Chapter Nine
Dreams… The Pictures of Your Past Lives
Dreams are a key to your subconscious mind and offer you another doorway into your past life memories. Dreams bridge the past and the present together. They reveal insights and answers into your past lives by showing you pictures of how your past lives interact with and affect your present life. They offer you everything you want to know but were afraid to ask, and they’ll tell you things you don’t want to know but did have the courage to ask.
Dreams are an authoritative and expert guide into the realms of spiritual mysteries and mastery. Dreams show you the magical, mystical world within yourself and provide you with knowledge and awareness that helps you in every avenue and aspect of your life. As you explore and experience your dreams, you’ll discover how your subconscious mind shows you your past lives and you’ll open up your spiritual awareness.
Your subconscious mind is on a different wavelength than your conscious mind. Your spiritual self and physical self are as different as night and day, and they operate on different levels of awareness and energy. When you dream, you tune into your inner knowledge and open up your spiritual awareness. In your dreams, your past life memories have free reign to express themselves.
Past Life Dreams
Your dreams will show you scenes from your past lives. Your dreams accurately portray events and emotions from your past lives; they give you insights and information into why the memory is surfacing in your present life.
Some of your dreams will offer clear images of past life events while others may give you clouded images that are shrouded in symbology.
There are three types of past life dreams. The first type is easiest to recognize because the images and events in the dream are shown in an appropriate time frame. The dream offers you insights into a past life by showing clear, literal images of who you were before and what you experienced.
The dream images show themselves in a flowing movement, portraying the highlights of past life scenes that relate directly to your present life. These dreams interpret themselves by showing the relationship between what you’re currently experiencing and what you experienced in your past life.
The second type provides you with feelings and fragments of past life pictures. The dream relates to learning a karmic lesson; it may include people you’re currently involved with that you shared a past life with.
The dream replays events and emotions you experienced in past lives which are now affecting you, and shows the karma that requires balancing. The dreams may recur, and show you different images with the same message, until you understand and balance the past life event or emotion.
This type of dream may be a bit difficult to recognize as a past life dream because it shows present situations that are similar to past life experiences, and you dream about the past events in a present frame of time. The dream images may appear to be unrelated to your past life.
As you recognize the reflection of past life events and emotions, the imagery and content of the dream changes to reveal past life pictures. As you become involved in your dream by symbolically balancing the karma you become aware of in the dream, and simultaneously balancing the karma in your present life, the dreams may begin to show themselves in lucid form.
In a lucid dream, you’re consciously aware of the dream as you’re dreaming it, and you actively participate in the dream as you observe it. In essence, you wake up inside your dream while you’re still asleep. Lucid dreaming opens a channel of communication between your conscious and subconscious mind.
When the dream becomes lucid, you can continue with lucid dreaming to discover all that you want to know. This gives you a great deal of clear information about past events and emotions, and shows you the connections to corresponding present events and emotions.
You can program your subconscious to give you lucid dreams about your past lives (or anything else) by giving yourself a pre-sleep suggestion, telling your subconscious to connect with your conscious mind while you’re still sleeping, or simply tell yourself that you’ll wake up inside the dream.
The third type occurs when you’ve learned a karmic lesson or balanced karma. The dream confirms the lesson that was learned or the karma that was balanced. The dream imagery is symbolic and literal at the same time, and the pictures are shown in images you’re familiar with.
The dream provides you with the awareness of your accomplishment and shows the rewards you’ve earned. After having one of these dreams, you wake up with a feeling of spiritual nourishment and inner peace.
Another version of the dream verifies memories you may already be aware of, and shows you how to understand your past life better as well as offering ways to complete your karma. The dream provides you with a deeper understanding and a clearer awareness of your soul’s evolvement. The imagery and content of the dream shows the spiritual aspects of your physical reality.
Deciphering Your Dreams
Many of your dreams are consciously forgotten or misunderstood because you believe your dreams are difficult to remember and understand. Your belief becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you want to remember and understand your dreams, work with the same three qualities of desire, expectation, and belief that opened your past life memories.
Deciphering dreams is easy when you apply a few basic principles to the process of dreaming. Many people view their dreams as separate from themselves and this causes them to misunderstand and misinterpret their dreams.
When you dream, you’re involved in the action; when you interpret your dreams, you tend to view yourself and the content of the dream as an outside observer rather than an intimate participant.
Events, imagery, and emotions in your dreams originate from your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. When you understand how you perceive the information offered in your dreams, you can accurately interpret your dreams.
