1. Stephen E. Ambrose, Eisenhower the President, New York, 1984.

2. James T. Patterson, Mr. Republican, Boston, 1972.

3. McCarthy to Eisenhower, Feb. 3, 1953, Eisenhower Library.

4. Dulles to Adams, Mar. 13, 1953, phone transcripts, Eisenhower Library.

5. Dulles to Taft and Bohlen, Mar. 16, 1953, phone transcripts, Eisenhower Library.

6. Dulles memo, March 18, 1953, Eisenhower Library.

7. Dulles to Adams, Mar. 19, 1953, phone transcripts, Eisenhower Library.

8. Dulles to Adams, Mar. 20, 1953, phone transcripts, Eisenhower Library.

9. Thayer security report, courtesy of M. Stanton Evans.

10. Ambrose, Eisenhower the President.

11. Thomas Reeves, The Life and Times of Joe McCarthy, New York, 1982.

12. Nicholas Von Hoffman, Citizen Cohn, New York, 1988.

13. Executive Sessions of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Committee on Government Operations, Donald A. Ritchie, ed., Preface, p. xi, U.S. Government Printing Office. Hereinafter McCarthy closed hearings.

14. Robert F. Kennedy, The Enemy Within, New York, 1960.

15. McCarthy closed hearings, Preface, p. xi.

16. Ibid.

17. Ibid.

18. Michael O’Brien, McCarthy and McCarthyism in Wisconsin, Columbia, Mo., 1980.

19. McCarthy closed hearings, Vol. 1, p. 1.

20. Ibid., p. 33.

21. Ibid., p. 1.

22. Ibid., p. 97.

23. McCarthy to Dulles, Jan. 28, 1953, phone transcripts, Eisenhower Library.

24. McCarthy closed hearings, Vol. 1, p. 207.

25. Ibid., p. 143.

26. Ibid., p. 177.

27. Ibid., p. 283.

28. Senate Committee on Government Operations, Subcommittee on Investigations, State Department File Survey, Feb. 4, 5, and 6, May–June, 1953.

29. McCarthy closed hearings, Vol. 1, p. 411.

30. Ibid.

31. Ibid., p. 457.

32. Ibid.

33. Martin Merson, The Private Diary of a Public Servant, New York, 1955.

34. McCarthy closed hearings, Vol. 1, p. 457.

35. Ibid.

36. Ibid., p. 499.

37. Ibid., p. 577.

38. Reeves, Life and Times of Joe McCarthy.

39. Ibid.

40. McCarthy closed hearings, Vol. 1, p. 615.

41. Ibid.

42. Ibid.

43. Senate Committee on Government Operations, Subcommittee on Investigations, State Department Information Program Hearings, Feb. 1953. Hereinafter VOA hearings.

