Thanks to all of you for giving me this opportunity to tell you the glory of our Beloved Krishna!

Whoever hears the glory of the Lord is freed. So this is my prayer, that you realise the importance of what you have inside of you, the gift of life itself. Since you have heard all the wonderful stories of great kings and saints, don’t let yourself be entangled in Maya. Let yourself be free by constantly remembering Sri Krishna. And offer everything to Him. He doesn’t tell you to stop working and run to live in the ashram. No! He says, “Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, think of Me.”

If you can’t think of Him during the day, at least at night offer everything to Him. Even if just for one minute or one second, think of Him, and His blessing and Grace will be with you. The pride will not arise and humility will awaken. It is only by you being humble that He will reveal Himself. See Him in everyone, not only in people that you love. If you don’t see Him today, say to yourself that you will see Him tomorrow.

And never be scared to humble yourself. Humble yourself! You have to be more humble than a blade of dry grass for Bhagavan to reveal Himself to you.

So let His Love awaken inside of you!