The page references in this index correspond to the printed edition from which this ebook was created. To find a specific word or phrase from the index, please use the search feature of your ebook reader.
Aalto University 101, 194
abdominoplasty (tummy tucks) 33
abuse 17, 18
Access to Nutrition Index (ATNI) 265
Ackerman, Joshua M. 133
addiction 24, 114, 115, 148, 209
additives 243
adipocytes 58, 61
adipokines 61
adiponectin 62–3
adipose tissue xv, 23, 36, 40, 41, 43, 52, 55, 56, 58
brown 59, 75–8
white 39, 59–62, 71, 78
adiposity rebound 53
adolescents 193, 248
adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) 151
advertising 25, 112, 162, 172, 175, 176, 178, 261
aroma 187
to children 179–80, 271
cooking oil 267
Africa 200
agri-business 199–201
Ahima, Rexford 63
Aiello, Leslie 44, 46, 47
alcohol 30, 211, 251, 253, 260, 270
Alexander, Richard 48
alkaloids 147
ambience 252
American Beverage Association (ABA) 214
American Indians 205
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 206
American National Institute of Health 85
American National Medal of Science 200
American Society of Nutrition 205
American travelling salesmen 28
Americans Against Food Taxes 214
Americans with Disabilities Act 1990 17
Amgen 74, 75
ammonia hydroxide gas 207
Amsterdam’s Academic Medical Centre 79
anandamide 72
androgynous 61
animal sources 223
antibiotics 84, 92
anti-diet book 35
appetite xv, 72, 165
appetitive networks 171–2
apple shape (android) 61
Applied Food Sciences 262
Aquatic Ape Theory 42, 43
aromas 175, 187
athletes 183–4
Atkins, Peter 198, 202
Atkins Diet 123, 231
autoimmune condition 82
automatic barriers 7, 10
Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) 93
Avena, Nicola 149
babies 39, 41, 53
baby-boomers 194
bacteria 84, 90, 92, 95, 97, 207, 259
bacteroidetes 89, 94
baked potatoes 187
balanced diet 232
Bálint, Resö 169
Balloon Analogue Risk Task (BART) 122–3, 125
Banting, William 29
bariatric surgery 94
Barker Hypothesis 53, 56
Bartelsam, Joep 80, 83
basal ganglia 108, 110
Baumeister, Roy 130, 131, 132
bedtime 248, 255
Beef Products Inc. 208
altering patient 32
consumer 172
excessive 261
motivating 103
pleasurable 115
Berlin’s Centre for Space Medicine 128
Berridge, Kent 161, 165, 171, 172, 173
best practice 265
beta endorphins 256
Bible’s deadly sins 31
Bicton College 216
Bifido-bacterium 88
Big Agriculture 200
Big Box retailers 215
big business 265, 274
Big Food 201, 204, 213, 260, 264, 267, 270
‘Big Snack’ 208
Big Tobacco 213
binge eating 124, 149, 150, 230, 236, 253, 263
binge-purge cycle 234, 235
bioelectric impedance 24
Blaser, Martin 92
bliss point 143, 210
blood cholesterol levels 224
blood glucose 55, 67, 155, 156, 157
blood lipid levels 225
Blood Oxygenation Level Dependent (BOLD) 103
blood sugar xiv, 54
blood-borne satiety factor 67
Bloomburg, Mayor 260
BMI 4, 21, 22, 22–3, 77
Body Dysmorphia 36
body image, healthy 15, 253
Body Mass Index see BMI
body mass, loss of lean 232
Body Surface Area (BSA) 41
body temperature 254
boiled food 50
Bon Appétit 143
bone 23
bonus packs 251
Book of Daniel 29–30
Boom! Marketing 186
Borlaug, Dr Norman 199, 200
Borody, Professor Thomas 82, 85
Boston University 63
Bowler, Ian 198, 202
Boyland, Dr Emma 176, 184
Bragg, Marie 183, 184
energy demands 44, 48
and glucose 43, 45, 54
and hormones 57
inflammation xv, 139
obese 102, 114, 148
parts 104, 108, 110
relative size 44, 45–6, 47
scans 102
brain-gut axis 80, 94
bran 226
brand recognition 186
Brazil 209
bread 187, 229, 251
breakfast 154, 155–6, 179, 247, 248, 249