44. McCarthy closed hearings, Vol. 1, p. 795.

45. Ibid.

46. Ibid.

47. Ibid.

48. VOA hearings, Mar. 24, 1953.

49. Ibid.

50. Ibid., Mar. 25, 1953.

51. Ibid., Mar. 26, 1953.

52. Ibid., Mar. 27, 1953.

53. C. L. Sulzberger, A Long Row of Candles, New York, 1969.

54. Von Hoffman, Citizen Cohn.

55. Kai Bird, The Chairman, New York, 1992.

56. Merson, Private Diary of a Public Servant.

57. McCarthy closed hearings, Vol. 2, p. 1073.

58. VOA hearings, Apr. 29, 1953.

59. James Aronson, The Press and the Cold War, New York, 1990.

60. John Earl Haynes and Harvey Klehr, Venona, New Haven, 1999.

61. McCarthy closed hearings, Vol. 2, p. 1135.

62. Cedric Belfrage, The American Inquisition, 1945–1960, Indianapolis, 1973.

63. McCarthy closed hearings, Vol. 2, p. 1267.

64. Ibid., p. 1367.

65. Ibid., p. 1117.

66. Ibid., p. 1349.

67. Ibid., p. 1367.

68. Haynes and Klehr, Venona.

69. Emmet John Hughes, The Ordeal of Power, New York, 1963.

70. Ibid.

71. Bernard Shanley diaries, Eisenhower Library.

72. Reeves, Life and Times of Joe McCarthy.

73. McCarthy closed hearings, Vol. 2, p. 1399.

74. Ibid.

75. Ibid.

76. Ibid.

77. Ibid.

78. Dulles to Dulles, July 10, 1953, phone transcripts, Eisenhower Library.

79. Ambrose, Eisenhower the President; Reeves, Life and Times of Joe McCarthy.

80. Senate Committee on Government Operations, Subcommittee on Investigations, hearings on the Government Printing Office, Aug. 1953.

81. Ibid.

82. Reeves, Life and Times of Joe McCarthy.

83. Papich to Hoover, Aug. 5, 1953, FBI files, Eisenhower Library.

84. Reeves, Life and Times of Joe McCarthy.

85. O’Brien, McCarthy and McCarthyism in Wisconsin.

86. Evjue to Pearson, June 12, 1953, Evjue papers, State Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin.

87. Benton papers, State Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin.

88. McCarthy closed hearings, Vol. 2, p. 1625.

89. Ibid.

90. Ibid., p. 1651.

91. Ibid.

92. Ibid., p. 1695.

93. Ibid., p. 1745.

94. Drew Pearson, Diaries, 1949–1959, New York, 1974.

95. Seaton papers, Eisenhower Library.

96. Ibid.

97. Ibid.

98. Senate Committee on Government Operations, Subcommittee on Investigations, hearings on Communist Infiltration among Army civilian workers, Sep. 1953. Hereinafter Army civilian hearings.

99. Stevens to Lawton, Oct. 2, 1953, Seaton papers, Eisenhower Library.

100. McCarthy closed hearings, Vol. 3, p. 2275.

101. Ibid., p. 2389.

102. Ibid., p. 2563.

103. Ibid., p. 2389.

104. Ibid., p. 2563.

105. Ibid., p. 2625.

106. Stevens to Hoover, Oct. 19, 1953, Seaton papers, Eisenhower Library.

107. Schine to Stevens, Oct. 21, 1953, Seaton papers, Eisenhower Library.

108. John G. Adams, Without Precedent, New York, 1983.

109. Cohn to Stevens, Oct. 27, 1953, Seaton papers, Eisenhower Library.

110. Seaton to Stevens, Oct. 28, 1953, Seaton papers, Eisenhower Library.

111. Adams, Without Precedent.

112. McCarthy closed hearings, Vol. 4, p. 2953.

113. Ibid.

114. Adams, Without Precedent.

115. Adams to Stevens, Nov. 25, 1953, Seaton papers.

116. McCarthy closed hearings, Vol. 4, p. 3639.

117. Ryan to Adams, Dec. 8, 1953, Seaton papers.

118. Flanders papers, State Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin.

119. Undated, unsigned, handwritten memo labeled “Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense,” Seaton papers, Eisenhower Library.

