Queen, sharpened in iniquity. Born into trauma, given a gift by God to hold peace in perilous environments. Queen, birthed by ignorance with good intentions. Jealousy and greed forced me to become an orphan, and stole any chance I had at living a fairytale life. Stability and covering stolen along with my innocence. I am Queen Trinity Jones and God has gifted me with whole eyes. I have eyes that see the overlooked and the forgotten. Forgotten slaves of capitalism. Stoned out lovers of themselves and their selfies. Tricked by crafty words, they traded in their God-given birthright for their oppresors poison instead.

This “I just need to feel good” generation that is constantly hungry for their next fix. The morbid children who ride daily with death as their companion. These heavy hitters don’t fear death, ‘cause I mean, what is life anyway? These children who were put to sleep by the sounds of sirens, gunshots, and screams of crying mothers who find their seeds gunned down in the street. These were their lullabies. At times you can see the pain in their eyes. Eyes that dare anyone to challenge them with judgment. Most don’t even try. They go home and secretly judge at their comfortable coffee tables. They dare not make eye contact, leaving these children to their own devices, giving them a license to burn this city down at their whim. Left unwatered no hand extending hope. Expected to redo years of damage on their own. How can you pray for me when you barely recognize your reflection when you look in the mirror? These children’s rebellions are secretly what allow you to sleep at night. You say to yourself, “I know I’m messed up, but at least I’m not as damaged as the no-names.”

The roots to these scars go deep, but God’s love is deeper still. I trust His hand, His judgment, His call. The antidote to the worlds hate is God’s love, not in word but in physically visible action—or did you forget such a thing existed? Crack open a history book or two, or go find one of them old-school grandmothers—you know, the ones who raised seven children, and then raised their children’s children. The ones who could tell you about old-time remedies and cooking from scratch. The ones who dragged you to Sunday school and choir practice. Those grandfathers who would teach young boys how to tie a tie or give you lunch money, or just sit on the porch with you and talk about life. They would say stuff like, “Back in my day….” They knew about hard work, discipline, and obedience. Love in action like Harriet Tubman freeing slaves, or Dr. King marching for civil rights. Love, faith in action birthed Maya Angelou, Sojourner Truth, Frederick Douglass, Jesus. I am Trinity Jones, and I am the Queen of the Forgotten. I have come to speak directly to the demons of these children and say … demand, just like brother Moses, that these spiritual Pharaohs let my people go.