṃ. (10) iha Śāriputra sarva-dharmāḥ śūnyatā-lakṣaṇā, (11) anutpannā aniruddhā, amalā avimalā, anūnā aparipūrṇāḥ. (12) tasmāc Chāriputra śūnyatāyāṃ (13) na rūpaṃ na vedanā na saṃjñā na saṃskārāḥ na vijñānam, (14) na cakṣuḥ-śrotra-ghrāṇa-jihvā-kāya-manāṃsi (15) na rūpa-śabda-gandha-rasa-spraṣṭavya-dharmāḥ. (16) na cakṣur-dhātur yāvan na manovijñāna-dhātuḥ. (17) na-avidyā na-avidyā kṣayo (18) yāvan na jarāmaraṇaṃ na jarāmaraṇakṣayo. (19) na duḥkha-samudaya-nirodha-mārgā. (20) na jñānam na prāptir na-aprāptiḥ. (21) tasmāc Chāriputra aprāptitvād (22) bodhisattvasya (23) prajñāpāramitām āśritya (24) viharaty acittāvaraṇaḥ. cittāvaraṇa- (25) nāstitvād atrasto (26) viparyāsa-atikrānto (27) niṣṭhā-nirvāṇa-prāptaḥ. (28) tryadhvavyavasthitāḥ sarva-buddhāḥ (29) prajñāpāramitām-āśritya- (30) anuttarāṃ samyaksambodhim abhisambuddhāḥ. (31) tasmāj jñātavyam: prajñāpāramitā (32) mahā-mantro (33) mahā-vidyā-mantro (34) ’nuttara-mantro (35) ’samasama-mantraḥ, (36) sarva-duḥkha-praśamanaḥ, (37) satyam amithyatvāt. (38) prajñāpāramitāyām ukto mantraḥ. (39) tadyathā: (40) oṃ gate gate (41) pāragate (42) pārasaṃgate (43) bodhi svāhā. (44) iti prajñāpāramitā-hṛdayaṃ samāptam.
ENGLISH, F. Max Müller translation of the Horyu-ji version of the Hridaya, 1984 (EM). See Chapter 12.
(0) Pragñā-Pāramitā-Hridaya-Sūtra (0x) Adoration to the Omniscient! (1) The venerable Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, (2) performing his study in the deep Pragñāpāramitā (perfection of wisdom), (3) thought thus: ‘There are the five Skandhas, (4) and these he considered as by their nature empty (phenomenal)’ (6) ‘O Sāriputra,’ he said, (6x) form here is emptiness, and emptiness indeed is form. (7) Emptiness is not different from form, form is not different from emptiness. (8) What is form that is emptiness, what is emptiness that is form.’ (9) ‘The same applies to perception, name, conception, and knowledge.’ (10) ‘Here, O Sāriputra, all things have the character of emptiness, (11) they have no beginning, no end, they are faultless and not faultless, they are not imperfect and not perfect. (12) Therefore, O Sāriputra, in this emptiness (13) there is no form, no perception, no name, no concepts, no knowledge. (14) No eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, mind. (15) No form, sound, smell, taste, touch, objects.’ (16) ‘There is no eye,’ &c., till we come to ‘there is no mind.’ (What is left out here are the eighteen Dhātus or aggregates, viz. eye, form, vision; ear, sound, hearing; nose, odour, smelling; tongue, flavour, tasting; body, touch, feeling; mind, objects, thought.) (17) ‘There is no knowledge, no ignorance, no destruction of knowledge, no destruction of ignorance,’ &c., till we come to (18) ‘there is no decay and death, no destruction of decay and death; (19) there are not [the four truths, viz. that there] is pain, origin of pain, stoppage of pain, and the path to it. (20) There is no knowledge, no obtaining of [Nirvāna].’ (23) ‘A man who has approached the Pragñāpāramitā of (22) the Bodhisattva dwells (24) enveloped in consciousness. But when the envelopment of consciousness has been annihilated, (25) then he becomes free of all fear, (26) beyond the reach of change, (27) enjoying final Nirvāna. (28) All Buddhas of the past, present, and future, (29) after approaching the Pragñāpāramitā, (30) have awoke to the highest perfect knowledge.’ (31) ‘Therefore one ought to know the great verse of the Pragñāpāramitā, (33) the verse of the great wisdom, (34) the unsurpassed verse, (35) the peerless verse, (36) which appeases all pain (37) — it is truth, because it is not false — (38) the verse proclaimed in the Pragñāpāramitā: (43) ‘O wisdom, (40) gone, gone, (41) gone to the other shore, (42) landed at the other shore. (43) ‘O wisdom Svaha!’ (44) Thus ends the heart of the Pragñāpāramitā.
ENGLISH, D. T. Suzuki translation, 1953 (ES)
From Manual of Zen Buddhism, p. 26.