120. Adams, Without Precedent.

121. McCarthy closed hearings, Vol. 5, p. 31.

122. Ibid.

123. Adams, Without Precedent.

124. Ibid.

125. Ibid.

126. Reeves, Life and Times of Joe McCarthy.

127. Army civilian hearings, Feb. 18.

128. McCarthy closed hearings, Vol. 5, p. 33.

129. Army civilian hearings, Feb. 18.

130. Reeves, Life and Times of Joe McCarthy.

131. Stevens to Zwicker, Feb. 19, 1954, Seaton papers, Eisenhower Library.

132. Stevens to McCarthy, Feb. 20, 1954, Seaton papers, Eisenhower Library.

133. Hagerty diary, Eisenhower Library.

134. Shanley diary, Eisenhower Library.

135. Lodge to Stevens, Feb. 24, 1954, Seaton papers, Eisenhower Library.

136. Hagerty diary, Eisenhower Library.

137. McCarthy closed hearings, Vol. 5, p. 165.

138. Adams, Without Precedent.

139. Charles E. Potter, Days of Shame, New York, 1955.

140. Robert Griffith, The Politics of Fear, Amherst, 1987.

141. A. M. Sperber, Murrow: His Life and Times, New York, 1986.

142. Potter, Days of Shame.

143. Hagerty diary, Eisenhower Library.

144. Jeff Broadwater, Eisenhower and the Anti-Communist Crusade, Chapel Hill, 1992.

145. Hagerty diary, Eisenhower Library.

146. Gregg Herken, Brotherhood of the Bomb, New York, 2002.

147. Ibid.

148. Hoover memo, Mar. 26, 1952, Eisenhower Library.

149. Herken, Brotherhood of the Bomb.

150. Broadwater, Eisenhower and the Anti-Communist Crusade.

151. Herken, Brotherhood of the Bomb.

152. Richard Pfau, No Sacrifice Too Great, Charlottesville, 1984.

153. The Eisenhower Diaries, Robert H. Ferrell, ed., New York, 1981.

154. Broadwater, Eisenhower and the Anti-Communist Crusade.

155. Eisenhower Diaries.

156. Pfau, No Sacrifice Too Great.

157. Herken, Brotherhood of the Bomb.

158. Ibid.

159. Ibid.

160. Ibid.

161. Ibid.

162. The Journals of David E. Lilienthal, Vol. 3, New York, 1966.

163. Herken, Brotherhood of the Bomb.

164. Pfau, No Sacrifice Too Great.

165. Broadwater, Eisenhower and the Anti-Communist Crusade.

166. Lilienthal, Journals.

167. McCloy to Eisenhower, Apr. 16, 1954, Eisenhower Library.

168. Senate Committee on Government Operations, Subcommittee on Investigations, hearings on charges and countercharges involving: Sec. of the Army Robert T. Stevens, John G. Adams, H. Struve Hensel, and Sen. Joseph McCarthy, Roy M. Cohn, and Francis P. Carr. Hereinafter Army-McCarthy hearings.

