Striking and spontaneous sounds


Prahananasitkara Prakarana


imageexual intercourse with its contrarieties can be compared to a combat. The special places for striking with passion on the body are: the shoulders, head between the breasts, back, jaghana, and the sides.

Striking is of four kinds: with the back of the hand, the fingers contracted to form a hollow of the palm, the fist, the open palm.

Since it causes pain, striking gives rise to sitkrita, hissing, and other sounds akin to crooning in ecstasy: hinkara, nasal; stanita, purring; koojita, cooing; rudita, whimpering; sutkrita, gasping; dutkrita, moaning; and futkrita, the sound of a serpent.

There are also words such as Amba, O mother, O god, and those that express satisfaction, pain or praise, to which may be added sounds of the dove, cuckoo, pigeon, parrot, bee, sparrow.

Modes of Striking

Fist should be given on the woman's back, while she sits on the man's lap; in turn, she should give blows, abusing the man as if annoyed, while cooing and whimpering. When engaged in sexual union, the couple should fondle the space between the breasts and the breasts slowly at first, and then increasingly so. At this time, hinkara, the nasal sound, and other sounds may be made alternately, or at random.

When the man strikes the woman on the head, with the fingers of his hand contracted, he performs prasritaka. The woman should coo, and at the end of congress, sigh, whimper and weep.

An innovative cry is phatakum imitating a bamboo being split, while the sound phat is like something falling in water. Whenever love-play commences, the woman may reply with a hissing sound. During heightened excitement she should utter words expressive of satisfaction, sigh, whimper and gurgle. Towards the climax, her breasts, jaghana and sides should be pressed with open palms, using such pressure as the moment dictates.


The woman displays tremendous body flexibility, as she stands on her head in an inverted V while also holding the lingams of her master's two attendants.

There are two shlokas on this subject:

The characteristics of manhood are said to consist of roughness and impetuosity; while weakness, tenderness, sensibility, and an inclination to turn away from unpleasant things are the distinguishing signs of womanhood.

The excitement of passion, and peculiarities of habit may sometimes cause persons to act contrary to their nature, but this does not last long, and in the end the natural state is resumed.

Personal Peculiarities

Using the hands to form a wedge between the bosom, or a scissor-like grip on the head; piercing with the fingers on the cheeks; and pincer-like motions on the breasts and sides, may also be combined with the other four modes of striking. But these four hand formations are unusual and particular to the people of the south. The marks are seen on their women's bodies. Vatsyayana opines that these practices can be painful, barbarous, base, and not always worthy of imitation. Similarly, a personal vice should not be adopted and even if it exists, excess should be controlled.

Some shlokas on the subject state:

About these things there cannot be either enumeration or any definite rule. Copulation having once commenced, passion alone gives birth to all the acts of the parties.

Such passionate actions and amorous gesticulations or movements, which arise on the spur of the moment, and during sexual intercourse, cannot be defined, and are as irregular as dreams.

A horse having once attained the fifth degree of motion, goes on with blind speed, regardless of pits, ditches and posts in his way; in the same manner a loving pair becomes blind with passion in the heat of bodily union and goes on with great impetuosity, paying not the least regard to excess.

For this reason one who is well acquainted with the science of love, and knows his own strength, as also the tenderness, impetuosity and strength of the woman, should act accordingly.

The various modes of enjoyment are not for all times or for all persons, and should only be used at the proper time, and in the appropriate places.


When a girl takes control over the situation and lies on top of the man and makes love to him it is known as inverted sexuality.