While Krishna, her heart’s delight and his family’s
pride and joy, amused himself, she said:
“May your heart delight in Jaya·deva’s song,
Infused with nectars of immortality, recollections at
Krishna’s feet,
A charm to cool the fevers of this age dark with iniquities
“Paint patterns on my cheeks, draw designs on my breasts,
fasten the girdle around my hips, rebraid my hair with
pretty flowers;
Replace the bracelets and jeweled anklets on my arms
and feet.”
Thus Radha spoke to Krishna, clad in saffron robes,
and he was very pleased to do as he was told.
Skill in the musical arts, a contemplative attitude
toward Vishnu,
playful creativity in poetic compositions depicting
the erotic sentiment with discrimination—
All these qualities are mine. I am the poet and scholar
whose soul belongs only to Krishna;
May the Gita·govinda happily convince the wise
among you of that!