Chapter Sixteen

Issa tensed. “Questions?”

“Like we did on the way to New York.” She smiled, and he could refuse her nothing. He prayed she never discovered her power over him. “I’ll start. Did you force that copilot to cooperate?”


“Even when you’re in animal form, you can control people’s minds?”

“Yes.” He glanced toward the door, listening to the pilots’ minds. He’d been sure the copilot would have no memory of a jaguar in the plane. The man would remember Issa in his human form as Muriah’s companion to Cairo. But it didn’t hurt to be watchful. Satisfied, he focused his attention back on her. “Our minds are still aware within the animal’s body. It is slightly more complicated in animal form, but as long as I make eye contact with them, I can manipulate their thoughts.”

He left out that the infusion of the blood from the God of Chaos gave him the extra power to force the pilot to turn around and meet his eyes. Issa crossed his arms. “My turn.”

She stiffened in her seat. “All right.”

“Why do you consider your gift to be a curse?”

“Remind me not to play this game with you anymore.” She glanced out the window. “It hurts. When I touch something really old, the images flood my head, and I can’t control them. As more and more flow in, my head feels like it’s being compressed in a vise.” She hesitated and finally met his eyes again. “I’ve started having nosebleeds, and sometimes I black out. That’s why I always wait until I’m safe and alone in my house.”

He took her hand. “If you have to touch the vessels, I will keep watch. I wish I could shield you from the pain.”

She pressed her lips together, then gave his hand a squeeze. “Your face is better.”

He reached up to touch his cheek. “Apep’s blood.”

“You drank his blood?” She frowned. “It didn’t poison you?”

He smirked with a gleam in his eyes. “Is that your question?”

“I’m impressed.” She thought about it. “Okay, yeah, that’s my question.”

“His body is flesh. The blood lust overtook the jaguar’s senses. I was not poisoned, but his blood infused me with more power than any mortal’s ever has.”

“You liked it.”

He did. But he also worried that admitting it would make him more of a monster in her eyes. He shouldn’t care. But he did. “You talk often of your mother. Tell me about your father.”

Muriah sighed. “Can I take a pass?”

“You made the rules.” He settled back into the couch. “I remember no pass.”

“Fine.” She swallowed, and her voice dropped a couple of notches. “My mother could communicate with the dead. It freaked him out. He left us.” She crossed her arms and shifted. “Next question. You said something about love before. That you’d never risk your heart again.”

“You did not finish answering my question.”

“You asked about my father, and I told you, end of story.”

He rubbed his chin, struggling to find the best way to learn more about her. First, he would have to answer her question. “The woman you met as Kate. She has lived more than a single lifetime. In my world, she was Ch’en, the goddess of the moon. She cared about our people and their welfare and, unlike me and my brothers, she moved among the mortals, getting involved in their lives and in their culture.

Her passion for them intrigued me, and I found her beauty striking. A light glowed inside of her that drew me in. I considered her a friend, but yearned for more. Before I realized it, my heart was hers, but she had no use for it.”

He stopped. There was no reason to share how the story ended. The memory of taking Ch’en’s life was his own burden to bear. He’d never shared it with anyone.

“Does Kate remember you?”

“I believe it is my turn to question now.”

“Fine.” She almost smiled. “Ask away.”

“How long ago did your father leave?”

“Wow.” She ran her hands up her arms like she’d caught a chill. “You don’t let up, do you?”

He was tempted to choose another question, but remained silent and waited.

She stared at the floor while she spoke. “He left when I was four. The only memory I have of him is a flash of him holding me up and spinning me around. The rest of the room loses focus, and all I see is his face. We’re laughing, and he says, ‘You’re my world.’” She wiped her nose, her eyes welling up with tears. “But he still walked away. It was all bullshit.”

She got up, wrapping her arms tightly around herself as she paced the floor. “My mom tried to be strong for the both of us, but I’d hear noises at night and sneak out of my room… She’d be at the table with a picture of my father, weeping into her hands.” She lowered her arms, but kept the distance between them. “I used to hate him for breaking her heart, and then I promised myself that would never happen to me. I’d never give a man that power over me.”

The hurt was plain in Muriah’s eyes, and the desire to find her father and cause him pain swelled inside Issa’s chest. Only a sad excuse for a man would abandon his child.

“May I tell you something?”

“Sure.” She shrugged, wiping her nose.

“Sit?” He gestured to the spot beside him on the couch. She hesitated for a moment, but finally sat beside him. Issa took her hand. “He was weak. He did not deserve you or your mother.” She rolled her eyes, wiping at a stray tear before it ran down her cheek. He waited for her to meet his gaze. “I have been loyal to a world who no longer remembers me. I continue to live, to protect it, because it needs me. And I will never abandon you. If you need me, I will be there.”

