So you say you want to love me

Flaws and all


I don’t even do that!

So your love taunts me

It is a weapon

It forces me to admit that I have flaws that are an extension of me.

I’m not mean; I’m strong

Not arrogant, confident

Not lonely, but special

The truth is all that is a lie

Lonely and abused chewing on the poison of my own self-abuse

Daily I rehearse how inferior I am

Refusing to let the light in

Refusing to admit that it hurts

Refusing to realize that I was formed from dirt

The only thing that makes me a living moving vessel is the breath God deposited in me

I look back and realize I’ve been broken for the last ten years, and these jagged edges are making it hard for me to live a whole life. Let freedom ring. All hail Jehovah Jireh the risen King.