Selected Bibliography


Bokar Rinpoche and Khenpo Donyo. Profound Wisdom of the Heart Sutra and other Teachings. Translated from the French by Christian Buchet. San Francisco: ClearPoint Press, 1994.

Brunnhölzl, Karl. The Heart Attack Sutra: A New Commentary on the Heart Sutra. Ithaca, NY: Snow Lion Publications, 2012.

Chang, Garma C. C. The Buddhist Teaching of Totality: The Philosophy of Hwa Yen Buddhism. London: Allen & Unwin, 1972.

Conze, Edward. Buddhist Wisdom Books: The Diamond Sutra and The Heart Sutra. London: Allen & Unwin, 1958.

______. The Prajnaparamita Literature. The Hague: Mouton, 1960.

______. Thirty Years of Buddhist Studies . Oxford: Bruno Cassirer Publishers, 1967.

______, trans. and ed. The Large Sutra on Perfect Wisdom: With the Divisions of the Abhisamayalankara. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1975.

Cook, Francis. “Fa-tsang’s Brief Commentary on the Prajnaparamita-hrdaya-sutra,” in Mahayana Buddhist Meditation: Theory and Practice, edited by Minoru Kiyota, 167–206. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1978.

Eckel, M. David. “Indian Commentaries on the Heart Sutra: The Politics of Interpretation.” Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 10, no. 2 (1987): 69–79.

Evans-Wentz, W. Y. Tibetan Yoga and Secret Doctrines. New York: Oxford University Press, 1935.

Fox, Douglas A. The Heart of Buddhist Wisdom: A Translation of the Heart Sutra, with Historical Introduction and Commentary. Studies in Asian Thought and Religion 3. Lewiston, N.Y.: The Edwin Mellen Press, 1985.

Glassman, Bernie. Infinite Circle: Teachings in Zen. Boston: Shambhala Publications, 2002.

Gyatso, Geshe Kelsang. Heart of Wisdom: A Commentary to the Heart Sutra. London: Tharpa Publications, 1986.

Hakuin. Zen Words for the Heart: Hakuin’s Commentary on The Heart Sutra. Translated by Norman Waddell. Boston: Shambhala Publications, 1996.

Hasegawa, Seikan. The Cave of Poison Grass: Essays on the Hannya Sutra. Arlington, Va.: Great Ocean Publishers, 1975.

Hua, Hsuan. The Heart of Prajna Paramita Sutra. With “Verses without a Stand” and Prose Commentary. Translated by Buddhist Text Translation Society. San Francisco: Buddhist Text Translation Society, 1980.

K’ueichi. Comprehensive Commentary on the Heart Sutra. Translated from the Chinese of K’uei-chi by Heng-ching Shih. BDK Series, 66. Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 2001.

Kukai. Major Works. With an Account of His Life and a Study of His Thought. Translated by Yoshito S. Hakeda. New York: Columbia University Press, 1972.

Leggett, Trevor. The Tiger’s Cave. London: Rider & Company, 1964.

______. Zen and the Ways. Boulder, Colo.: Shambhala Publications, 1978.

Loori, John Daido. Mountain Record of Zen Talks. Boston: Shambhala Publications, 1988.

Lopez, Donald S., Jr. The Heart Sutra Explained: Indian and Tibetan Commentaries. Albany, N.Y.: State University of New York Press, 1988.

______. Elaborations on Emptiness: Uses of the Heart Sutra. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1998.

Luk, Charles (Lu K’uan Yu). Ch’an and Zen Teaching: London, Rider & Company, 1961.

Maha Prajna Paramita Hridaya Sutra: Heart of the Great Wisdom Paramita Sutra. Translated with commentary by Gyomay M. Kubose. Chicago: The Dharma House, 1975.

McRae, John R. “Ch’an Commentaries on the Heart Sutra: Preliminary Inferences on the Permutation of Chinese Buddhism,” Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 11, no. 2 (1988): 87–115.