breast milk 88, 90
breathe, harder to 137
Brighton 4, 10, 42
British Heart Foundation 267
British Medical Journal 53
Broadway, Michael 198
brown adipose tissue (BAT) 59, 75–6
adult 76–8
Brownback, Sam 208
Bruce, Amanda 177
buffet 245
building regulations 273
bulimia 124
bulk sizes, avoid 240
bullied 14
Burger King 190
Burnell, Emma 8
bus shelters 187
C. difficile 79, 81, 83, 89
Cadbury’s 186
cafeteria overconsumption 245
caffeine 123, 136, 146
cake experiment 241
burn 76, 78
counting 222
daily requirements 232–3
density 145
in food 245
limit 232
reduce 269
restriction 123
stores 60
Camos, Paul 33
Campbell, Dr Ian 20
cancer xiv, xv, 36, 213
Cannon, Geoffrey 208, 209
Canter, Deborah 30
Cap’n Crunch 180
carbohydrates 123, 124, 225–9
Cardello, Hank 272
cardio-metabolic diseases and fast food 212
cardiovascular disease xiv, 36, 256
cartoon characters 179
Case Western Reserve University 130
cause marketing 213
celebrity endorsement 184, 185
Centre for Digestive Diseases, The 82
cereals 180–2, 228
Chace Tolmen, Edward 245
challenging cultural norms 35
Chandon, Pierre 242
Chaput, Jean-Philippe 136
charitable donations 213
cheapest ingredients 204
chemical fertilisers 200
chicken wings 239
childhood obesity xiv, 19, 119, 177, 178, 264, 265
children 270
advertising 177, 268
and diabetes 54
with obese parents 119
sleep 136
tobacco use 267
Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario 136
China xiii, 23, 81
consumption 146
cravings 148
drink 145
fat 147
manufacture 145–6
psychoactive effect of 146–7
cholesterol xiv, 62
chronic diseases 258, 271
Chun, Marvin 164
cigarette advertisements 267
Cinnamon Toast Crunch 192
classical music 195
clearing the table, avoid 240
Clostridium difficile 79
clothes 5, 12
Coca-Cola 12, 190, 202, 206, 238, 269
cocoa beans 145
coeliac disease 227, 228
coffee 161, 187
cognitive decline xv, 158
Cohen, Deborah 261, 270, 271
Cohn, Ferdinand 84
Colangelo, Robert 204, 272
cold 42, 78
Coleman, Douglas 65, 67
colour contrast 238
Colour Me Delicious 186
Columbia University 149
Columbus, Christopher 145
comfort eating 15, 21, 127, 145, 152
comfort foods 141, 143
commercial agriculture 199
commercials see advertising
computer games 191, 193
ConAgra 206, 273
Conditioned Consumption 162–3
conflicts of interest 206, 266
consumer behaviour 258
consumption 163, 164, 240
‘contextual cueing’ 164, 175
contrave 263
cookery books 29, 30
cooking 49–51, 50, 51, 239
‘core’ microbiome 89, 96
corn and sugar 230
Cornell, Carol 164
Cornell University 90, 242
coronary heart disease 63
corporate social responsibility (CSR) 213
Corticotropin-Releasing Factor (CRF) 151
Costello, Elizabeth 86
cottage cheese 249
Counting Calories 143
Coupe, Marsha 17, 18
cows 46–7, 203
craving 113, 127, 129, 148, 152, 173
Crawford, Joanna 148
Credit Suisse 270
Crispin Porter & Bogusky 267
eating study 185
jumbo bags 244
crockery size 238
crops 201, 272
cutlery 239
Cypess, Dr Aaron 77
Darnell, Jim 69
Darwinian theory 42, 52
Davis, Adelle 248
Davis, William 227
De re Medicina 30
Dead Sea Rift 50
Degher, Douglas 20
Denver General Hospital 81
Department of Agriculture (US) 258
Department of Energy (US) 205
Department of Nutrition Science 206
destroy biodiversity 201
developing countries xii, xiii, xiv, 204, 214
Devlin, Professor Keith 23
DeVoe, Sanford 176
diabetes see Type II diabetes
Diabetes Mellitus 51
books 29
choices 56
dramatic results from 222
and fashion 223
high in protein 236
higher quality 51
industry 33
liquid 30
quality of 46
quick and easy 262
shocking 222
suggestions 236–7