(0) Prajna-paramita-hridaya Sutra (1) When the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara (2) was engaged in the practice of the deep Prajnaparamita, (3) he perceived: there are the five Skandhas; and these he saw (4) in their self-nature to be empty.(6) O, Sariputra, (6x) form is here emptiness, emptiness is form; (7) form is no other than emptiness, emptiness is no other than form; (8) what is form that is emptiness, what is emptiness that is form. (9) The same can be said of sensation, thought, confection, and consciousness. (10) O Sariputra, all things are here characterized with emptiness: (11) they are not born, they are not annihilated; they are not tainted, they are not immaculate; they do not increase, they do not decrease. (12) Therefore, O Sariputra, in emptiness (13) there is no form, no sensation, no thought, no confection, no consciousness; (14) no eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, mind; (15) no form, sound, odour, taste, touch, objects; (16) no Dhatu of vision, till we come to no Dhatu of consciousness; (17) there is no knowledge, no ignorance, no extinction of knowledge, no extinction of ignorance, (18) till we come to there is no old age and death, no extinction of old age and death; (19) there is no suffering, no accumulation, no annihilation, no path; (20) there is no knowledge, no attainment, [and] no realization, (21) because there is no attainment. (22) In the mind of the Bodhisattva (23) who dwells depending on the Prajnaparamita (24) there are no obstacles; and because there are no obstacles in his mind, (25) he has no fear (26) and, going beyond the perverted views (27) he reaches final Nirvana. (28) All the Buddhas of the past, present, and future, (29) depending on the Prajnaparamita, (30) attain to the highest perfect enlightenment. (31) Therefore, one ought to know that the Prajnaparamita is (32) the great Mantram, (33) the Mantram of great wisdom, (34) the highest Mantram, (35) the peerless Mantram, (36) which is capable of allaying all pain; (37) it is truth because it is not falsehood; (38) this is the Mantram proclaimed in the Prajnaparamita. (39) It runs: (40) Gate, gate, (41) paragate, (42) parasamgate,(43) bodhi, svaha! (O Bodhi, gone, gone, gone to the other shore, landed at the other shore, Svaha!)
ENGLISH, Edward Conze translation, 1958 (EC)
(0) The Heart Sutra (0x) Homage to the Perfection of Wisdom, the lovely, the Holy! (1) Avalokita, The Holy Lord and Bodhisattva, (2) was moving in the deep course of the wisdom which has gone beyond. (3) He looked down from on high, he beheld but five heaps, and he saw that (4) in their own-being they were empty. (6) Here O Sariputra, (6x) form is emptiness and the very emptiness is form; (7) emptiness does not differ from form, form does not differ from emptiness; (8) whatever is form, that is emptiness; whatever is emptiness, that is form, (9) the same is true of feelings, perceptions, impulses, and consciousness. (10) Here, O Sariputra, all dharmas are marked with emptiness; (11) they are not produced or stopped, not defiled or immaculate, not deficient or complete. (12) Therefore, O Sariputra, in emptiness (13) there is no form, nor feeling, nor perception, nor impulse, nor consciousness; (14) No eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, mind: (15) No forms, sounds, smells, tastes, touchables or objects of mind; (16) No sight-organ element, and so forth, until we come to: No mind-consciousness element; (17) There is no ignorance, no extinction of ignorance, and so forth, (18) until we come to: there is no decay and death, no extinction of decay and death. (19) There is no suffering, no origination, no stopping, no path. (20) There is no cognition, no attainment and no non-attainment. (21) Therefore, O Sariputra, it is because of his non-attainmentness (22) that a Bodhisattva, (23) through having relied on the perfection of wisdom, (24) dwells without thought-coverings. In the absence of thought-coverings (25) he has not been made to tremble, (26) he has overcome what can upset, (27) and in the end he attains to Nirvana. (28) All those who appear as Buddhas in the three periods of time (30) fully awake to the utmost, right and perfect enlightenment (29) because they have relied on the perfection of wisdom. (31) Therefore one should know the prajñāpāramitā as (32) the great spell, (33) the spell of great knowledge, (34) the utmost spell, (35) the unequalled spell, (36) allayer of all suffering, (37) in truth — for what could go wrong? (38) By the prajñāpāramitā has this spell been delivered. (39) It runs like this: (40) Gone, gone, (41) gone beyond, (42) gone altogether beyond, (43) O what an awakening, all-hail! (44) This completes the Heart of perfect wisdom.
ENGLISH1, NEW VERSION, Kazuaki Tanahashi and Joan Halifax translation, 2007 (ETH). See also Chapter 1.
