Thanks to all the diarists and correspondents whose stories make up the text. Though all have long since left us, their words can still inspire us. Thanks to the staff at the Australian War Memorial, the State Library of New South Wales, the National Library of Australia, the Imperial War Museum and the UK National Archives for facilitating my research into their collections.

Thanks to those people who provided access to family photo and diary collections: Kay Alliband, Cameron Archer, Paul Batman, Colin Beaton, Robert Burgess, Lyndall Caldwell, Joan and Eleanor Cupit, Rob Davidson, Kerrie Ferguson, John Francis, Angela Glover, Richard Gorrell, Cliff Horsley, Barry Inall, Alan Kellett, John McFarlane, Russ Mattocks, Pat Murphy, Wendell Peacock, Jim Poate, Joan Scott, Bob Smith, Margaret Smith, Margaret Smithers, Kay Stacy, Laurie Taberner, Robyn Thompson, Carol Whiteside, Elizabeth Woods and Merrien Wrighter. Thanks also to Ross Brown and John Howells at the Royal New South Wales Lancers Memorial Museum and to the Tenterfield Museum for access to their photo archives. Thanks to Keith Mitchell for his outstanding work on the maps.

A special thanks to the people at Allen & Unwin—Sue Hines for instigating the project, and Angela Handley, Nicola Young and Philip Campbell for their editorial and design work.