Mu Soeng Sunim. Heart Sutra: Ancient Buddhist Wisdom in the Light of Quantum Reality. Cumberland, R.I.: Primary Point Press, 1991.

Müller, F. Max, and Bunyiu Nanjio, ed. “The Ancient Palm-leaves Containing the Prajnaparamita-hridaya-sutra and the Ushnisha-vigaya-dharani.” Anecdota Oxoniensia, Aryan Series, vol. 1, part 3. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1884.

Müller, Max F., ed. Buddhist Mahayayana Texts. The Sacred Books of the East, vol. 49. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1894.

Nattier, Jan. “The Heart Sutra: A Chinese Apocryphal Text?” Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 15, no. 2 (1992): 153–223.

Nhat Hanh, Thich. The Heart of Understanding. Edited by Peter Levitt. Berkeley, Calif.: Parallax Press, 1988.

Osho. The Heart Sutra: Discourses on the Prajnaparamita Hridayam Sutra of Gautama the Buddha. Shaftesbury, UK: Element Books, 1994.

Prajnaparamita and Related Systems: Studies in Honor of Edward Conze. Edited by Lewis Lancaster. Berkeley: Buddhist Studies Series 1. Berkeley: University of California, 1977.

Red Pine, trans. with commentary. The Heart Sutra: The Womb of Buddhas. Washington, DC: Shoemaker & Hoard, 2004.

Rinchen, Geshe Sonam. The Heart Sutra: An Oral Teaching. Translated and edited by Ruth Sonam. Ithaca, NY: Snow Lion Press, 2003.

Suzuki, Daisetz T. Manual of Zen Buddhism. London: Rider, 1950.

Swearer, Donald K., ed. Secrets of the Lotus. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1971.

Tenzin Gyatso, the Fourteenth Dalai Lama. Essence of the Heart Sutra: The Dalai Lama’s Heart of Wisdom Teachings. Translated and edited by Geshe Thupten Jinpa. Somerville, Mass.: Wisdom Publications, 2002.

Trungpa, Chögyam. Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism. Boston: Shambhala Publications, 1973.

Vira, Raghu and Lokesh Chandra, eds. Gilgit Buddhist Manuscripts, rev. and enl. compact facsimile ed. [Bibliotheca Indo-Buddhica Series no. 150]. Delhi: Sri Satguru Publications, 1995), vol. 1, plates 215–16.

Wei Wu Wei. Open Secrets. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1965.


Fujita, Hironori. Hannya Shingyo “Ku” no Seiko Hosoku [The Prajna Heart Sutra: The Emptiness Laws of Success]. Tokyo: Yamashita Shuppan, 1996.

Fujiyoshi, Jikai. Hannya Shingyo to Chado [Prajna Heart Sutra and Tea Ceremony]. Tokyo: Daito Shuppansha, 1993.

Fukui, Fumimasa-Bunga, Hannya Shingyo no Sogoteki Kenkyu [Comprehensive Study of the Heart Sutra]. Tokyo: Shunjusha, 2000.

Hannya Shingyo Uranai [Prajna Heart Sutra Fortune-Telling]. Tokyo: Shogakukan Publications, 2000.

Hasegawa, Yozo. “Hannya Shingyo” no Kenkyu: Kore wa Daizange no Kyoten de Aru. [Study of the Prajna Heart Sutra: This Is a Scripture of Great Repentance]. Tokyo: Kobunsha, 1989.

Hiro, Sachiya. Hannya Shingyo Jissenho: Nayami ga Mirumiru Kaiketsusuru [Prajna Heart Sutra Way of Practice: Worries Are Instantly Resolved]. Tokyo: Shogagukan, 2000.

______. Hannya Shingyo Nihyaku Rokujunimoji no Uchu [Prajna Heart Sutra: A Universe of 262 Characters]. Tokyo: Shogagukan, 1998.