(0) The Sutra on the Heart of Realizing Wisdom Beyond Wisdom (1) Avalokiteśvara, who helps all to awaken, (2) moves in the deep course of realizing wisdom beyond wisdom, (3) sees that all five streams of body, heart, and mind (4) are without boundary, (5) and frees all from anguish. (6) O Sariputra, [who listens to the teachings of the Buddha], (7) form is not separate from boundlessness; boundlessness is not separate from form. (8) Form is boundlessness; boundlessness is form. (9) Feelings, perceptions, inclinations, and discernment are also like this. (10) O Sariputra, boundlessness is the nature of all things. (11) It neither arises nor perishes, neither stains nor purifies, neither increases nor decreases. (12) Boundlessness is (13) not limited by form, nor by feelings, perceptions, inclinations, or discernment. (14) It is free of the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind; (15) free of sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, and any object of mind; (16) free of sensory realms, including the realm of the mind. (17) It is free of ignorance and the end of ignorance. (18) Boundlessness is free of old age and death, and free of the end of old age and death. (19) It is free of suffering, arising, cessation, and path, (20) and free of wisdom and attainment. (21) Being free of attainment, (22) those who help all to awaken (23) abide in the realization of wisdom beyond wisdom (24) and live with an unhindered mind. Without hindrance, (25) the mind has no fear. (26) Free from confusion, those who lead all to liberation (27) embody complete serenity. (28) All those in the past, present, and future, (29) who realize wisdom beyond wisdom, (30) manifest unsurpassable and thorough awakening. (31) Know that realizing wisdom beyond wisdom (32) is no other than this wondrous mantra, (33) luminous, (34) unequaled, (35) and supreme. (36) It relieves all suffering. (37) It is genuine and not illusory. (38) So set forth this mantra of realizing wisdom beyond wisdom. (39) Set forth this mantra that says: (40) Gaté, gaté (41) paragaté, (42) parasamgaté, (43) bodhi! Svaha!
SANSKRIT, NEPALESE VERSION, after circa 1100, transcription by Edward Conze. See Chapter 12.
(0x) Oṃ namo Bhagavatyai Ārya-prajñāpāramitāyai! Evaṃ mayā śrutam ekasmin samaye. Bhagavān Rājagṛhe viharati sma Gṛdhrakūṭa-parvate, mahatā bhikṣu-saṃghena sārdhaṃ mahatā ca bodhisattva-saṃghena. tena khalu punaḥ samayena Bhagavān gambhīra-avabhāsaṃ nāma dharmaparyāyaṃ bhāṣitvā samādhiṃ samāpannaḥ. tena ca samayena Ārya-avalokiteśvaro bodhisattvo mahāsattvo gambhīrāyāṃ prajñāpāramitāyāṃ caryāṃ caramāṇa evaṃ vyavalokayati sma: pañca-skandhās tāmś ca svabhāva-śūnyān vyavalokayati. atha-āyuṣmāñc Chāriputro buddha-anubhāvena Ārya-avalokiteśvaraṃ bodhisattvaṃ mahāsattvam etad avocat: yaḥ kaścit kūlaputro vā kuladuhitā vā asyāṃ gambhīrāyāṃ prajñāpāramitāyāṃ caryāṃ cartukāmas tena kathaṃ śikṣitavyam? evam ukta Ārya-avalokiteśvaro bodhisattvo mahāsattvo āyuṣmantaṃ Śāriputram etad avocat: yaḥ kaścic Chāriputra kulaputro vā kuladuhitā vā asyāṃ gambhīrāyāṃ prajñāpāramitāyāṃ caryāṃ cartukāmas tenaivaṃ vyavalokitavyam. (1) Ārya-avalokiteśvaro bodhisattvo (2) gaṃbhīraṃ prajñāpāramitā caryāṃ caramāṇo (3) vyavalokayati sma: pañca-skandhās tāṃś (4) ca svabhāva-śūnyan paśyati sma. (6) iha Śāriputra (6x) rūpaṃ śūnyatā śūnyataiva rūpaṃ, (7) rūpān na pṛthak śūnyatā śūnyatāyā na pṛthag rūpaṃ, (8) yad rūpaṃ sā śūnyatā yā śūnyatā tad rūpaṃ; (9) evam eva vedanā-saṃjñā-saṃskāra-vijñānaṃ. (10) iha Śāriputra sarva-dharmāḥ śūnyatālakṣaṇā, (11) anutpannā aniruddhā, amalā avimalā, anūnā aparipūrṇāh. (12) tasmāc Chāriputra śūnyatāyāṃ (13) na rūpaṃ na vedanā na