Diet and Health Research Industry Club (DRINC) 265
dieting 29, 261
books on 30
boundaries 123, 124, 126
extremes 33
successful 126, 127
digestive tract 45
digital media 189, 255
dining 246, 251
disability 21
discrimination 18
Ditto, Beth 35
dolphins 43
domestication of fire 51
Domino’s Pizza 161
dopamine 109, 111, 113, 129, 146, 147, 148, 150, 171, 172, 173
receptors 114, 120, 148
Doritos 192
Dougherty, Bailey 186
Drexel University 138
drink size 260
abuse 120, 134
addiction 119, 270
easily given 264
illicit 114
weight loss 263
Dunbar, Robin 48
Dunkin’ Donuts 187
Dust Bowl 199
dynamic contrast 144
Earcons 195
‘eat less, move more’ 139
eating 102
addictive 114
amounts 3
anticipation of 119
behaviour 228
in company 251, 252
decisions about 113, 252
desire 110, 138, 175
disorders 124
and emotions 142
evidence of 239
healthier 272
hedonic 141
impulsively 24, 128
inhibited 12, 113
memories 110
for pleasure 108, 109
before shopping 250
stop 243
unhealthily 263
education 259, 261, 266
Edward VII 28
Eiseman, Ben 81, 82
Eldredge, Kathleen 138
emotions 21, 142, 154, 171
and brands 188, 193
and Doritos 192
and eating 140, 141, 150, 154
and facial expressions 167
feel good 186
and health 19
managing negative 235
and taste 111
and virtual worlds 191
emulsions 145
endorsements on children, impact of 184
endosperm 226
endospores 90
deprivation 150
needs 59
source of 226
storage 54, 59
energy-dense snacks 25
England’s fattest man 26
enhanced satiety 89
Enteric Nervous System (ENS) 93
environment, relaxing 252
EPODE International Network (Ensemble Prévenons l’Obésité Des Enfants) 265
escapism 154
European Journal of Preventive Cardiology 256
evoke desire 161
evoked qualities 144
excess tummy fat 229
exercise 128, 233
benefits of 255
burns calories 255
habits 138
insufficient 24, 56
and mental health 256
regular 255, 256
Expensive Tissues Theory 44
fabricated results 262
Facebook 189, 192
fad diets 221, 222, 225, 233, 234, 261
faecal matter 83, 86
faecal transplant 80, 82
fake foods 206
famines averted 200
farmers’ markets 216, 272
farming efficiencies 201
farms 199, 203, 216, 230
and BMI 212
children prefer 177
logos 176
and obesity 212
outlets 190
restaurants 212, 252
wars 176
fat 23, 58
and babies 39, 53, 55, 56
desirable 28, 30, 31
different kinds of 40, 223–5
reducing 123, 223, 226
relative to organs 24
storage of 40, 65, 95, 158
and sugar 243
suit 3, 6
Fat Activism 35, 36
stereotypes 32
Fat is a Feminist Issue 18, 34, 35
Fat Men’s Club of Connecticut 28
Father of the Green Revolution 199
fatism 3, 14
Federal Trade Commission 262
Fell, James 256
Ferrero 202
Ferrerò, Guillaume 245
fibre 47, 226
fibroblasts 59
firmicutes 89–90, 94
fish 224
‘five-a-day’ 139
flappers 31
flavonols 147
flavour 144, 210
Florida State University 130
foetuses 53, 54, 87
Fogg, Brian 190
Fogle, Jared 242
associations 176, 183
avoid 235
choosing well 235–7
convenience 209
corporations 209, 212
craving 112, 172
deprivation 49, 236
and dopamine 115
and emotion 119, 127, 143
as fuel 274
and GI 155–7
healthier 265, 272, 273
hygiene 259, 273
images 103, 139, 271
industry 264, 272
intolerance 228
labelling 211, 243, 268, 269
luminous 207
production 201, 211, 216, 265, 265–6, 270
types 268
Food and Brand Lab at Cornell 181
Food and Drug Administration (US) 170, 173
food cues 113, 118, 142, 163, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 183, 186, 195
aromatic 187
environmental 24, 101
implanting 196
sensitivity to 120, 162
viewing 178
Food Pleasure Equation 144
Food Standards Agency 271
Forbes, Laura 230, 231
