All books/plays are PGW’s unless otherwise stated.
Adriatic, SS 126, 135–6, 137, 138, 139
Adventure magazine 126n2
Adventures of Sally, The/Mostly Sally 118, 138
Aiken, South Carolina 153 and n1
Ainslee’s Magazine 70, 99, 104
Aldwych Theatre, London 54
Allen, Sir George Oswald Browning (‘Gubby’) 270, 413
Alleynian, The (magazine) 44, 46, 47n2, 116, 432
‘All’s Well With Bingo’ 409–10
Allyson, June 413
‘Amazing Hat Mystery, The’ 233 and 234n1
America, SS 401
America, I Like You see Over Seventy
American Magazine 220–21, 228
Amis, Kingsley 465, 486
Lucky Jim 465, 486
Angel Cake Barmy in Wonderland
Anstey, F. (Thomas Anstey Guthrie) 32
Baboo Jabberjee 54
Vice Versa 257, 481
Answers (magazine) 52
Anything Goes (musical with Bolton and Porter) 226, 245, 247, 250, 472; revival (Lindsay and Crouse) 503, 504–5, 506, 507
‘Archibald and the Masses’ 169n1
‘Archibald’s Benefit’ 78n1
Argosy (magazine) 73, 77, 82n1
Arlen, Michael 120, 230, 459
Armstrong, Lillian 86
Armstrong, Olive (‘Bubbles’) 86
PGW’s letters to 86–7, 244–5
Astaire, Adele 156, 182, 192n1
Astaire, Fred 156, 182, 192n1, 263, 264, 266, 401
Astor, Nancy, Lady 442
‘At Geisenheimer’s’ 111–12
Athenaeum, the, London 172
Atlantic, The 249n2
Auden, W. H. 3, 8, 306, 472
Aunt Agatha (character) 34, 172, 478
Aunt Dahlia (character) 10, 34, 68n2
Aunts Aren’t Gentlemen 21, 472
Auribeau, France 224, 226, 228, 229, 232, 233–4
Austen, Jane 5, 516
Ayckbourn, Alan 536
Ayres, Ruby M. 175, 195, 477
Bachelors Anonymous 534–5
Baerman, Abe E. 69, 71, 181
Bailey, Trevor 411
Bainter, Fay 402, 431, 432, 434
Ball, Lucille 413
‘Balm for the Broken Hearted’ 10–11
Balzac, Honoré de 5
Père Goriot 517
Bandit’s Daughter, The (with Ella King-Hall) 63–4
Banks, Rosie M. (character) 176n1, 477
Barbizon, France (1945) 354–6
Bard, Wilie 66 and n, 75
Barmy in Wonderland/Angel Cake 403, 449
Barnes, Roy 114
Barnett, Bert 17, 115, 276
Barnett, Hugh 115
Barnett, Lillian Sarah (née Hill) (‘Lily’) 17, 96, 105
PGW’s letters to 105–8, 115–16, 276–7
Barnett, Norah 115, 276
Barney, Mrs Elvira 234
Barnikow, Raven von 17, 304, 307, 321, 330, 331, 332–3
PGW’s letter to 326–7
Barrie, J. M. 72, 82, 366
The Little White Bird 127
Barrymore, John 73
Bartholomew, Freddie 528
Bartlett, Hugh T. 252, 363
‘Battle of Squashy Hollow, The’ 519
BBC 21, 23, 294, 449, 472, 495, 501, 502–3, 542
V. S. Pritchett talk 392, 393
Beauty of Bath, The (musical) 511
Beauty Prize, The (with Kern and Grossmith) 153, 155, 156
Beckett, Samuel 120
Bedford School 46, 112, 132, 229, 240, 355, 431
Beefsteak Club, London 485, 489
Beerbohm, Max 490
Beith, John Hay see Hay, Ian
Bell, R. S. Warren: ‘Sanctuary’ 78
Bellport, Long Island 93, 97, 98, 100, 103, 104, 105–6, 108, 142, 240
Belsen concentration camp 374 and 375n1
Benchley, Robert 492
Bennett, Arnold 25, 61n1, 255, 260, 451
How to Become an Author 259
PGW’s letter to 207–8
Berlin 304, 305, 307, 308, 309, 312–16, 318, 329–31, 334
Adlon Hotel 308, 312–13, 314, 315, 317, 322, 323, 330–31, 332–3, 334, 357
Hotel Bristol 332, 343
Berlin, Irving 152, 161, 411, 418
Berliner Film Company 322
Berman, Pandro 268
Bernand, Francis Cowley: Happy Thoughts 394
‘Bertie Changes His Mind’ 147
Besant, Annie 126n10
Betjeman, Sir John 4, 21, 534n1
Beverly Hills 201, 207–11, 219, 220, 265, 272
Bevin, Ernest 418, 427
Bexhill-on-Sea, Sussex 177–8, 253
Bide-a-Wee animal association 471, 527
Big Money 91n1, 131n3, 197, 198
‘Bill’ (lyric) 95, 378
Bill the Conqueror 159, 162, 164, 165, 171–2, 173
Bing Boys Are Here, The (show) 160n2
Birkenhead, Lord 448
‘Bishop’s Cat, The’ 229n1
‘Bishop’s Folly, The’ 229n1