saṃjñā na saṃskārāḥ na vijñānam. (14) na cakṣuḥ-śrotra-ghrāṇa-jihvā-kāya-manāṃsi. (15) na rūpa-śabda-gandha-rasa-spraṣṭavya-dharmāḥ. (16) na cakṣur-dhātur yāvan na manovijñāna-dhātuḥ. (17) na-avidyā na-avidyā-kṣayo. (18) yāvan na jarā-maraṇaṃ na jarāmaraṇakṣayo. (19) na duḥkha-samudaya-nirodha-mārgā. (20) na jñānam, na prāptir na aprāptiḥ. (21) tasmāc (22) Chāriputra aprāptitvād bodhisattvasya (23) prajñāpāramitām āśritya (24) viharaty acittāvaraṇaḥ. cittāvaraṇa- (25) nāstitvād atrasto (26) viparyāsa-atikrānto (27) niṣṭhā-nirvāṇa-prāptaḥ. (28) tryadhva-vyavasthitāḥ sarva-buddhāḥ (29) prajñāpāramitām-āśritya- (30) anuttarāṃ samyaksambodhim abhisambuddhāḥ. (31) tasmāj jñātavyam: prajñāpāramitā (32) mahā-mantro (33) mahā-vidyā-mantro (34) ’nuttara-mantro (35) samasama-mantraḥ, (36) sarva-duḥkha-praśamanaḥ, (37) satyam amithyatvāt. (38) prajñāpāramitāyām ukto mantraḥ. (39) tadyathā (40) gate gate (41) pāragate (42) pārasaṃgate (43) bodhi svāhā. (43x) Evam Śāriputra gaṃbhīraṃ prajñāpāramitāyāṃ caryāyāṃ śikṣitavyaṃ bodhisattvena. Atha khalu Bhagavān tasmāt samādher vyuttāya-Ārya-avalokiteśvarāya bodhisattvāya mahāsattvāya sādhukāram adāt. sādhu sādhu kulaputra, evam etat kulaputra evam etad, gambhīrāyāṃ prajñāpāramitāyāṃ caryāṃ cartavyaṃ yathā tvayā nirdiṣṭam anumodyate sarva-Tathāgatair arhadbhiḥ. idam avocad Bhagavān. āttamanā-āyuṣmāñc Chāriputtra Ārya-avalokiteśvaro bodhisattvo mahāsattvas te ca bhikṣavas te ca bodhisattvā mahāsattvāḥ sā ca sarvāvatī parṣat sa-deva-mānuṣa-asura-garuḍa-gandharvaś ca loko Bhagavato bhāṣitam abhyanandann iti. (44) iti ārya-prajñāpāramitā-hṛdayaṃ samāptam.
CHINESE VERSION, translated by Prajna, Liyan, et al., 790
(From Taisho, no. 253.)
(0) 般若 波羅蜜多心經 (0x) 如是我聞一時佛在王舍城耆闍崛山中 與大比丘衆及菩薩衆倶時佛世尊即入三昧名廣大甚深爾時衆中 有菩薩摩訶薩名 (1) 觀自在 (2) 行深般若 波羅蜜多時 (3) 照見五蘊 (4) 皆空 (5) 離 諸苦厄 (5x) 即時舍利弗承佛威力合掌恭F.M敬白觀 自在菩薩 摩訶薩言善男子若有欲學甚深般若波羅蜜多行者云何 修行如是問已爾時觀自在菩薩摩訶薩告具壽舍利弗言舍利子若 善男子善女人行甚深 般若波羅蜜多行時應觀五蘊性空 (6) 舍利子 (7) 色不異 空空不異色 (8) 色即是空空即是色 (9) 受想行識亦復如 是 (10) 舍利子是諸法空相 (11) 不生不滅不垢不淨不增不減 (12) 是 故空中 (13) 無色無受想行識 (14) 無眼耳鼻舌身意 (15) 無色聲香味 觸法 (16)無眼界乃至無意識界 (17) 無無明亦無無明盡 (18) 乃至無 老死亦無老死盡 (19) 無苦集滅道 (20) 無智亦無得 (21)以無所得故 (22) 菩提薩埵 (23) 依般若波羅蜜多故 (24) 心無罣礙無罣礙故 (25) 無有恐怖 (26) 遠離顛倒夢想 (27) 究竟涅槃(28) 三世諸佛 (29) 依般 若 波羅蜜多故 (30) 得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提 (31) 故知般若 波羅蜜 多 (32) 是大神咒 (33) 是大明咒 (34) 是無上咒 (35) 是無等等咒 (36) 能除 一切苦 (37) 眞實不虚 (38) 故説般若波羅蜜多咒 (39) 即説咒 曰 (40) 蘗諦蘗諦 (41) 波羅蘗諦 (42) 波羅僧蘗諦 (43) 菩提娑婆訶 (43x) 如是舍利弗諸菩薩摩訶薩於甚深般若波羅蜜多行應如是行 如是説已即時世尊從廣大甚深三摩地起讚觀自在菩薩 摩訶薩言 善哉善哉善男子如是如是如汝所説甚深般若波羅蜜多行應如是 行如是行時一切如來皆悉隨喜爾時世尊説是語已具壽舍利弗大 喜充遍 觀自在菩薩 摩訶薩亦大歡喜時彼衆説會天人阿修羅乾闥 婆等聞佛所説皆大歡喜信受奉行 (44) 般若波羅蜜多心經
CHINESE VERSION, translated by Prajna, Liyan, et al., transliteration of the above
(0) bo re bo luo mi duo xin jing (1x) ru shi wo wen yi shi fo zai wang she cheng qi she jue shan zhong yu da bi qiu zhong ji pu sa zhong ju shi fo shi zun ji ru san mei ming guang da shen shen er shi zhong zhong you pu sa mo he sa ming (1) guan zi zai (2) xing shen bo re bo luo mi duo shi (3) zhao jian wu yun (4) jie kong (5) li zhu ku e (5x) ji shi she li fu cheng fo wei li he zhang gong jing bai guan zi zai pu sa mo he sa yan shan nan zi ruo you yu xue shen shen bo re bo luo mi duo xing zhe yun he xiu xing ru shi wen yi er shi guan zi zai pu sa mo he sa gao ju shou she li fu yan she li zi ruo shan nan zi shan nü ren xing shen shen bo re bo luo mi duo xing shi ying guan wu yun xing kong (6) she li zi (7) se bu yi kong kong bu yi se (8) se ji shi kong. kong ji shi se (9) shou xiang xing shi yi fu ru shi (10) She li zi shi zhu fa kong xiang. (11) bu sheng bu mie bu gou bu jing, bu zeng bu jian (12) shi gu kong zhong (13) wu se, wu shou xiang xing shi (14) wu yan er