Editorial Board

General Editor

Mark Allan Powell

Robert and Phyllis Leatherman Professor of New Testament Studies

Trinity Lutheran Seminary, Columbus, Ohio

Associate Editors

Barry L. Bandstra

Evert J. and Hattie E. Blekkink Professor of Religion

Hope College, Holland, Michigan


† Lawrence E. Boadt

Professor Emeritus of Sacred Scriptures

Washington Theological Union, Washington, D.C.


Joel S. Kaminsky

Professor of Religion and Director of Program in Jewish Studies

Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts


Amy-Jill Levine

E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Professor of New Testament Studies

Vanderbilt Divinity School, Nashville, Tennessee


Eric M. Meyers

Bernice and Morton Lerner Professor of Judaic Studies

Duke University, Durham, North Carolina


Jonathan L. Reed

Professor of New Testament

University of La Verne, La Verne, California


Marianne Meye Thompson

George Eldon Ladd Professor of New Testament

Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California