So many people were involved, directly and indirectly, in the successful completion of this research project that it is almost impossible to mention them all individually. To those many university officials, secretaries, and other staff members, I wish to express my deepest appreciation for their time and the use of their buildings, offices, and equipment.
In addition, I extend special thanks to the raters who participated in the present study: Paul Mierlie, Holly Boyd, Cheryl Osborne, Jim Buigenthal, Fred Murray, and Bob Riener. I would also like to thank the therapists who worked with these students and gave unstintingly of their time and effort: Drs. James Barrick, Roger Bauer, James Crowley, Frederick Hill, Donald Jabury, and James Lowe.
Furthermore, I would like to extend my deepest thanks to Drs. Gregory Miller, Robert Craig, Dozier Thornton, and John Jordon. Without the innumerable hours they spent with me in organization and preparation, this research would never have materialized. Special appreciation is extended to Dr. Gregory A. Miller for his patient and accepting attitude throughout the conduct of this entire project.
Finally, I am particularly grateful to the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation and to the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, whose funds partially supported the research on which this monograph is based.