bi she shen yi (15) wu se sheng xiang wei chu fa (16) wu yan jie nai zhi wu yi shi jie (17) wu wu ming yi wu wu ming jin (18) nai zhi wu lao si yi wu lao si jin. (19) wu ku ji mie dao (20) wu zhi yi wu de (21) yi wu suo de gu (22) pu ti sa duo (23) yi bo re bo luo mi duo gu (24) xin wu gua ai. wu gua ai gu (25) wu you kong bu (26) yuan li dian dao meng xiang (27) jiu jing nie pan (28) san shi zhu fo (29) yi bo re bo luo mi duo gu (30) de a nou duo luo san miao san pu ti (31) gu zhi bo re bo luo mi duo (32) shi da shen zhou (33) shi da ming zhou (34) shi wu shang zhou (35) shi wu deng deng zhou (36) neng chu yi qie ku (37) zhen shi bu xu (38) gu shuo bo re bo lo mi duo zhou (39) ji shuo zhou yue (40) jie di jie di (41) bo luo jie di (42) bo luo seng jie di (43) pu ti suo po he (43x) ru shi she li fu zhu pu sa mo he sa yu shen shen bo re bo luo mi duo xing ying ru shi xing ru shi shuo yi ji shi shi zun cong guang da shen shen shan mo di qi zan guan zi zai pu sa mo he sa yan shan zai shan zai shan nan zi ru shi ru shi ru ru suo shuo shen shen bo re bo luo mi duo xing ying ru shi xing ru shi xing shi yi qie ru lai jie xi sui xi er shi shi zun shuo shi yu yi ju shou she li fu da xi chong bian guan zi zai pu sa mo he sa yi da huan xi shi bi zhong shuo hui tian ren a xiu luo qian ta po deng wen fo suo shuo jie da huan xi xin shou feng xing (44) bo re bo luo mi duo xin jing
Transcribed by Christian P. B. Haskett for this book.
(0) bcom ldan ’das ma shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa’i snying po bzhugs so (0x1) bcom ldan ’das ma shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa’i snying po bzhugs so (0x2) smra bsam brjod med shes rab pha rol phyin ma skyes mi ’gag nam mkha’i ngo bo nyid so so rang rig ye shes spyod yul ba dus gsum rgyal ba’i yum la phyag ’tshal lo. (0x3) rgya gar skad du bha ga wa ti pra dznyA pA ra mi tA hri da ya. (0x4) bod skad du, bcom ldan ’das ma shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa’i snying po. (0x5) bcom ldan ’das ma shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa la phyag ’tshal lo. (0x6) ’di skad bdag gis thos pa dus gcig na. bCom lDan ’Das rgyal bo’i khab Bya rGod Phung Po’i Ri na, dge slong gi dge ’dun chen po dang, byang chub sems dpa’i dge ’dun chen po dang thabs gcig tu bzhugs te. de’i tshe, bCom lDan ’Das zab mo snang ba zhes bya ba’i chos kyi rnam grangs kyi ting nge ’dzin la snyoms par zhugs so. yang de’i tshe, (1) Byang Chub Sems dPa’ Sems dPa’ Chen po ’Phags Pa sPyan Ras gZigs dBang Phyug shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa zab mo’i spyod pa nyid la rnam par blta zhing (3) phung po lnga po de dag la yang rang bzhin gyis stong par rnam par lta’o. (0x7) de nas Sangs rGyas kyi mthus Tshe dang lDan Pa ShA Ri’i Bus Byang Chub Sems dPa Sems dPa’ Chen po ’Phags Pa sPyan Ras gZigs dBang Phyug la ’di skad ces smras so. rigs kyi bu ’am rigs kyi bu mo gang la la shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa zab mo’i spyod pa spyad par ’dod pa des ji ltar bslab par bya. de skad ces smras pa dang, Byang Chub Sems dPa Sems dPa’ Chen po ’Phags Pa sPyan Ras gZigs dBang Phyug gis Tshe Dang lDan Pa ShA Ra Dwa Ti’i Bu la ’di skad ces smras so. ShA Ri’i Bu, rigs kyi bu ’am rigs kyi bu mo gang la la shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa zab mo’i spyod par ’dod pa des ’di ltar rnam par blta bar bya ste. (3) phung po lnga po de dag kyang (4) rang bzhin gyis stong par yang dag par rjes su blta’o. (8) gzugs stong pa’o. stong pa nyid gzugs so. (7) gzugs las stong pa nyid gzhan ma yin stong pa nyid las kyang gzugs gzhan ma yin no. (9) de bzhin du tshor ba dang ’du shes dang ’du byed dang rnam