‘forbidden foods’ 150
Fordism 201–2
Forsythe, Tom 181
Frances, Allen 263
Frankengrain, The 227
Frediani, Kevin 216
Freedhoff, Dr Yoni 185, 234
fresh produce 272
Friedman, Jeffrey 68–71, 74
Frito Lay 192
fruit and vegetables 49, 112, 204, 222, 246, 249, 258, 266, 272
fullness 226, 236, 248, 253
fun and happiness messaging 178
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) 24, 102, 103, 104, 170, 177
Gates Foundation, Bill and Melinda 265
gender stereotypes 35
gene expression 69
General Mills 181, 182, 202
genes transmitted 55
genetically lucky 107
George III 27
George IV 28
George Mason University 28
germ 226
German, Bruce 88
Gessa, Gianluigi 115
ghrelin 91, 93, 134, 152
signalling 247
Gilman, Sander 32
glasses, narrow 238
Global Positioning Systems (GPS) 189
globalisation xii
globus allidus 109
and the brain 154
consuming 51
excess 55, 225
extra 43
insufficient 226
metabolise 52
gluten 227, 228, 229
gluttony 28, 31, 58
glycaemic index 155, 157, 229
glycogen 226
‘golden arches’ 161, 176
Goren-Inbar, Professor Naama 51
Grain Brain 227
grave 26
grazing 247
Great Depression 199
controlling 20
label 139
green coffee bean extract 262
Green Revolution 199, 200, 201
Green Sense Farm 204, 273
greenhouse gas 203
Greer, Germaine 35
grown hydroponically 272
Grupo Bimbo 202
Guernsey 27
Guillemin, Roger 71
Guinness Book of World Records 22
Gulas, Charles 194
Gura, Trisha 88
flora 85, 90, 91, 94, 96
microbiota 97
smaller 44, 51
hair, lack of 43
hamburgers 207, 242
Hamstra, Petra 169
Hardy, Alister 42
Harold, King 30
Harris, Jennifer 178, 182
Harvard xv, 77
Haub, Mark 221, 222
haunted hotel 192
Hawksworth, Elizabeth 5
health xiv, 224
and behaviour 35
claims 186
compromise long-term 231
and eating 186, 268
and food 272
halo 241
inspectors 259
professionals 32
scares 208
‘health-wash’ 185
Healthy At Every Size (HAES) 35
Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation 273
heart disease xiv, xv
Hebrew University 51
HED foods 51, 127, 149, 157, 183, 202,
advertising of 179, 268
desire for 119, 250
rewarding properties of 129
excess 120
hotspots 113
motivation 102
helicobacter pylori 92
Helmer, James 176
Helpful Fellow Travellers 89
Herman, Peter 124, 126
heroes 185
Heuer, Chelsea 18
HFCs and obesity 230
hibernating animals 40
high blood pressure see hypertension
high energy dense foods see HED foods
High Fat and Salt and Sugar Products (HFSS) 185
High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) 230
high protein snack 251
high texture 144
high-fat diet 139
high-sugar foods 230
Hindman, Hunter 193
hippocampus 171
Hoeve Rosa Farm 203
Hoglund Brain Imaging Centre 177
Holden, William 166
homeostasic balance 104
homeostatic control 106
homeostatic motivation 102
Honey Nut Cheerios 182, 192
honey roast ham 211
hormones 58, 59, 60
Hotel 626 192
HPA axis 152
H. pylori 92, 93
Hudson Institute 272
Hughes, Gerald 20
human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) 88
feelings of 104, 106, 134
hormones 71, 152
sensation of 120
hungry body 56
hunter/gatherer 52
hydrogenated oils 224
hydroponic factories 204
‘hyperphagics’ 152
hypertension xiv, 35, 63
hypocretin 116
hypoglycaemia 156
Hypoglycaemic Blues 154
hypophagics 152
control 107
dysfunction 112
functioning 106
signalling 107
Hypothalamic Pituitary Adrenal Axis (HPA) 150
hypothalamus xv, 72, 104–6, 110, 113, 116, 139, 141
ice-cream 35, 164–5
icons, auditory 195
idealised appearance 268
‘I’m lovin’ it’ 188
images of food 101, 118, 162
Imperial College London 55
imported food 199