Your subconscious communicates through imagery and symbolism, creating pictures that show actions and describe feelings. Your dream imagery contains symbols that are very important. Once you understand the symbol, the message of the dream opens up.
Your dreams relate specifically to your experiences and your level of awareness. Your dream imagery is based on your perceptions of what the pictures and symbols mean to you. Dreams are experienced in pictures and then translated into words. When you interpret your dreams, the images become words that reveal the meaning of the dream.
If you place your dreams in a conscious perspective, they become distorted beyond recognition. If you respond to your dream by placing it into a logical sequence of either past or present, or real and unreal, you tend to get lost in understanding your dreams. You’ll discover that most, if not all, of the imagery and information has been lost or misunderstood in the translation and the transition from your subconscious to your conscious mind.
The most important thing about understanding your dreams is to respect the manner in which they show themselves, and to value them as a special source of knowledge. To understand your dreams, interpret them in the manner and spirit in which they’re given.
You dream in a subconscious level, so interpret your dream in a subconscious level. The key to understanding your dreams is to recognize that your subconscious has the truth and is willing to share it with you.
Decipher your dreams by what your feelings are about the dream, and by determining the content and context of the dream. Note what you were doing and what happened in the dream. Note all your perceptions and feelings about the dream.
Since your dream imagery originates in your subconscious mind, ask yourself how you feel about the events portrayed in your dream. See how the dream relates to your current experiences and emotions, and look for the past that could be reflected in present images.
Some of your past life dreams are easy to interpret because the dreams are literal and the images are clear. If your dreams are a bit difficult to understand, they could be showing you emotions and events from your past lives that you’re not yet ready to become aware of and accept, and you may need to further discover and explore the images that your dreams offer you.
Your subconscious gives you images and symbols in your dreams that will help you understand an important message in your present life. Look deeper within the images to discover what your subconscious is showing and saying to you.
There are specific things to look for in recognizing a past life dream. Look for similarities to present situations that could be reflections of past life events. This helps you clarify whether the dream relates to your present life or a past life. Note any images that directly relate to a past era of time, such as the architecture and style of dress.
Note any scenes or images that are out of sync with the main flow of the dream. These may represent things you’ve seen or done, or places you’ve been in your past lives, and your subconscious inserts them into your dream where they stick out like a sore thumb.
Pay attention to your feelings about your dreams. A past life dream can show itself in many different ways. Your feelings will help you discover the dreams that show you the pictures of your past lives.
Planning Past Life Dreams
You can plan and program a past life dream. Just before you go to sleep, give yourself a subconscious suggestion for dreaming about a past life. Your subconscious will select the past life that is most appropriate for you to become aware of.
A general suggestion might be something like this: “As I sleep tonight, I’ll dream about one of my past lives. I’ll see the images very clearly and remember every detail about my dream. In the morning, I’ll understand my dream perfectly. I’ll interpret it accurately and understand all the past life connections with my present life. I’ll be able to use the knowledge I gain to help me in my present life.”
This may sound like a lengthy suggestion, but it lays the groundwork for opening up, remembering, interpreting, understanding, and allowing your past life dreams to help you. If you already have some information about one of your past lives, you can be more specific with your suggestion and incorporate that information.
If you have a problem in your present life that you feel relates to a past life, put that into the mix. As you’re giving yourself the suggestions, you may become aware of an image or a feeling about a past life. This is your subconscious mind tuning into one of your past lives and giving you a preview of coming attractions.
Opening-Up Exercises
Plan and program past life dreams. You might want to keep a separate journal for your dreams—a dream diary. Because dreams are so valuable in every aspect of your life, write down all the dreams you have. Include your feelings about your dreams and the symbols in them.
Determine if they’re about one of your past lives or if they relate only to your present life by looking at the overall message in your dreams. Connect your past life dreams with the events, emotions, and experiences in your present life.
Write down all the information and insights that your dreams offer you. This will help you understand their true meanings and put you more in touch with your inner knowing and in tune with your spiritual nature.
Interpreting your dreams will improve your understanding and recognition of subconscious symbols and images, and will show you how your dreams communicate with you.
As you continue to record your dreams, they’ll become more clear and complete, and will offer you insights into yourself and answers to all the questions you have about your past lives.
From time to time, review the notes in your dream journal. You may find answers to questions that you haven’t asked yet and answers to questions you weren’t aware of until you found the answer. Your dreams will reveal pictures of your past lives and help you discover and understand everything you want to know.