Allayed were all fears of this infamous age
when we met by the lush
kadamba tree;*His glancing eyes rolling restlessly like Love,
aroused and enchanted me;
I remember Krishna dancing in the
rasa roundelay,
jesting in amorous prankish play.
May Jaya·deva’s sumptuous song,
infused with Krishna’s alluring beauty,
Inspire recollection at his feet,
and gratify those faithful to their duty.
I remember Krishna dancing in the rasa roundelay,
jesting in amorous prankish play.
“As I tally his many virtues,
I forget his philandering,
And it pleases me to forgive him
his trespasses from afar;
For even while wanton Krishna delights
among the girls without me,
My perverse heart still loves him.
What am I to do?”