improving wheat production 199–200
impulse marketing 271
impulsivity 129, 135
sleep 137
India xii, 200
individual liberties 260
individual responsibility 214, 265
inflammation 60
influencing food choices 258
informed choices 269
infrared detection 24
Institute of Education, University of London 19
insula 110
insulation 41, 43, 60
insulin 139, 156, 158
before birth 53
and leptin 121
levels 224
produce 54
receptors 154
resistance 52, 54, 55, 158
sensitivity 96, 158
spikes 158, 227
intellect 48
intense pleasure 111
intensive farms 201
Interdisciplinary Obesity Centre in Rorschach 134
intestinal microbiota 85, 86
Inuits 41
‘involuntary music imagery’ (INMI) 194
Inzlicht, Michael 134
Iowa Gambling Task 129
iPhones 195
Israel 50
Italy 30
Jackson Laboratory, Maine 65, 66
Jackson mice 65–7, 94
Japan 23
Jay, Melanie 32
Jiang, Yuhong 164
John Moores University, Liverpool 44
Jones, Dan 188
Joslin Diabetes Center 76
judgement of the overweight 12, 15, 32
junk food 222
Kahn, Ronald 77
Kansas State University 221
Karremans, Johan C. 167
Katz, David 207
Kellogg’s 180, 182, 190, 191, 202, 206, 229
Kersten, Fons 203
Kessler, David 170
ketones 231
Keys Benjamin, Ancel 22
Khoruts, Alex 82
kidneys 226, 232
Kissileff Eating Lab 155
Kleiber, Max 233
Kolkey, Eugene 180
Koob, George 141
Kraft Foods 202
Kreek, Professor Mary 69
lack of transparency 266
Lake Hula 50
Lambert, Daniel 26–8
Lay’s potato chips 209
Lazar, Mitchell 62
‘lean, finely textured beef’ (LFTB) 207–8
learning and memory 113
leave wrappers 240
Leeuwenhoek, Antony van 83–4
leftover beef scraps 207
Leonard, William 44
leptin 56, 152
clinical trials 74
deficiency 75
discovery 69–71
and fertility 73
injections 74, 75, 91, 263
levels 72, 74
naming 71
pathway 75
resistance 75
role of 72–3
and survival 73
‘Let’s Move’ 264
lettuces 204, 216
Ley, Ruth 90, 94, 95
lifelong health problems 56
lifestyle, changes 235
active 213
modern 24
lignin 47
Likkanen, Dr Lassi 194
Lindlahr, Victor 49
Lineker, Gary 184, 185
lipid levels 62
lipocytes 59
lipodystrophy 61
liposuctions 33
Lipton’s Iced Tea 168
liver 61, 62
livestock 203
location-marketing techniques 190
logos 161, 163, 164, 170, 175
Logue, Alexandra Professor 55
long shelf-life products 209
love 176, 188
low calories 186, 254, 264, 273
low carbohydrate diets 232
low cost food 202
low fat 241, 242, 243
diets 232
labelling 241, 242
Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) 223
Lowe, Michael 138
Lu, Bing xv
lunch, split 248
macronutrient stimulation 144
Mailman School of Public Health xiv
malnutrition xiii, 53
Mars 202, 206
mass production 202 see also Fordism
Match of the Day 185
McBride, Robert 210
McCain foods 187
McCaskill, Senator Claire 262
McDonald, Ronald 212
McDonald’s 161, 176, 188, 190, 195, 206, 212, 242
McMaster University 162, 176
meat 48, 49, 207–8
Medeiros, Marilaine 136, 137
‘medicalising’ obesity 263
memories 110, 144, 171, 188
mental health, decline in xv
mental maps 48
mental stimulation, avoid 255
metabolic syndrome xiv, 61, 62
metagenomics 96
Mexicans and Coca-Cola 215
microbes, harmful 88
microbiome 85, 87, 91, 94
microbiota 89, 91, 95
micronutrients, deficient in 53
mid-morning energy dip 154, 248
Mills, David 88
mind mirrors 133
mineral water 167
‘miracle’ diets 222
mirrors, avoid 5
mitochondria 76
Mobile Marketing Daily 189
mobile technology 189
Modi, Professor Neena 55, 56
molecular biology 69
monoamine oxidase (MAO) 147
Monteiro, Carolos 208, 209
mood 128, 147, 229
moral issue 34
Moskowitz, Howard 210
Moss, Michael 209, 210
mother’s milk 63, 87
motivation 104, 256