169. Ibid.

170. Ibid.

171. Bird, The Chairman.

172. Army-McCarthy hearings.

173. McCarthy closed hearings, Vol. 5, p. 213.

174. Ibid.

175. Ibid., p. 223.

176. Ibid.

177. Army-McCarthy hearings.

178. Ibid.

179. Potter, Days of Shame.

180. McCarthy closed hearings, Vol. 5, p. 241.

181. Hagerty diary, Eisenhower Library.

182. Army-McCarthy hearings.

183. Ibid.

184. Ibid.

185. Ibid.

186. Ibid.

187. Potter, Days of Shame.

188. O’Brien, McCarthy and McCarthyism in Wisconsin.

189. Griffith, Politics of Fear.

190. Army-McCarthy hearings.

191. Ibid.

192. Sidney Zion, The Autobiography of Roy Cohn, Secaucus, N.J., 1988.

193. Army-McCarthy hearings.

194. Notes on Censure, Flanders papers, State Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin.

195. Arthur V. Watkins, Enough Rope, Salt Lake City, 1969.

196. Ibid.

197. Ibid.

198. Ibid.

199. Ibid.

200. Ibid.

201. Barry M. Goldwater, With No Apologies, New York, 1979.

202. Watkins, Enough Rope.

203. Ibid.

204. Benton papers, State Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin.

205. Bobby Baker, Wheeling and Dealing, New York, 1978.

206. Eisenhower to Roberts, Dec. 7, 1954, Eisenhower Library.

207. Watkins, Enough Rope.

208. Flanders papers, State Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin.

209. Hagerty diary, Eisenhower Library.

210. Watkins, Enough Rope.

211. Minnich papers, Eisenhower Library.

212. Griffith, Politics of Fear.

213. Von Hoffman, Citizen Cohn.

214. Knowland to Dulles, Aug. 1, 1955, phone transcripts, Eisenhower Library.

215. McCarthy to Eisenhower, Sep. 21, 1955, Eisenhower Library.

216. McCarthy to Eisenhower, Feb. 16, 1956, Eisenhower Library.

217. O’Brien, McCarthy and McCarthyism in Wisconsin.

218. Brownell to Eisenhower, Oct. 8, 1956, Eisenhower Library.

219. Van Susteren papers, State Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin.

220. O’Konski to May, May papers, State Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin.

221. Griffith, Politics of Fear.

222. Reeves, Life and Times of Joe McCarthy.

223. Evjue papers, State Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin.

224. Senate memorial service, Aug. 14, 1957.

225. Coleman papers, State Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin.

226. Ibid.

227. Flanders papers, State Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin.

228. Von Hoffman, Citizen Cohn.


1. Ronald Wayne Johnson, “The Communist Issue in Missouri: 1946–1956,” Ph.D. thesis, University of Missouri, 1973.

2. James Truett Selcraig, “The Red Scare in the Midwest,” Ph.D. thesis, University of Illinois, 1981.

3. Jane Sanders, Cold War on Campus, Seattle, 1979.

4. Ibid.

5. Selcraig, “Red Scare in the Midwest.”

6. Sigmund Diamond, Compromised Campus, New York, 1992.

7. Don Edwards Carlton, “A Crisis of Rapid Change: The Red Scare in Houston, 1945–1955,” Ph.D. thesis, University of Houston, 1978.

8. Patrick McGilligan and Paul Buhle, Tender Comrades: A Back Story of the Hollywood Blacklist, New York, 1997.

9. House Un-American Activities Committee, hearings regarding Communist Activities in the Los Angeles Area, Nathan Benoff testimony, 1953.

10. HUAC in Los Angeles, Bart Lytton testimony, Mar. 25, 1953.

11. Ibid.

12. HUAC in Los Angeles, Bernice Fleury testimony, Mar. 25, 1953.

13. House Un-American Activities Committee, hearings regarding the Communist Infiltration of the Motion Picture Industry, Oct. 20, 1947.

14. Trumbo papers, State Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin.

15. HUAC in Los Angeles, Dmytryk testimony, Apr. 25, 1951.

16. Robert Kenny papers, State Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin.

17. McGilligan and Buhle, Tender Comrades.

18. HUAC, 1947 Hollywood hearings.

19. Margolis to Kenny, Dec. 8, 1947, Kenny papers.

20. Trumbo papers.

21. Ibid.

22. HUAC in Los Angeles, Frank Tuttle testimony, May 24, 1951.

23. HUAC in New York, Jerome Robbins testimony, May 10, 1953.

24. HUAC in Hollywood, Sterling Hayden testimony, Apr. 10, 1952.

25. Elia Kazan, A Life, New York, 1988.

26. Ibid.

27. HUAC hearings, Elia Kazan testimony, Apr. 10, 1952.

28. Kazan, A Life.

29. McGilligan and Buhle, Tender Comrades.

30. HUAC hearings, Apr. 8, 1953.

31. Carlton, “A Crisis of Rapid Change.”

32. A. M. Sperber, Murrow, New York, 1986.

33. Howard Suber, “The Anti-Communist Blacklist in the Hollywood Motion Picture Industry,” Ph.D. thesis, University of California, 1968.

34. Robert Lichtman and Ronald D. Cohen, “Harvey Matusow, the FBI, and the Justice Department: Becoming a Government Informer-Witness in the McCarthy Era,” American Communist History, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2002.