A single tear escaped from the corner of her eye, but she made no attempt to dry it. “You can control minds, live forever, move faster than I can see…why would I matter to you?”

He reached over to catch the tear, caressing her cheek. “Because you have awakened something inside me. From the moment we met, you challenged me to be more than my title.” He brushed a tender kiss to her forehead. “You are stubborn, reckless, headstrong, and the greatest temptation I have ever known.”

She leaned closer to him, her lips caressing his. He gathered her into his arms without breaking the kiss. Her body fit perfectly against his. He slid his fingers into her silky hair. She caught his lower lip, her teeth grazing his skin until his fangs lengthened.

“You know…” She kissed him once more, and her lips curved into a smile. “I could say the same about you.”

“I am not reckless.”

She raised a brow. “You were the one who bought tickets to take me to a Broadway musical while we were on the run from Apep.”

He smirked with a subtle nod. “I suppose it might seem risky to some, but I kept watch over you. We were safe.”

She sobered, her fingers tracing his jawline. “I lost track. Is it my turn to ask a question?”

“Do you have another question?”

Her eyes searched his, her tone tentative. “If we trap Apep, would you come back to San Diego with me?”

He answered her with a kiss, his tongue parting her lips. He lifted her onto his lap, and she wrapped her legs around his waist. The sound of her racing pulse teased the hunger within him. He wanted all of her. Her body, her blood, and her heart. Her warm hand wandered up his chest as she lightened the kiss. Her dark lashes fluttered open.

“If anything happens to me… Promise you’ll take care of The Dimension’s Den. It’s all I have in the world.”

“I gave you my word that you would see that red door again, and I intend to keep it. Apep will heal from his wounds, but we will land in Cairo hours before him. We should have at least one night to search before he finds us again.” He stroked her hair back. “I have one more question.”

She nodded.

“If I returned to San Diego, would you give me a chance to win your heart although I can never give you children?”

Muriah pondered his question as she stared into his dark eyes. Lukas had told her that Night Walkers couldn’t father children, which only furthered her curiosity about Gretchen’s condition.

Her answer should be no. Without another generation to take over the store, she’d be letting down her entire family. She would finally lose them completely. Forever.

But being so close to him, in the safety of his arms, aching to be even closer, her answer was plain to see. “You keep taking pieces of it.” She cleared her throat. “We haven’t had sex, but I’m already closer to you than any man I’ve ever been with.” Her chest ached at the realization. “But I can’t lose who I am or where I came from.”

“You long to be a mother.” There was no anger, no judgment in his voice.

“Not really.” She laughed. “Actually, until my thirtieth birthday a few days ago, I hadn’t even thought about children. But when I found out Richard was dead, I walked home alone in the dark. Since I lost my mom, I’ve been with plenty of men. But I’m still alone.” She shook her head and lowered her eyes. “I’m sick of this empty hole inside me. I want to fill it.”

“With children. Family.” He lifted her chin, regret in his eyes. “You deserve that, Muriah.”

Bitterness swelled inside him. Why would the universe bring her to him, allow her to show him how much richer his existence could be, and then deny him the joy of her love in return? Was the god of sacrifice to be punished for all eternity?

He never should have left the jungle.

Her warm hand caressed his cheek, but he withdrew from her touch. “This is a dangerous game.”

“No game.” She caught his chin, pulling his gaze back to her face.

His eyes burned, no doubt glowing crimson as his resistance crumbled. “You do not understand how close I have come to losing my sanity.” He made no move to touch her. “Lukas and the government agent, they were right to warn you about me. I already care more than I should, and want more than I deserve.”

“Do something for me,” she whispered as she moved her hair to one side, exposing her neck. “I want you to know how I feel.”

The jaguar inside of him roared, his thirst and desire clawing to the surface. He didn’t hesitate. He pulled her close and sank his fangs into her tender flesh. She gasped, her nails digging into his shoulders. He closed his eyes, forcing the animal back. He held her tight, drinking her in. Her mind opened, and her emotions poured into him. Her affection, her desire, lay bare before him.

He groaned against her skin, hungry to deepen the connection. He saw her store, her mother, and he had no idea how he might fit into that world, but he wanted the chance to try. Gradually, he sensed her inside his mind. He resisted the urge to break the connection. Sharing parts of himself he’d never allowed anyone to see.

He took one more slow drink from her veins before pulling back. He slid his tongue across his fang, allowing his healing blood to repair the punctures in her throat. Trailing kisses up her neck, he claimed her lips, their tongues swirling together in a slow, seductive dance as her warm hands moved up his body. She unbuttoned his shirt, her fingers exploring his bare chest, eliciting a growl deep in his throat.

