This song entitled “Clouds of Blessings,” a melody calling forth the kindness of the ocean of Kagyü siddhas, was sung by Lord Padma Nyinche.


Glorious lord of all families, bhagavat,

Your body possesses the seven aspects of supreme union

And you manifest as Vajradhara in person.

I pay homage at the feet of Lord Düdül Dorje.

This strife-filled age abounds in the five corruptions.

By the power of their manifestation in this dark age

And because of deceptive teachings and of aspiration having gone astray,

Those whose external appearance is impressive

Fill all the kingdoms and seemingly spread the teachings.

They are arrogant and proud at their sectarian sophistry,

And their partisans in the upper classes take refuge in them.

Temporarily, they claim to turn their minds to the dharma,

But ultimately, their connection to aspiration is weak, and their path to liberation narrows.

They continuously spin through rebirths in lower realms.

Not falling into this abyss,

Fortunate ones possess a good karmic residue.

According to the profound literal and true meanings of the Buddha’s teachings,

They obtain the confidence of realization,

And their miraculous creations are beyond conception.

Entrance into the tradition of the dharma lineage

Of the four great and the eight lesser lineages of the Kagyü,

And especially of the noble Practice Lineage

Of the true Karma Kaṃtsang,

Ripens the virtuous white seeds of previous lives.

Endowed with this abundantly free and well-favored human body, so difficult to gain,

I approach the feet of the holder of the majestic black crown,

The authentic rinpoche so difficult to meet.

Glorious Lokeśvara and Amitābha

Are inseparable from his nature.

Victorious Śākyamuni, Padmākara, and others

Have clearly shown this in all the sūtras and tantras.

Worthy ones meet the body maṇḍala of the guru who is the Lord Buddha in person,

Receive the amṛta of his speech,

And receive the blessings of the vajra wisdom of his mind.

This makes the worthy ones even more fortunate.

The supreme apex of the secret mantrayāna,

The texts taught by glorious Nāropa and Maitrīpa,

The profound dharma, good and continuous like the Ganges—

With all this, the noble lord, the great translator,

Filled the vase of his intellect.

The supreme lineage of the ultimate path,

Stretching from the Great Lord Repa

Down to Düdül Dorje,

Is the unbroken siddha lineage.

One does not need to measure the extent of the dharma lineage holders.

All worthy ones endowed with faith, exertion, and prajñā

And with a mind of devotion, revulsion, and renunciation,

Through their immeasurable friendliness and compassion

Establish all sentient beings pervading space

In complete liberation,

And keep this practice in the state of nonconception.

At this time when I have complete freedom,

May I keep to retreat, turning my mind from the eight worldly dharmas.

I should hold dear this samaya and abandon entertainment.

By sowing the seeds of practice,

At the time when one’s composite body falls apart,

One attains the sambhogakāya of great bliss

In the vast pervasive space of dharmadhātu.

Free from obstruction, one is able to manifest many emanations.

This is the great kindness of the blessings of the profound dharma.

By the powerful wind of fierce karma and kleśas

Like endlessly undulating waves,

One circles again in saṃsāra through the force of ego-fixation.

One is never cleared of the magical illusions of mind.

Although the kindness of the lord victorious ones is never untimely,

Since the troops of the four māras oppress me

In this prison of the gain and esteem of fixation on permanence,

Please manifest the light of your supreme blessings.

When the kleśas control my body, speech, and mind,

Grant your blessings so that the antidote may be effective in my being.

Grant your blessings so that all auspiciousness may coincide in my body.

Grant your blessings so that experience and realization may arise in my mind.

Grant your blessings so that I may impartially benefit beings.

Grant your blessings so that the virtues of the paths and bhūmis may increase.

Grant your blessings so that I may attain enlightenment in one lifetime.

Grant your blessings so that I may hold the royal seat of the four kāyas.

Grant your blessings so that I may spontaneously accomplish whatever mind desires.

Since the hermit, the renunciant Ānandabhadra, offered encouragement together with a golden maṇḍala, Situ Padma Nyinche Wangpo wrote this song at the time of the waxing moon in the fourth month. May virtue increase.