35. HUAC hearings on Communist Activities in New England, Penha and Garczynski, Mar. 19, 1958.

36. HUAC hearings on Communist Activities in Cleveland, Ohio, area, June 1962, Brown testimony.

37. HUAC hearings, Communist Activities in the defense area of Baltimore, June, July 1951, Marcy Stalcup Markward testimony.

38. Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, Strategy and Tactics of World Communism, the Significance of the Matusow Case, Feb.–June 1955.

39. HUAC hearings, Communist Activities Among Youth Groups.

40. Matusow case hearings.

41. Mine, Mill, and Smelter papers, SISS files, National Archives.

42. Ibid.

43. Matusow case hearings.

44. Ibid.

45. Ibid.

46. Ibid.

47. Ibid.

48. Lichtman and Cohen, “Harvey Matusow.”

49. Matusow case hearings.

50. Ibid.

51. Harvey Matusow, False Witness, New York, 1955.

52. Matusow case hearings.

53. Ibid.

54. Ibid.

55. Ibid.

56. Ibid.

57. Ibid.

58. Ibid.

59. Mine, Mill papers.

60. Matusow case hearings.

61. Ibid.

62. SISS report on Matusow case.

63. Lichtman and Cohen, “Harvey Matusow.”

64. Mine, Mill papers.

65. Ed Cray, Chief Justice, New York, 1997.

66. Ibid.

67. Steve Nelson, American Radical, Pittsburgh, 1981.

68. Howard Ball and Phillip J. Cooper, Of Power and Right: Hugo Black, William O. Douglas, and America’s Constitutional Revolution, New York, 1992.

69. Cray, Chief Justice.

70. Ball and Cooper, Of Power and Right.

71. Cray, Chief Justice.

72. Ball and Cooper, Of Power and Right.

73. Ibid.

74. SISS files, Assistant Secretary of State William B. Macomber Jr. to Senator James Eastland, Nov. 18, 1957, National Archives.

75. Ball and Cooper, Of Power and Right.

76. Cray, Chief Justice.

77. Hoover memo, June 26, 1957, Eisenhower Library.

78. Robert Conquest, The Great Terror, New York, 1990.


1. Richard Gid Powers, Secrecy and Power: The Life of J. Edgar Hoover, New York, 1987.

2. Hoover to Vaughan, Jan. 17, 1946, Truman Library.

3. Hoover to Cutler, Jan. 16, 1956, Eisenhower Library.

4. Hoover briefing, Mar. 9, 1956, Eisenhower Library.

5. Steve Nelson, American Radical, Pittsburgh, 1981.

6. Sullivan testimony, Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, Book 1, U.S. Senate, 1975. Hereinafter Church Committee.

