
I have learned that nothing of any real importance is created alone: there are always many people who contribute. That adage is well borne out in your having this book to read.

Key people worked diligently, lovingly, and wisely in developing this to become a published work of bibliotherapy—therapeutic learning from reading—and thereby available to guide seventy-five million families through their POPcycles. I am so grateful to them:

Murray Weiss, my wonderful literary agent, at Catalyst Literary Management, who tirelessly insisted that this book be published and, because of him, we found Rowman & Littlefield.

Rowman & Littlefield, my encouraging and enthusiastic publisher and Suzanne I. Staszak-Silva, my editor there, and other staff there who saw the value in this book and had a vision that they carefully pursued throughout the process. Those involved in the editing, graphics, publishing, and printing teams.

Bridget Doshi, whose service as part of our POPteam has been loyal and deeply valued.

My original family, Jack and Lillian Geist Wolf, who gave unceasingly of their heartfelt gifts: the generosity of their time, attention, and resources. All they did and said, as well as what they did not do or say, all got me to here. I am so grateful! My folks consistently expressed pride in my accomplishments and encouraged making my own choices, even if they’d have done things differently. And, during their later years, when they were increasingly vulnerable, they confirmed their ultimate confidence in me by allowing me to POParent them. I hope they knew how much that meant to me.

I have been privileged to learn and be part of several families—in addition to the Wolfs and the Geists. The Eldridge clan, the Waterman crew, and the Frances families have each been major influences on me and my understanding of families.

To those many teachers who arrived in my life when I needed them most, wearing their various “hats,” I am so grateful to you:

My dear patients, extraordinary and long-standing friends, and caring colleagues who invited me to listen to their POP stories, listened to mine, encouraged me to write this book and get it published, when I was still hesitant.

Dr. Rick Moss, my adopted brother, his parents, my Aunt Miriam, and many others from my families.

Dr. Ernest Holmes and his spiritual teachings; Reverends Michael Beckwith and Terry Cole-Whittaker and Ram Dass.

Werner Erhard; the scholars I call “happiness scientists”; the “attachment theory” people; and my mentor, office partner, and dear friend, the late Dr. Michael McGrail.

The people who helped me POParent Lillian and Jack, all part of our TEAM POP: lawyers, accountants, dentists, audiologists, doctors, devoted caregivers, caring staffs at numerous facilities, and most especially the patient and kind Florence Walkes.

Most of all, I wish to thank and fully acknowledge my beloved partner, husband, and finest friend, Andrew Frances. As my manager and editor, he helped me stay focused on the big picture, tirelessly edited this book, promoted the manuscript, helped create the POP website, and found me Murray Weiss. His loving consistency, thoroughness, energy, and vision have been irreplaceable in bringing this book to you; and his love, generosity, and kindness have expanded my understanding of how journeying through life with loving family truly transforms us all.