movies 163, 166
MRI 55
munchers 152–3
muscle 23
music cues 194
musical memory 194
Musicus, Aviva 180, 181
naked ape 41
naloxone 149
naltrexone 173
‘nanny state’ 260
narcolepsy 116
National Institute of Health 270
National Institute on Drug Abuse 72
National Weight Control Registry 254
Neel, James 51
Nestlé 202
Nestle, Marion 206
Net Cost market 187
neural communications 93
neuropeptides 72, 116
New England Journal of Medicine 77
New York City Council 260
New York Times 227
New York University 32, 92
newborn babies scan 55
NHS, drain on the 18
Nidetch, Jean 34
Nieuwdorp, Dr Max 79, 80, 83
night shifts 254
Nobby’s Nuts 185
Nobel Peace Prize 71, 200
Northern Arizona University 20
Northern Michigan University 198
nourishing foodstuffs 236
Novak, Kim 166
nucleus accumbens 111, 113
Nummenmaa, Dr Lauri Tapio 101, 102, 104, 118
nutrition transition xii, 205
nutritional deficiencies 258
nutritional jargon 211
nutritionally poor food 16, 204
nuts and seeds 224
brains of 118
doctors’ views 32
numbers of xii–xiii
parents 55
super 23
business 261, 262
and children xi, xiii, 177
financial cost of 274
intolerance 33
and lifestyle 67, 78
morbid 23
public awareness of 264
the word 31
Obesity Solutions Initiative 272
obesogenic environment 16, 25, 36, 112, 174, 261, 263, 264, 271, 274
ocean-dwelling mammals 43
Ohashi, Koji 63
olive oil 224
Oliver, Jamie 208
Olson, Jane 143
Olympics 183
omega-3 224, 225
opiate receptors 173, 256
‘opioid agonists’ 173
oranges, eating only 155
Orbach, Susie 18, 35
orbitofrontal cortex 109, 113
Oreos 183
orexin 116, 117
organs 45, 88
orgasm 111
Osaka University 63
otitis media (ear infection) 92
overeating 58, 120, 137, 139, 148, 209, 237, 274
in company 251
health consequences of 266
impulsive 132
at night 247
pleasure in 112
overweight 23, 36
children xiv, 19, 178
narcoleptics 117
numbers of xi–xiii
pride in being 21, 28
women xi, 56
ownership of your body 257
oxygen 76, 103
Oz, Dr Mehmet 262
pacesetters 251
packaging labels 269 see also food labelling
painful joints xiv
Palaeolithic era 52
pancreas 156, 158
Pani, Luca 115
Papies, Esther 169
parabiosis 66
Parker, Gordon 148
paroxetine 147
patronising adults 260
pause points 243, 244
Pavlovian 112
Payne-Palacio, June 30
pear shape (gynoid) 61
PepsiCo 190, 202, 206
Perlmutter, David 227
personal information 189
personal responsibility 274
person’s perception 107
persuasive messages 267
pesticides 200
pharmacological interventions 32, 117
phenylethylamine 146
Phul, Rebecca 18
activity 129, 254
appearance 34
attractiveness 268
differences 42
exercise 14
Physical Education lessons 19
physiological change 104
Picnic (movie) 166
‘pink slime’ 207–8
pituitary gland 151
placebo effect 228
plate, small 238
pleasure 120, 145, 172, 173
triggers 143–5
plus-size fashion 35
Polivy, Janet 124, 126
popcorn eating 163
portal artery 61
portions 222, 238, 260
Post and General Mills 192
post-prandial glycosuria 52
poverty 199, 200
preadipocytes 59
priming 164, 165
Prince of Wales Hospital, Australia 148
Principle of Least Resistance 245
Pringles 244
prize 183
processed foods xiv, 91, 205, 206
profits in food industry 202
prokaryotes 85
diet 231, 232, 248, 249
eat 243
excess 231
increasing 249
metabolise 231
powders 250
processing 231
proteobacteria 90
pseudomembranous colitis 81
psilocybin 147
aspects of weight gain 3
barriers 13
coping mechanism 20
needs 143
profile 125
wants 25, 161
puberty 73
public, influencing the 213
public health cost 274
public interest, protect the 209
pulses (legumes) 29
puritanism 32
putamen 109
