“Stephenson has a once-in-a-generation gift: he makes complex ideas clear, and he makes them funny, heartbreaking and thrilling.”—Time

“The rarest of geniuses.”—New York Post

“[The] Homer of geek mythology.”—San Diego Union-Tribune

“Neal Stephenson has made a name for himself as a writer whose imagination knows no limits.”—

“The Seattle writer is hard-wired to tell stories, explore technology and riff on anything that catches his fancy.”—Oregonian

“The cult legend.”—Popular Mechanics

“The view from Stephenson’s world is a marvel.”—Seattle Times

“For all of his achievements, Neal Stephenson’s most impressive may be his ability to attract a following equal parts hacker and literati… It’s not just that his prose is smooth and often witty or that his intelligence is wide-ranging and speculative, but that he wrestles with concepts … in ways that would shame most ‘literary’ novelists.”—Los Angeles Times