7. Sullivan and Moore testimony, Church Committee.

8. Sullivan testimony, Church Committee.

9. David J. Garrow, Bearing the Cross, New York, 1986.

10. Hoover to Cutler, May 15, 1957, Eisenhower Library.

11. Garrow, Bearing the Cross.

12. Ibid.

13. Ibid.

14. David J. Garrow, “The FBI and Martin Luther King,” The Atlantic Monthly, July/August 2002.

15. Ibid.

16. Ibid.

17. Ibid.

18. Harvey Klehr, John Earl Haynes, and Kyrill M. Anderson, The Soviet World of American Communism, New Haven, 1998.

19. Garrow, “FBI and Martin Luther King.”

20. Garrow, Bearing the Cross.

21. Ibid.

22. Hoover to Cutler, Mar. 1, 1960, Eisenhower Library.

23. Powers, Secrecy and Power.

24. Garrow, “FBI and Martin Luther King.”

25. Garrow, Bearing the Cross.

26. Sullivan testimony, Church Committee.

27. Garrow, “FBI and Martin Luther King.”

28. Garrow, Bearing the Cross.

29. Garrow, “FBI and Martin Luther King.”

30. Ibid.

31. Powers, Secrecy and Power.

32. Church Committee.

33. Ibid.

34. Garrow, “FBI and Martin Luther King.”

35. Garrow, Bearing the Cross.

36. Church Committee.

37. Garrow, Bearing the Cross.

38. Ibid.

39. Ibid.

40. Seymour M. Hersh, The Dark Side of Camelot, New York, 1997.

41. Garrow, Bearing the Cross.

42. Garrow, “FBI and Martin Luther King.”

43. Ibid.

44. Ibid.

45. Church Committee, FBI Exhibits.

46. Garrow, “FBI and Martin Luther King.”

47. Ibid.

48. Telephone records, Aug. 20, 1956, Lyndon Baines Johnson Library, Austin, Texas.

49. Garrow, “FBI and Martin Luther King.”

50. Ibid.

51. Ibid.

52. Ibid.

53. Church Committee, FBI Exhibits.

54. Garrow, “FBI and Martin Luther King.”

55. Ibid.

56. Church Committee report.

57. Klehr et al., Soviet World of American Communism.

58. Church Committee report.

59. Tom Hayden, Reunion, New York, 1988.

60. Ibid.

61. Ibid.

62. Ibid.

63. Nelson, American Radical.

64. Dorothy Healey, Dorothy Healey Remembers, New York, 1990.

65. John Abt, Advocate and Activist, Urbana, Ill., 1993.

66. Church Committee, FBI Exhibits.

67. Ibid.

68. Ibid.

69. Ibid.

70. Ibid.

71. Ibid.

72. Ibid.

73. Church Committee, Moore testimony.

74. Church Committee, FBI Exhibits.

75. Powers, Secrecy and Power.

76. Church Committee, FBI Exhibits.

77. Ibid.

78. Ibid.

79. Ibid.

80. House Un-American Activities Committee, Subcommittee on Subversive Involvement in Disruption of 1968 Democratic Party Convention, Oct. 1968, testimony of James L. Gallagher, HUAC investigator. Hereinafter HUAC hearings.

81. Ibid.

82. HUAC hearings.

83. Ibid.

84. Church Committee, Hardy testimony.

85. HUAC hearings.

86. Ibid.

87. Ibid.

88. Ibid.

89. Church Committee, FBI Exhibits.

90. HUAC hearings, Pierson testimony.

91. Hayden, Reunion.

92. HUAC hearings, Gallagher testimony.

93. Hayden, Reunion.

94. HUAC hearings, Pierson testimony.

95. Hayden, Reunion.

96. HUAC hearings, Pierson testimony.

97. Todd Gitlin, The Sixties, New York, 1987.

98. HUAC hearings, Healy testimony.

99. HUAC hearings, Hayden testimony.

100. HUAC hearings, Healy testimony.

101. HUAC hearings, Pierson testimony.

102. Hayden, Reunion.

103. HUAC hearings, Gallagher testimony.

104. HUAC hearings, subcommittee report.

105. Church Committee, FBI Exhibits.

106. Ibid.

107. Ibid.

108. HUAC hearings, Davis testimony.

109. Ibid.

110. Ibid.

111. Athan G. Theoharis and John Stuart Cox, The Boss: J. Edgar Hoover and the Great American Inquisition, Philadelphia, 1988.

