Pseudepigrapha and Early Christian Literature

Adam and Eve Books of Adam and Eve
2–3 Bar. Syriac, Greek Apocalypse of Baruch
Apoc. Mos. Apocalypse of Moses
As. Mos. Assumption of Moses
1–2–3 Enoch Ethiopic, Slavonic, Hebrew Enoch
Let. Arist. Letter of Aristeas
Jub. Jubilees
Mart. Isa. Martyrdom of Isaiah
Odes Sol. Odes of Solomon
Pss. Sol. Psalms of Solomon
Sib. Or. Sibylline Oracles
T. 12 Patr. Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs
T. Levi Testament of Levi
T. Benj. Testament of Benjamin, etc.
Acts Pil. Acts of Pilate
Apoc. Pet. Apocalypse of Peter
Gos. Eb. Gospel of the Ebionites
Gos. Eg. Gospel of the Egyptians
Gos. Heb. Gospel of the Hebrews
Gos. Naass. Gospel of the Naassenes
Gos. Pet. Gospel of Peter
Gos. Thom. Gospel of Thomas
Prot. Jas. Protevangelium of James
Barn. Epistle of Barnabas
1–2 Clem. 1–2 Clement
Did. Didache
Diogn. Diognetus
Herm. Man. Shepherd of Hermas, Mandate
Herm. Sim. Shepherd of Hermas, Similitude
Herm. Vis. Shepherd of Hermas, Vision
Ign. Eph. Ignatius, Letter to the Ephesians
Ign. Magn. Ignatius, Letter to the Magnesians
Ign. Phld. Ignatius, Letter to the Philadelphians
Ign. Pol. Ignatius, Letter to the Polycarp
Ign. Rom. Ignatius, Letter to the Romans
Ign. Smyrn. Ignatius, Letter to the Smyrnaeans
Ign. Trall. Ignatius, Letter to the Trallians
Mart. Pol. Martyrdom of Polycarp
Pol. Phil. Polycarp, Letter to the Philippians