Nag Hammadi Tractates

Acts Pet. 12 Apost. Acts of Peter and the Twelve Apostles
Allogenes Allogenes
Ap. Jas. Apocryphon of James
Ap. John Apocryphon of John
Apoc. Adam Apocalypse of Adam
1 Apoc. Jas. First Apocalypse of James
2 Apoc. Jas. Second Apocalypse of James
Apoc. Paul Apocalypse of Paul
Apoc. Pet. Apocalypse of Peter
Asclepius Asclepius 21–29
Auth. Teach. Authoritative Teaching
Dial. Sav. Dialogue of the Savior
Disc. 8–9 Discourse on the Eighth and Ninth
Ep. Pet. Phil. Letter of Peter to Philip
Eugnostos Eugnostos the Blessed
Exeg. Soul Exegesis on the Soul
Gos. Eg. Gospel of the Egyptians
Gos. Phil. Gospel of Philip
Gos. Thom. Gospel of Thomas
Gos. Truth Gospel of Truth
Great Pow. Concept of our Great Power
Hyp. Arch. Hypostatis of the Archons
Hypsiph. Hypisphrone
Interp. Know. Interpretation of Knowledge
Marsanes Marsanes
Melch. Melchizedek
Norea Thought of Norea
On Bap. A On Baptism A
On Bap. B On Baptism B
On Bap. C On Baptism C
On Euch. A On the Eucharist A
On Euch. B On the Eucharist B
Orig. World On the Origin of the World
Plato Rep. Plato, Republic
Paraph. Shem Paraphrase of Shem
Pr. Paul Prayer of the Apostle Paul
Pr. Thanks. Prayer of Thanksgiving
Sent. Sextus Sentences of Sextus
Soph. Jes. Chr. Sophia of Jesus Christ
Steles Seth Three Steles of Seth
Teach. Silv. Teachings of Silvanus
Testim. Truth Testimony of Truth
Thom. Cont. Book of Thomas the Contender
Thund. Thunder, Perfect Mind
Treat. Res. Treatise on Resurrection
Treat. Seth Second Treatise of the Great Seth
Tri. Trac. Tripartite Tractate
Trim. Prot. Trimorphic Protennoia
Val. Exp. A Valentinian Exposition
Zost. Zostrianos