par shes pa rnams stong pa’o. (10) shA ri’i bu, de ltar chos thams cad stong pa nyid de. mtshan nyid med pa. (11) ma skyes pa. ma ’gags pa. dri ma med pa. dri ma dang bral ba med pa. bri ma med cing. gang ba med pa’o. (12) ShA ri’i bu, de lta bas na, stong pa nyid la (13) gzugs med, tshor ba med, ’du shes med, ’du byed rnams med, rnam par shes pa med. (14) mig med, rna ba med, sna med, lce med, lus med, yid med. (15) gzugs med, sgra med, dri med, ro med, reg bya med, chos med do. (16) mig gi khams med pa nas yid kyi khams med. (16x) yid kyi rnam par shes pa’i khams kyi bar du yang med do. (17) ma rig pa med, ma rig pa zad pa med pa nas (18) rga shi med, rga shi zad pa’i bar du yang med do. (19) de bzhin du, sdug bsngal ba dang. kun ’byung ba dang. ’gog pa dang. lam med. (20) ye shes med, thob pa med, ma thob pa yang med do. (22) ShA Ri’i Bu. (21) de lta bas na. (22x) byang chub sems dpa’ rnams ni thob pa med pa’i phyir. (23) shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa ’di la brten cing gnas te. (24, 25) sems la sgrib pa med pas skrag pa med de. (26) phyin ci log las shin tu ’das nas, (27) mya ngan las ’das pa’i mthar phyin to. (28) dus gsum du rnam par bzhugs pa’i sangs rgyas thams cad kyang (29) shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa ’di la brten nas bla na med pa (30) yang dag par rdzogs pa’i byang chub tu mngon par rdzogs par sangs rgyas so. (31) de lta bas na, shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa’i sngags. (32) rig pa chen po’i sngags. (33) bla na med pa’i sngags. (34) mi mnyam pa dang (35) mnyam par byed pa’i sngags. (36) sdug bsngal thams cad rab tu zhi bar byed pa’i sngags. (37) mi brdzun pas na bden par shes par bya ste. (38) shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa’i sngags smras pa. (39) ta dya thA. (40) ga te ga te. (41) pa ra ga te. (42) pa ra saṃ ga te. (43) bo dhi svA hA. (43x) ShA Ri’i Bu, byang chub sems dpa’ sems dpa’ chen pos de ltar shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa zab mo la bslab par bya’o. de nas bCom lDan ’Das ting nge ’dzin de las bzhengs nas. Byang Chub Sems dPa Sems dPa’ Chen po ’Phags Pa sPyan Ras gZigs dBang Phyug la legs so zhes bya ba byin te, legs so legs so. rigs kyi bu de de bzhin no. de de bzhin te. ji ltar khyod kyis bstan pa de bzhin du shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa la spyad par bya ste, de bzhin gshegs pa rnams kyang rjes su yi rang ngo. bCom lDan ’Das kyis de skad ces dka’ stsal nas, Tshe Dang lDan Pa ShA Ri’i Bu dang, Byang Chub Sems dPa Sems dPa’ Chen po ’Phags Pa sPyan Ras gZigs dBang Phyug dang, thams cad dang ldan pa’i ’khor de dag dang, lha dang, mi dang, lha ma yin dang, dri zar bcas pa’i ’jig rten yi rangs te, bCom lDan ’Das kyis gsungs pa la mngon par bstod do. (44) bcom ldan ’das ma shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa’i snying po zhes bya ba theg pa chen po’i mdo rdzogs so.
Translation of the above by Christian P. B. Haskett.
(0) bcom ldan ‘das ma shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa’i snying po bzhugs so (0x1) [prefatory matter] Here sits the Bhagavatī Prajñāpāramitā hṛdaya. (0x2) [introductory verse]
Inexpressible, Inconceivable, Ineffable Perfection of Wisdom
Unborn, Unobstructed, the Essence of Space
Realm of Self-aware Primordial Wisdom
Mother of the Victors of the Three Times, to You I prostrate.
(0x3) [Transliterated Sanskrit title] In the language of India, bhagavatī prajñāpāramitā hṛdaya (0x4) [Translated Tibetan title] In the language of Tibet, the Blessed One, Heart of the Perfection of Wisdom.
(0x5) [Introductory verse of veneration]
Reverence to you
O Blessed One
Perfection of Wisdom.