The last of his resistance fell. Issa lifted her off his lap and lay her down on the sofa. He pulled her shirt off, anxious to feel her skin against his. He kissed her again and reached behind to free her bra. She moaned into the kiss as he dropped the bra on the floor, her breasts pressed tightly to his chest.

An inner battle raged. He’d never experienced the hunger, the desire she stoked within him. He wanted to savor the moment, enjoy her body for hours, and at the same time, he wanted to rip off their clothes and claim her in the most primal sense.

A delicious torture.

Muriah was lost. She’d always been an adventurous lover, but nothing prepared her for this level of passion. She was wound so tight, he could probably send her over the edge right through her jeans.

Issa broke the kiss and rocked back onto his knees. His gaze remained locked on hers while he unfastened her pants and pulled them free. “You are so beautiful…”

She glanced at the pronounced bulge in his pants, then back to meet his eyes. “And you’re overdressed.”

His lips curved into a devilish smile she’d never seen before. It suited him. Her body flushed with heat. Yeah, he should never find out the power he wielded with that sexy grin. Issa got to his feet and freed himself from his pants and underwear. He was tan all over. Tan, muscled, a god.

He sank to his knees, and electricity wound inside of her as he kissed his way up her body starting at her knees. He trailed his lips along her inner thigh until she writhed with desire. He turned to kiss her other leg, and she tangled her fingers in his hair, watching him. His eyes met hers, and his crooked smile stole her breath away.

In yaah,” he growled.

She opened her mouth to ask what the words meant, but her voice became a moan as his tongue slid between her folds. She pulled at his hair, her hips rocking toward him. Her orgasm rocketed through her before she barely got started.

He kissed each thigh while she struggled to catch her breath.

“That was…”

“Not over yet.” He gripped her hips, feeding on her again.

She trembled, every muscle tensing with the pleasure he kindled within her. He teased her higher with his tongue and slowly sank two fingers into her, thrusting slowly. Her fists tightened in his hair.

As she reached the edge of oblivion, he ceased his pleasuring, kissing his way up her body. Her nipples were erect, tight, and he ran his fingers over them, teasing. She moaned his name, and finally, he claimed her, his hips pressing forward until he sank deep inside her.

Her nails scratched down his back as her body welcomed his. He fit her perfectly, and his slow, strong thrusts made her hungry for more. He held her tight and stood up.

She moaned into the kiss, weightless in his immortal arms. He worked his hips into her, deeper. She let her head fall back, gasping his name. When she righted herself again, his eyes burned crimson, and through his parted lips, she saw the tips of his fangs. Her body throbbed around him.

She kissed his neck, allowing her teeth to scrape his skin until she reached his earlobe. “Take what you want.”

He rested her back against the wall and nuzzled into her hair. “Give yourself to me.”

His fangs plunged into her shoulder just as his hips thrust up into her. Her head dizzied, and she dove over the peak, her body bursting into a million pieces of pure pleasure. Issa growled against her skin and erupted deep inside of her. She clung to him, closing her eyes.

Through the blood connection, she heard him whisper into her mind. I am yours.

She lost herself in the moment. And for once, she didn’t feel alone.

Issa healed her wound and rested his forehead to hers. “Are you all right?”

Her full lips curled into a sexy, sated smile. “Oh…way past all right. Miles past.”

He grinned, kissing her once more before carrying her back to the sofa. He finally pulled back, separating their bodies, and sat down, bringing her to settle on his lap. “Why did I resist so long?”

She laughed, the sound buoying his wounded spirit. Her eyes sparkled. “I thought you’d never come around…”

He rolled his eyes and glanced at the door to the cockpit. “We should probably get dressed.”

Muriah nodded and got up to retrieve her clothes. “I guess we’re members of the mile high club now.”

He pulled on his pants and reached for his shirt, frowning. “What is the mile high club?”

Her head popped through the top of her shirt. “When you have sex in an airplane, you’re a mile high… Get it?”

“I see.” He sat down on the couch and watched her finish dressing, a faint smile on his lips. “Only you could make me forget I am in an airplane.”

She plopped down beside him, her leg tucked up underneath her. “I bet you don’t hate flying as much now.”

“You have given me a much better memory to cling to.” He bent to capture her lips in a slow kiss.

Muriah hummed into the kiss and rested her forehead against his. Issa stared into her eyes, bringing his hand up to caress her cheek. “I wish I could stop time and keep you out of danger.”

She turned and placed a kiss to the palm of his hand. “Without the danger, we never would have met.”


She got up to retrieve her laptop. “We’ve got a couple more hours left. How about another movie before you start worrying about things that are out of our control?”

Issa laughed as she settled back onto his chest. “As if a film on your computer could stop that.”