quantities, smaller 252
Quetelet, Adolphe 22
Radboud University 167
Rand, Dr Colleen 21
rats 149, 162–3
receptor depletion 114
reduced fat 242
Rees, Rebecca 19, 20
refrigerated ships 199
regular versions 243
regulate energy levels 71
regulation 259, 260
of advertising 179
battles 260
of fast food 213
reinforcement learning 109
renal function, stress on 232
reserpine 147
resistin, levels of 62
Responsibility Deal 265, 269
restaurants 252–3
Restraint Scale 124
retailers, decline in independent 215
rewards 163, 171
and behaviour 152
desire for 115
hypo-responsive to 119
and junk food 210
and punishment 112
sensitivity to 119
signalling of 118
and sweetness 227
rheumatoid arthritis xv
RNA (ribonucleic acid) 69, 70
road, crossing the 10
Robertson, Marcia 44
Rockefeller University 68, 74
Roman Apicius 29
Rozin, Paul 245, 246
‘Rubenesque’ women 28
Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity see Yale Rudd Center
rugby supporters 140
Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute 78
enhance 243
factor 67, 69
scales 253
scanner, how it works 103
Scarpello, Lindsay 190
Scherer, Professor Philipp 64
Schewe, Charles 194
Schmeichel, Brandon 134
Schmid, Sebastian 134
schools, ban HED foods in 270
Schor, Juliet 177
Schultz, Adolph 39
Schwartz, Barry 197
Schwarzenegger, Arnold 21–3
scientific grant bodies 266
Scripps Research Institute, California 141
SCUBA diving 42
seals and whales 41, 49
second brain 93
Secret Eaters 241, 244
sedentary occupations 25
sedentary people 23
self-control 130, 132, 134, 136, 138, 150, 173
depletion of 133
failing 134
increase 138
lack of 20, 34
other’s 133
undermined 191
self-image 8, 267
self-imposed boundaries 124
self-medication, food as 141
self-monitoring 132
self-regulatory framework 265
self-service counters 246
Sensometrics 210
serotonin 86
serving meals 245
sex and women 34
Shiva, Vandana 200
shopping, when hungry 250–1
short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) 89, 91, 95
Siiteri, Pentti 59
silica 47
simple sugars 225
Simpson, Wallis 31
Simpsons cartoon 185
Sinclair, David 41
size, own responsibility 20
skin-fold measurements 24
‘Skippers’ 152–3
sleep 128, 134–8, 235, 254–5
improving 249
insufficient 25
‘sleep attacks’ 116
slender figure, regaining a 33
slimming clubs 33
slimming drug 67, 117, 173, 263–4
slogan power 188
Smith, Steve 189
Smith MD, Steven 78
smoking 267, 273
smoothies 250
snacks 135, 169, 210, 243, 247, 254
desire to 248
hide 246
impulsive 138
individually wrapped 244
measure out 245
modern 209
class 15
events 19
intelligence 48
media 189
networking 193
‘rejection’ 153
‘social brain’ hypothesis 48
Sodexo 273
soft drinks 177, 215
SOLOMO (Social-Local-Mobile) 190
‘sonic signature’ 194
sorbitol 211
South Africa 31
South Korea 187
Soylent Pink (pink slime) 207
spit-roasting 50
spokes-characters 180, 182
sporting events, sponsor 183
sports fans 140
sportsperson endorsement 183–4
Sproesser’s experiment 152–3
SSRI (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) antidepressants 147
Stafford University 86
standardised measure 22
Stanford University 23, 138, 190
Starbucks 161
‘starvation signal’ 64
statins 62
Stearns, Peter 28, 34
steps 7, 8
stereotypes, weight-based 18
Stern, Andrew 208
Stini, William Professor 41
and anxiety 110
control 235
hyperphagics 153
and the hypothalamus 151
minimising 138
and obesity 150
Stull, Donald 198
subliminal priming 166, 167
substantia nigra 109
Subway 242
successful dieters 126
sugar 210, 230
addictive 150
in beverages 214, 260
crashes 156, 158