(0x6) [Prefatory Matter] Thus did I hear once: The Bhagavan was staying on Vulture Peak in Rājagṛha, together with a great assembly of monks and a great assembly of bodhisattvas. At that time, the Bhagavan was absorbed in the deep concentration on the expression of the dharma known as “The Profound Illumination.” (1) And at that time, the Bodhisattva Mahāsattva, the Noble Avalokiteśvara (2) looked at the activities of the Profound Perfection of Wisdom (3) and saw that the five aggregates (4) were devoid of self-nature. (0x7) Then, by the power of the Buddha, the Elder Śāriputra spoke to the Bodhisattva Mahāsattva, the Noble Avalokiteśvara: “How should a Noble Son or Noble Daughter train, who wishes to engage in the profound activities of the Perfection of Wisdom?” The Bodhisattva Mahā-sattva, the Noble Avalokiteśvara, said to Sāradvatiputra these words: “O, Śāriputra, a Noble Son or Daughter who wishes to engage in the profound activities of the Perfection of Wisdom should consider thusly, and should regard the five aggregates as devoid of self-nature. (8) Form is empty. Emptiness is form. (7) Emptiness is not other than form, nor is form other than emptiness. (9) Similarly, sensations, conceptions, formations, and consciousnesses are empty. (10) Śāriputra, in that way all phenomenon are emptiness. They have no characteristics. (11) They are not born. They do not cease. There is no defilement. There is no lack of defilement. There is no taking away, and there is no filling. (12) O Śāriputra, therefore, in emptiness there is (13) no form, no sensation, no conception, no formations, no consciousness. (14) There is no eye, no nose, no ear, no tongue, no body, no mind. (15) There is no form, no sound, no scent, no taste, no touch, and no phenomenon. (16) There is no visual sphere, and on through to no mental sphere, (16x) up to: there being no sphere of mental consciousness either. (17) There is no ignorance, nor is there anything from elimination of ignorance to (18) there being no aging and death, up to: there being no end to aging and death either. (19) Similarly, there is no suffering, source, cessation, or path. (20) There is no primordial wisdom, there is no attainment, and there is no non-attainment. (22) O Śāriputra, (21) Therefore (22x) Because for bodhisattvas there is no attainment, (23) then remaining in reliance on the Perfection of Wisdom, (24, 25) Because there is no obstruction to the mind, there is no fear. (26) Having completely gone beyond perversity (27) They have reached the end, nirvana. (28) All the Buddhas who reside in the three times, too, (29) having relied on the Perfection of Wisdom, (30) have completely awakened into enlightenment, total and complete, the unsurpassable. (31) Therefore, there is the mantra of the Perfection of Wisdom. (32) It is the mantra of great awareness. (33) It is the unsurpassable mantra. (34, 35) It is the mantra that is the equal of the unequalled. (36) It is the mantra which pacifies all suffering. (37) Because it is not false, it should be known as true. (38, 39) The mantra of the Perfection of Wisdom is spoken: (40) ga te ga te. (41) pa ra ga te. (42) pa ra saṃ ga te. (43) bodhi svāhā. (43x) O Śāriputra, the Mahāsattva Bodhisattva should train in the profound Perfection of Wisdom in just that way.” Then, the Blessed One, having risen from his meditation, spoke to the Mahāsattva Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara and giving his endorsement, said, “Excellent! Excellent! O Noble son, it is just that way. It being just that way, One should engage in the Perfection of Wisdom just as you have taught, and even the tathāgatas will rejoice.” The Blessed One having uttered these words, the Elder Śāriputra, the Mahāsattva Bodhisattva Ārya Avalokiteśvara, the entire retinue, and the whole world including gods, humans, demi-gods, and gandharvas, all rejoiced. (44) This concludes the Blessed One, the Mahāyāna Sūtra called the Heart of the Perfection of Wisdom.
Transcribed by Erdenebaatar Erdene-Ochir for this book.
