Once again I owe a debt of gratitude to Laurence and Steph from Crooked Cat Books, who took a chance and published Diamonds & Dust. My editor Sue Barnard has once again corrected errors, straightened textual tangles and pointed out possible plotholes.
My biggest thanks however, go to my readers. There was never going to be a second book, but the overwhelmingly positive reaction to Diamonds & Dust, and the incessant requests for a sequel could not be ignored. This is the result and the author can only hope it lives up to your expectations!
In particular, I should like to single out the following: Lynn (3), Michael, Jon, Peter, Terry, Val, Ros, Ann and Ali. Friends on Twitter too numerous to name who read, tweeted, and left lovely reviews - thank you. Back home: Deirdre, Rita, Brenda and Sheila kept me on track. And once again, I owe a debt that is unpayable to all the Victorian authors whose work inspires and influences everything I write.