How do you not understand that spirits are real? You’re not paying attention. This world has watered down the power of a God-given thought. There are spirits who move like the suction cups on octopus legs. They grab hold of any form of life and become mobile off your steps. There are spirits who lurk and listen to your story, plotting how they can sabotage your plans. There are spirits who come into your home and steal your things, and then deny it. They will pull out your own stuff that they stole and flaunt it in front of your face to invite the spirits of anger and jealousy to the party.
There are spirits that will love you back from the point of death, only to imprison you in their chains of manipulation. There are spirits of greed that want everything they see. Their stomachs are never satisfied. There are spirits that promise pleasure, but live in your body covered in boils that sting at the touch. There are spirits that lead to death. They cover the eyes, the ears, and fill the soul with lustful pleasures. You feel good up until the point of death, where the gates of Hell eagerly await your arrival.
These spirits have taken over. They hide in husbands, best friends, children, ambition, motives, and desires. They lurk in songs, entertainment, and potions. They are invited when truth is void in a house. They are recognized by actions and speech. They are seen through the eyes. Weak ones keep their heads down. The strong and most dangerous look you directly in the eye. However, the eyes are lifeless, dark. The smile suggests a hidden truth, deception. The only defense is the name that the world has become afraid to say. That, too, is a spirit. Anti. Against love, truth, freedom, discipline, self-control, balance, confession, sight. And you love it, children. You choose it every day. You boast about it. Roll in it, laugh in it. Who needs God? I’ll make my own way, I will define my own truth. I will take what I need, I don’t answer to anyone. Until that great day when sudden terror strikes. Then all of a sudden you know Jesus, you know truth, you see. You’ve seen all along, yet you decided to choose your own way. Every choice has an outcome. Wait on it; it will surely come. The spirits know. They already know their destiny. Misery loves company. Nobody wants to go alone. They will take anyone who is willing.
You are the perfect candidate. You who don’t know who you are. You who think you know it all. You who have never been taught to think for yourself. You who believe you are better than because you have more, or you are religious. You who can’t admit you are wrong. You who are full of pride. You who refuse to look at truth or deal with responsibility. You who have been in pain for years and don’t know which way to go. The brokenhearted. You who are not full. You who become angry anytime someone confronts you with sound judgment or truth. Wake up, children: you are in danger and don’t even know it.