Over the years the book has benefited from the influence and efforts of individuals too numerous to mention here. Nevertheless, we would be remiss not to acknowledge a few whose contributions have either been very large or new to this edition. Professor Gerald Smith’s contributions to the prior editions of this book and the instructor’s manuals are still reflected in the current ones. Professor Mark Bergen was an invaluable sounding board and source of inspiration in developing portions of this book. Michael Goldberg was a diligent researcher, copy editor, and administrator, without whose persistent prodding this edition would still be “in process.” Junaid Qureshi drew on his expertise of the gaming industry to develop a very compelling overview of the evolution of pricing models for video games to augment the chapter on “Price Structure: Tactics for Pricing Differently Across Customer Segments.” Eugene Zelek, together with his colleague, Lauren Berheide, of Freeborn & Peters once again shared his knowledge of pricing and the law to keep that chapter current. We would also like to thank our colleagues at Deloitte Consulting who have supported our efforts. Laura McGoff, Liz Lee, and Anusha Singuluri were tremendous in helping us obtain reprint permissions, creating the exhibits, and ensuring that we fulfilled all requirements of our firm. Lisa Iliff provided a careful and thoughtful review of the final manuscript and Josh Skwarczyk tracked down references and citations to support our narrative. In addition, we had the good fortune of working with our editors at Routledge, where Sharon Golan, acquisitions editor, and Erin Arata, editorial assistant, were very thoughtful and exhibited great patience in guiding us to the end product.
Finally, Tom Nagle would like to thank his wife, Leslie, for her patience and diligent copy editing which she has generously provided through 32 years of marriage and six editions of this book. Georg Müller thanks his wife Kathy and son Oskar for their unwavering support and encouragement while he spent his evenings and weekends writing and developing this book.
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