If I’m honest, there are seasons when I feel alone.

Not normal lonely, but in the bottom of a pit curled up and hopeless type of lonely.

I endure knowing it’s only a feeling and it will pass.

While everything around me unravels and spins out of control, I stand still.

Dying inside I stand firm, digging my toes deeper into the soil, as if to say, I dare you to try and move me.

I want to give up.

I want to run,

But my spirit understands there is no place to go.

So I stand still, waiting for instructions

I am afraid

I am cold

I am weary

I call His name

With every morsel of life left in me

It belongs to Him anyway. I gladly give it up


No answer …

The wind laughs at me

I almost bow my head in shame, then quickly realize it’s the wind

It has no form, no mind of its own.

And I?

I’m created in the image of God

His precious child

Known by Him while I was in my mother’s womb

I dig my toes even deeper, this time holding my shoulders back and my head high.