Adam and Eve |
Books of Adam and Eve |
2–3 Bar. |
Syriac, Greek Apocalypse of Baruch |
Apoc. Mos. |
Apocalypse of Moses |
As. Mos. |
Assumption of Moses |
1–2–3 Enoch |
Ethiopic, Slavonic, Hebrew Enoch |
Let. Arist. |
Letter of Aristeas |
Jub. |
Jubilees |
Mart. Isa. |
Martyrdom of Isaiah |
Odes Sol. |
Odes of Solomon |
Pss. Sol. |
Psalms of Solomon |
Sib. Or. |
Sibylline Oracles |
T. 12 Patr. |
Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs |
T. Levi |
Testament of Levi |
T. Benj. |
Testament of Benjamin, etc. |
Acts Pil. |
Acts of Pilate |
Apoc. Pet. |
Apocalypse of Peter |
Gos. Eb. |
Gospel of the Ebionites |
Gos. Eg. |
Gospel of the Egyptians |
Gos. Heb. |
Gospel of the Hebrews |
Gos. Naass. |
Gospel of the Naassenes |
Gos. Pet. |
Gospel of Peter |
Gos. Thom. |
Gospel of Thomas |
Prot. Jas. |
Protevangelium of James |
Barn. |
Epistle of Barnabas |
1–2 Clem. |
1–2 Clement |
Did. |
Didache |
Diogn. |
Diognetus |
Herm. Man. |
Shepherd of Hermas, Mandate |
Herm. Sim. |
Shepherd of Hermas, Similitude |
Herm. Vis. |
Shepherd of Hermas, Vision |
Ign. Eph. |
Ignatius, Letter to the Ephesians |
Ign. Magn. |
Ignatius, Letter to the Magnesians |
Ign. Phld. |
Ignatius, Letter to the Philadelphians |
Ign. Pol. |
Ignatius, Letter to the Polycarp |
Ign. Rom. |
Ignatius, Letter to the Romans |
Ign. Smyrn. |
Ignatius, Letter to the Smyrnaeans |
Ign. Trall. |
Ignatius, Letter to the Trallians |
Mart. Pol. |
Martyrdom of Polycarp |
Pol. Phil. |
Polycarp, Letter to the Philippians |