Chapter Seven
Imagery… The Language of Your Mind
Imagery and symbolism is the language of your subconscious mind. Your subconscious translates your words and feelings into images, and communicates with you through the pictures it draws from words. Your subconscious responds to your feelings and to the words and thoughts that create the most vivid and descriptive images.
It’s been said that a picture is worth a thousand words, but one word can inspire a thousand pictures. You can see the images of your past lives by looking at them through your mind’s eye.
You already know how to see subconscious images. You see them every night when you dream, and every time you talk, read, or listen to someone else speak.
Words automatically form images and create feelings. Close your eyes and think of a word that describes a person, place, or thing, and see what images, feelings, and memories come into your mind. Notice how you respond to the panorama of pictures and feelings that surface, and notice all the memories connected with the word.
Your subconscious understands your words, thoughts, and feelings perfectly, and reflects them in mirror images in your mind. The images and symbols are complete with attached feelings and associated memories as your subconscious opens up a channel of communication with you in its own language by showing you how it speaks.
As you translate and interpret your inner images, you learn to read and speak the language of your mind by listening to your feelings and paying attention to the pictures you see.
Subconscious images and feelings can reflect past lives, and may rise unbidden to the surface to surprise you with past life memories. At first, the image and the associated feelings may be a bit difficult to interpret and understand.
The image usually represents the opening key into a past life memory. As you get more in touch with the image and the feelings, and recognize the language of your mind, the past life memory will surface and be completely understood.
Seeing and Sensing Past Life Images
You can become more aware of the images and feelings of your past lives by becoming more involved in the images offered to you by your mind. As you see your subconscious images, you also sense them. Your five physical senses have a major role in helping you understand and interpret your inner images.
Your subconscious mind picks up and records a tremendous amount of information through your senses. By enhancing your senses, your images become more vivid and clear, and your feelings associated with your images become more defined.
When you look at something, really see it. Notice all the colors of what you’re looking at and seeing, and become aware of other details associated with your visual observations. When you hear something, really listen to it. Become in tune with the sounds you hear. Allow the sounds to form images and to inspire feelings.
When you taste something, really savor it. Call your taste buds into action and taste the flavors. When you smell something, breathe it in. Allow the aroma and scent to surround you as you become even more aware of it. When you touch something, really feel it. Be aware of the sensations you feel with your hands, as well as with your emotions.
To become more aware of your inner images, use your five physical senses simultaneously and in connection with one another. Most often, we use them separately by being aware of only one sense at a time and this causes missing pieces of information.
As you look and see, touch and feel, hear and listen to, taste, or breathe in the aroma and the smell of something, allow your mind to form images relating to each of your senses, then pull all the pieces of the picture together into one picture that tells the complete story in great detail with vivid and descriptive images and emotions.
By doing this, you see the images clearly with your mind’s eye, and you also sense them within your mind. As your memories surface, the sensory information is intertwined with the images, and you see, touch, hear, taste, and smell the images of your past lives.
This places you completely in the picture and you’re involved in experiencing the images. You have a five-dimensional viewpoint rather than a one-sided perspective.
Opening-Up Exercises
1. Your responses to certain words and phrases may create images and feelings that can reveal experiences and events in your past lives. Your past life images and their associated feelings are connected with words that will bring forth your memories.
When you hear a word or a phrase that connects with a past life memory, your subconscious mind opens that particular image and feeling, and brings the memory up to the surface. Free association of words can inspire images and feelings from a past life or give you insight and understanding into a past life.
Enter a meditative frame of mind and be open and receptive to the images and feelings from your past lives that the following words and phrases may create.
You might find yourself responding to an image by feeling and being in the scene. Notice any other sights, sounds, and smells around you as you see and feel the images in your mind. Write down the first thought, image, or feeling you have in response to the following words and the scenes they create in your mind.
If your initial response seems like it doesn’t make sense, don’t stop to analyze it or try to figure out where it comes from. Stay with the first thought, image, or feeling you become aware of. Move through the words fairly rapidly, as the images and feelings flow instantaneously into your mind.
Color of red
Blue sky
Dark clouds and rain; thunder and lightning
Baby carriage
Stair steps
Parade; troops marching
Huge crowd gathered outside around a person standing on a stage above the crowd, giving a speech
Quill pen with an inkwell, sitting on top of a desk
Horse and buggy
Open field, covered with an unbroken stretch of snow
Mountainside, covered with trees
Dark entrance to a cave
Picture yourself in a mirror; see what you look like
Piece of paper with writing on it; write down the words you see
The sound of a phone ringing, or a bell jangling
The night sky; stars that are bright and clear
Center in and focus on the word or phrase in the above list that drew the most vivid image and brought forth the most intense feelings. Become more in touch with what you experienced by expanding on and writing down all the images, thoughts, and feelings to your initial response.
Write down everything that comes to you in the way it comes to you. Don’t try to analyze it or associate it with anything as you write. Just let it flow.
When you’re done writing, go back and read what you’ve written. You may be reading about one of your past lives or you may find definite clues about a past life.
2. Make your own list of words and phrases, and do a free association with them, or work with one word or phrase at a time and focus on that word or phrase to give you spontaneous insights. Choose words that you feel will help you open up your past life memories.
After you make your list, meditate on and feel the word in your mind. Direct your subconscious to show you images and scenes from your past lives that are connected with each of your words. The images you become aware of are clues that will open up your past life memories more fully.
Write down all the thoughts you have and the images you see in response to your words. Note your feelings about them, and everything connected with them.
After doing the free association, you may discover that all your thoughts, images, and feelings are connected with one particular past life and you’ll see your complete memory opening up in a panorama of pictures.