(0)Bilgiïn zürxän xämääx sudar orshwoï (0x) Iïn xämään miniї sonsson nägän cagt Yalj Tögs Nögqsön bäär xaany xarsh Xajir Shuvuud Cogcolson uuland ayagxa täximlägiïn ix xuwraguud xiïgääd bodisadwa naryn ix xuwraguud lugaa xamt nägänää suun bülgää. Tär cagt Yalj Tögs Nögqsön Gün nariïnyg üzäxüï xämäägdäx nomyn züïl toony samadid tägsh orshwoï. Mön tär cagt (1) bodisadwa maxasadwa xutagt Nüdäär Üzägq Ärhät q bilgiïn qanadad xürsän gün nariïn yawdlyg tiïn üzääd (2) tädgäär tawan cogcyg q mon canaraar xooson xämään tiïn bogood üzwäï. (2x) Tändääs Burxany xüqäär nasnaa tögöldör Shaaryn xöwgüün bäär bodisadwa mahūsadwa xutagt Nüdäär Üzägq Ärxätäd iïn xämään ögüülwäï, “Yazguurtany xöwgüün ba yazguurtany oxin xän zarimuud bilgiïn qanadad xürsniï gün yawdlaar yawsugaï xämään xüsägch täd bäär yamar mät suralcax buï?” Tiïn xämään ögüülsänd bodisadwa mahūsadwa xutagt Nudäär Üzägq Ärxät bäär nasanaa tögöldör Shaaryn höwgüünd iïn xämään ögüülwäï, “Shaaryn xöwgüün ää! Yazguurtany xöwgüün ba yazguurtany oxin xän zarimuud bilgiïn qanadad xürsniï gün yawdlaar yawsugaï xämään xüsägq täd bäär änä mät tiïn üzäx bögööd (3) tädgäär tawan cogcyg q (4) mön qanaraar xooson xämään ünäxäär dagan üzäx boloï. (8) Dürs xooson boloï. Xooson dürs boloï. Dürsnääs q xooson angid bus boloi. Xoosnoos q dürs angid bus boloi. (9) Tüünqlän mädräxüï xiïgääd xuraan mädäxüï ba xuraan üïldäxüï, tiïn mädäxüïnüüd xooson boloï. (10) Shaaryn xöwgüün ää! Tär mätiïn tuld xamag nom xooson bögööd bilig qanar ügüï, (11) töröx ügüï, türdäx ügüï, xir ügüï, xirääs xagacsan ügüï, buurax ügüï, nämäx ügüï boloï. (12) Shaaryn xöwgüün ää! Tär mätiïn tuld xoosond (13) dürs ügüï, mädräxüï ügüï, xuraan mädäxüï ügüï, xuraan üïldäxüïnüüd ügüï, tiïn mädäxüï ügüï, (14) nüd ügüï, qix ügüï, xamar ügüï, xäl ügüï, bie ügüï, sätgäl ügüï, (15) dürs ügüï, duu ügüï, ünär ügüï, amt ügüï, xürälcäxüï ügüï, nom ügüï boloï. (16) Nüdniï oron ügüïgääs sätgäliïn oron ügüï. (16x) Sätgäliïn tiïn mädäxüïn orond xürtäl ügüï boloï. (17) Munxag ügüï, munxag baragdaxuï ügüïgääs (18) ötlöxüï üxäxüï ügüï, ötlöxüï üxäxüï baragdaxuïd q xürtäl ügüï boloï. (19) Tüünqlän zowlon ba büxän garax xiïgääd türdäxüï ba mör ügüï. (20) Bälgä bilig ügüï, oloxuï ügüï, ül oloxuï bäär q ügüï boloi. (22) Shaaryn xöwgüün ää! (21) Tär mätiïn tuld, (22x) bodisadwa nar oloxuï ügüïn tul (23) bilgiïn qanadad xürsän gün üünd shütän orshood, (24 & 25) sätgäld tüïtgär ügüï bolood aïx ügüï buyuu. (26) Qanx buruugaas mashid nöxqij, (27) nirwaany äcäst xürwäï. (28) Gurwan cag dor ilt suusan xamag burxan bäär (29) bilgiïn qanadad xürsän gün üünd shütäj däär ügüï (30) ünäxäär tuulsan bodi dor ilt tögsgön burxan bolwoï. (31) Tär mätiin tuld bilgiïn qanadad xürsniï tarni, (32) ix uxaany tarni, (33) tänsäl ügüï tarni, (34) sac bus lugaa (35) sacuu tarni, (36) xamag zowlong mashid amirluulagq tarni, (37) xudal busyn tuld ünän xämään mädääd (38) bilgiïn qanadad xürsniï tarniïg ögüülwäï. (39) Dadyata, Um (40) gadä gadä (41) baara gadä (42) baara sam gadä (43) bodi suuxaa. (43x) Shaaryn xöwgüün ää! Bodisadwa, maxasadwa nar bäär tär mät gün bilgiïn qanadad xürsänd suralcax boloï.” Tändääs Yalj Tögs Nögqsön tär samadigaas bosoj, bodisadwa maxasadwa xutagt Nüdäär Üzägq Ärhätäd “Saïn” xämään ögööd “Saïn saïn. Yazguurtany xöwgüün tär tüünqlän boloï. Tär tüünqlän bögööd qiniï yamar mät üzüülsen tüünqlänxüü gün bilgiïn qanadad xürsänd yawagdax buï. Tüünqlän irsänüüd bäär dagan bayasalcaxuï boloï.” Yalj Tögs Nögqsön tiïn xämään zarlig bolsond nasnaa tögöldör Shaaryn xöwgüün xiïgääd bodisadwa maxasadwa xutagt Nüdäär Üzägq Ärhät ba xamag lugaa tögöldörüüd tädgäär ba tängär xümüün ba asuri, gandari sält ertönc daxin dagan bayasalcaad Yalj Tögs Nögqsön bäär nomlosnyg ilt mägtwäï. (44) Yalj Tögs Nögqsöniï ix bilgiïn qanadad xürsniï zürxän xämääx sudar tögsöw. Ölziï orshix boltugaï.