and fat 243
spikes 157
‘super’ foods 208
supermarkets 197, 198, 215, 216
supraliminal cues 168–9
surgery 32, 261
Surgery 81
Swarthmore College 197
sweating 43
taste 110, 111, 143
taxes on sugary drinks 214
Taylor, Ros 17
television advertising and children 271
temperature 41, 43
tetrahydro-beta-carbolines 147
Texas A&M University 134
theobromine 146
‘Theory of Mind’ 48
thermogenesis 231
thin, obsessed with 33
three square meals 247
Tilley, Paul 188
Timberlake, Justin 188
time pressures 25, 176
tobacco 213, 260
topiramate 263
trade associations and lobbying 214
traditional diets xii, xiii, 204, 205
traffic-light system for beverages 269
trans fat 224
treats 157, 240, 271
triglycerides 158
Truth campaign 267
tryptophan 146
Twitter 192
Type II diabetes xiv, 35, 36, 52, 53, 55, 62, 63, 66, 154, 158
Type III diabetes xv
Tyson Rorer, Sarah 15
UK Health Forum xii
ulcerative colitis 82
Ultragrain 273
ultra-sweet taste 230
underwater weighing 24
Unilever 202
University College London 44
University of Aberdeen 41
University of Alberta 3
University of Arizona 41
University of Berlin 42
University of California 59, 88, 193
University of Colorado 33
University of Durham 198
University of Florida 21, 164
University of Guelph 44
University of Illinois 32
University of Kansas 177, 198
University of Kostanz 152
University of Leicester 198
University of Liverpool 155, 176, 184
University of Lübeck 134
University of Michigan 48, 51, 161, 172, 194
University of Minnesota 82
University of Ottawa 185
University of Pennsylvania 62, 63, 245
University of São Paulo 208
University of Southampton 53
University of Sussex 6, 122
University of Texas 64
University of Toronto 124, 134, 176
University of Utrecht 169
urinary tract infection 79
value packs 239
vancomycin 79
vegetables see fruit and vegetables
vegetarian diet 29, 48
Velasquez-Manoff, Moises 87
vending machines 270
ventral tegmental area (VTA) 111
Vicary, James McDonald 166
Victoria, Queen 28
visceral adipose tissue 40
visual clues 244
vital functions 116
vitamins and fat 225
Volkow, Nora 72, 121
vulnerability 14, 24
Wagon & Horses 27
waist circumference 24
waitress service 252
Walker, Meghan 229
Walker Crisps 184–5
walking regime 128
Wang, Claire xiv
Wang, Gene-Jack 205
wanting and motivation 172, 173
‘war on fat’ 33
wash hands 259
Washington University 94
WAT 61
Watson, John Broadus 195
Weaver, Connie 206
Webber, Laura xii
weigh-ins 253, 254
categories 23
and the chest 137
controlling 107, 123, 127, 245
cycling 35, 127, 256
gain xiv, 229
and genetics 106–7
loss 32, 34, 221, 228, 231, 235, 256, 262
normal 23
reducing strategies 239, 240, 243, 244, 246, 247, 249, 250, 251, 253
reduction 232, 265
regained 34
stigma 18
Weight Concern 21
Weight Watchers 34
weightlifter 22
Weingarten, Harvey 162, 171
wellbeing, feelings of 256
Wellcome Trust 265
Wellington, Duke of 29
Westenhöfer, Max 42
Western-style diet xii, 205
What-the-Hell dieters 126, 127
wheat 227
Wheat Belly 227
Wheeler, Peter 44, 45, 46, 47
white adipose tissue (WAT) 39, 59–62, 71, 78
white flour 229, 230
white lipid 59
wholegrain options 230
Williams, Pharrell 188
women xi, 56
domestic role 34
fasting 113
social class 15
words and food cues 188
World Bank 200
World Health Organization 212, 264
World Public Nutrition Association 208
Wrangham, Richard 50
xanthines 146
xylitol 211
Yale Rudd Center 18, 180, 182, 191
Yale University 133, 164, 178, 183
Yale’s Prevention Research Center 207
young children 179
youthful body 33
yo-yo dieting 36, 256
Zhong, Chen-Bo 176
Zombie eating 163