112. Church Committee, FBI Exhibits.

113. Ibid.

114. Ibid.

115. Ibid.

116. Ibid.

117. Theoharis and Cox, The Boss.

118. Bruce Oudes, ed., From the President: Richard Nixon’s Secret Files, New York, 1989.

119. Gitlin, The Sixties.

120. Oudes, From the President.

121. Ibid.

122. Ibid.

123. Church Committee, Huston testimony.

124. Powers, Secrecy and Power.

125. Ibid.

126. Church Committee, FBI Exhibits.

127. Church Committee, Huston testimony.

128. Oudes, From the President.

129. Ibid.

130. Theoharis and Cox, The Boss.

131. Oudes, From the President.

132. Stanley I. Kutler, Abuse of Power: The New Nixon Tapes, New York, 1997.

133. Ibid.

134. Ibid.

135. Ibid.

136. Ibid.

137. Ibid.

138. Ibid.

139. Ibid.

140. Ibid.

141. Ibid.

142. Ibid.

143. Ibid.

144. Ronnie Dugger, On Reagan: The Man and His Presidency, New York, 1983.

145. Ibid.

146. Ibid.

147. Ibid.

148. Deborah Hart Strober and Gerald S. Strober, Reagan: The Man and His Presidency, New York, 1998.

149. Ibid.

150. Ibid.

151. Clyde Prestowitz, Rogue Nation, New York, 2003.

152. Ibid.

153. New York Times, June 2, 2003.

154. Ibid.

155. Ibid.

156. New York Times, Dec. 12, 2001.

157. New York Times, Feb. 20, 2003.

158. New York Times, Feb. 22, 2003.

159. New York Times, Mar. 10, 2003, and July 8, 2003.

160. New York Times, Apr. 16, 2003.

161. New York Times, Apr. 23, 2003.

162. New York Times, May 31, 2003.

163. New Yorker, Mar. 17, 2003.

164. Prestowitz, Rogue Nation.

165. New York Times, Feb. 20, 2002.

166. Prestowitz, Rogue Nation.

167. New Republic, June 24, 2003.

168. New York Times, June 4, 2003.

169. New Yorker, Apr. 7, 2003.

170. New York Times, Sep. 28, 2002.

171. New York Times, June 3, 2003.

172. New York Times, Oct. 8, 2002.

173. New York Times, June 8, 2003.

174. New Republic, June 24, 2003.

175. Ibid.

176. New York Press, July 8, 2003.

177. New Republic, June 24, 2003.

178. New York Times, Jan. 29, 2003.

179. Ibid.

180. UPI, May 29, 2003; New York Times, June 4, 2003.

181. National Journal, Aug. 6, 2003.

182. Financial Times, Aug. 9, 2003, and Aug. 11, 2003.

183. New York Times, June 8, 2003.

184. Netscape News, June 1, 2003; New York Times, June 17, 2003.

185. New Yorker, June 30, 2003.

186. New York Times, July 6, 2003.

187. Ibid.

188. Ibid.

189. Ibid.

190. Ibid.

191. Knight-Ridder Washington Bureau, June 12, 2003.

192. New York Times, July 6, 2003; Washington Post, June 12, 2003.

193. New York Times, May 6, 2003.

194. In the New York Times on June 3, 2003, Paul Krugman wrote that if the claim that Saddam was an imminent threat proved to be fraudulent, “the selling of the war is arguably the worst scandal in American political history—worse than Watergate, worse than Iran-contra.” If Bush is not found out, “our political system has become utterly, and perhaps irrevocably, corrupted.”

195. U.S. News & World Report, June 9, 2003.

196. New York Times, Feb. 5, 2003.

197. Ibid.

198. Ibid.

199. “Iraqi Mobile Biological Warfare Agent Production Plants,” CIA.gov website.

200. Ibid.

201. New York Times, June 9, 2003.

202. “Iraqi Mobile Biological Warfare Agent Production Plants.”

203. New York Times, June 25, 2003.

204. New York Times, Aug. 9, 2003.

205. New York Times, Aug. 10, 2003.

206. Reuters, June 9, 2003.

207. New York Press, July 8, 2003.

208. New York Times, July 8, 2003.

209. New York Times, July 8, 2003; London Times, July 8, 2003.

210. Financial Times, July 6, 2003.

211. New York Times, Aug. 9, 2003.

212. Ibid.

213. Economist, Aug. 15, 2003.

214. Time, Aug. 18, 2003.

215. Newsweek, Aug. 18, 2003.

216. New York Times, Aug. 10, 2003, and Aug. 13, 2003.