Itokawa, Hideo. Hannya Shingyo to Saishin Uchuron: Uchu no Meikyu e no Chosen: Saisentan Kagaku no Kabe wo Uchiyabutta Shogeki no Kagi [The Prajna Heart Sutra and the Newest Cosmology: Challenge to the Maze of the Cosmos; Shocking Key That Broke through the Barrier of the Most Advanced Science]. Tokyo: Seishun Shuppansha, 1994.

Iyanaga, Nobumi. Kannon Hen’yotan [Story of Avalokiteshvara’s Transformation]. Kyoto: Hozokan, 2002.

Kajiyama, Yuichi. Hannya Kyo [Prajna Sutra]. Tokyo: Chuokoron-sha, 1976.

Kanaoka, Shuyu. Hannya Shingyo [Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra]. Tokyo: Kodansha, 2001.

Kimura, Toshihiko, and Tomoyasu Takenaka. Zenshu no Darani [Dharanis in the Zen School]. Tokyo: Daito Shuppansha, 1998.

Kiriyama, Yasuo. Hannya Shingyo Meisoho [The Prajna Heart Sutra Way of Meditation]. Tokyo: Hirakawa Shuppansha, 1994.

Konno, Ken’ichi. Hannya Shingyo wa Shitte Ita: Sentan Kagaku no Shikaku [The Prajna Heart Sutra Knew It: The Dead Angle of Cutting-Edge Science]. Tokyo: Tokuma Shoten, 2000.

Kubo, Shunryo. Hannya Shingyo 90 no Chie: 276 Ji ni Kome rare ta Ikikata no Shinzui [90 Wisdoms of the Prajna Heart Sutra: The Essence of Living Condensed in 276 Ideographs]. Tokyo: Mikasa Shobo, 1985.

______. Hannya Shingyo: Jinsei wo Tsuyoku Ikiru 101 no Hinto [Prajna Heart Sutra: 101 Suggestions for a Powerful Life]. Tokyo: Mikasa Shobo, 1993.

Matsumoto, Yukio. Hannya Shingyo 100 no Seiko Hosoku: Gammo ga Jitsugensuru Kiseki no Godairiki [The Prajna Heart Sutra’s One Hundred Laws for Success: Five Miraculous Great Powers for Actualizing Wishes). Tokyo: Uiguru, 1986.

Muraoka, Tasaburo. Hannya Shingyo to Seisho [The Prajna Heart Sutra and the Bibles]. Kyoto: Uchuronsha, 1980.

Nakamura, Hajime, and Kazuyoshi Kino. Hannya Shingyo / Kongohanna-kyo [The Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra and the Diamond Sutra]. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 1959, 2001.

Nakano, Yudo. Hannya Shingyo no Kakumei: Tohigan no Shugyo wo Toku [Revolution of the Prajna Heart Sutra: Expounding the Practice of Arriving at the Other Shore]. Tokyo: Genshu Shuppansha, 1993.

Nhat Hanh, Thich. Tikku Natto Han no Hannya Shingyo [Thich Nhat Hanh’s Prajna Heart Sutra]. Translation by Kazuaki Tanahashi of The Heart of Understanding. Tokyo: Sojinsha, 1995. Originally published as The Heart of Understanding. Berkeley Press, 1988.

Osuga, Katsumi. Hannya Shingyo de Tsukamu Ki no Gokui [The Ultimate Secret for Grasping Ki with the Prajna Heart Sutra]. Tokyo: Purejidento-sha, 1993.

Setouchi, Jakucho, Umehara Takeshi, et al. Hannya Shingyo no Kokoro: Torawarenai Ikikata wo Motomete [Heart of the Prajna Heart Sutra: In Search of an Unbound Way of Living]. Tokyo: Purejidento-sha, 2000.

Suzuki, Isao. Eigo to Hannya Shingyo wo Musubu Gogen no Hashi [An Etymological Bridge between English and the Prajnaparamita-hridaya]. Nagoya: Chunichi Bunka, 1981.

Takubo, Shuyo. Kaisetsu Hannya Shingyo (Prajna Heart Sutra Commentary). Tokyo: Hirakawa Shuppansha, 1983.