Black, Messrs A. & C. 62n3, 81
PGW’s letters to 58–9, 111
Blandings Castle and Elsewhere (collection) 122n18, 191n1, 204n5, 415
Blandings Castle novels 35, 53, 57n12, 64n2, 94, 119, 147, 190, 241n1, 403, 417, 445, 446, 460, 477, 496–8, 540, and above
Blavatsky, Madame Helena 126n10
‘Blood’/’Melodrama Burlesque’ (lyric) 128
Blue Mazurka, The (music, Lehár) 141
Bodenhausen, Baroness Anga von 17–18, 307, 308, 309, 312, 316, 321, 326, 330
PGW’s letters to 321–3, 330–36, 341–4
Bodenhausen, Reinhild von 17, 18, 308–9, 316, 333
Bolton, Guy 18, 135, 143, 159, 261, 369, 493, 502
collaborations with PGW 94–5, 114, 117, 251, 403, 404, 426, 472, 491; see also Anything Goes, Bring on the Girls, Don’t Listen, Ladies!, Leave It to Jane, Miss Springtime, Oh, Boy!, Oh, Kay!, Oh, Lady! Lady!!, Pat, Play’s the Thing, The, Sally
PGW’s letters to 7, 304, 368–9, 415–16, 419–21, 422–5, 432–3, 453–4, 457–8, 479, 487–8, 495–6, 503–5, 507, 512, 516–17, 520, 521–2, 525–6, 530, 536–7
with PGW in USA 157, 403, 452, 515, 516 and 517n1
books and musicals (and see collaborations with PGW (above):
Ankles Aweigh 479
The Hotel Mouse (with Vecsey) 143
The Olympians 512
Primrose 166
Bolton, Virginia (née DeLanty) 18, 369, 495, 515
Boosey, William 150
Boothroyd, Basil 5
Bordoni, Irene 189
Bovill, Charles H. 107
Nuts and Wine (with PGW) 86
Bowes-Lyon, Effie 56, 541, 542
Bowes-Lyon, Ernestine (Teenie) 56, 541, 542
PGW’s letter to 541–2
Bowes-Lyon, Joan 541, 542
Boy’s Own Paper, The 33, 37, 40, 47n3, 481
Bradford, Pennsylvania 434, 435
Bradley, H. Dennis 169n2
The Wisdom of the Gods 121
Bradshaw, Commander Augustus 41n2
Bradshaw, Edith (née Deane) 41n2
Bradshaw, Leslie Havergal 19, 71–2, 114n4
engagement and wedding 14, 73, 90, 98–9, 108
magazines worked for 71, 77
and PGW’s marriage 97–8, 100–1, 102, 104
PGW’s letters to 2, 74, 75–7, 78–82, 84–6, 87–91, 97–105, 108–10, 111–13
Before the Dark (serial) 81
‘Impressions of P. G. Wodehouse’ 71
‘Mrs Allison’s Day of Excitement’ 77n1
The Right Sort 19, 84
Bradshaw, Olive Marie (née Barrows) 19, 73, 84, 90, 91n1, 98–9, 114
Brain, Donald 114
Bring on the Girls (with Bolton) 12, 117, 126n7, 404, 453–4, 457, 463
Brinkmanship of Galahad Threepwood, The/Galahad at Blandings 518
Brother Alfred (with Westbrook) 85, 104
Brother Fans 101
Browning, Robert 41, 43
‘An Incident in the French Camp’ 488–9
‘Waring’ 432
Brubaker, Howard 79
Buchanan, Jack 206, 425–6
Buchanan, Thompson 88–9
Buchelt, Lagerführer 303
Buck, Charles Neville 82
Buck’s Club, London 489
Burne-Jones, Edward 23
Burton, Richard 514
Bustanoby’s Café, Broadway 111
Butler Did It, The see Something Fishy
By Candlelight (filmscript) 213, 433
‘Cabarabian Nights...’ 114n3
Cabaret Girl, The (musical) 135, 139, 149 and n4, 149–50
‘Cagey Gorilla, A’ 229n1
Cambridge University 509–10
Camp, Walter: ‘Daily Dozen’ 129, 130
Campbell, Mrs Patrick 205, 269
Cannes 170–71, 174–6, 232
Casino 229, 239, 240–41, 248
Captain, The (magazine) 19, 37–8, 49, 51, 54, 61, 62, 68n4, 71, 76, 78, 79, 80n3, 82n2
Cardboard Lover, The 182 and 183n1
Cardus, Neville 437–8
Carlyle, Thomas: Sartor Resartus 36, 477
Carrington, Charles: Rudyard Kipling... 485
Carry On, Jeeves 148n1, 169n1, 541n1
Carter, Desmond: Primrose (with I. Gershwin) 166
Cartmell, William 324
Caryll, Ivan (Felix Tilkin) 143
The Pink Lady (musical) 82, 84, 86n3
Case, Bertha 433
‘Cassandra’ see Connor, William N.
Cassell & Co.: PGW’s letter to 63
‘Castaways, The’ 423n2
Castellane, M. de 351
Castle, Vernon and Irene 114n2
‘Castles in the Air’ (cabaret) 114n2
Cather, Willa 25
cats see under Wodehouse, P. G.
Cazalet, Camilla (née Gage) 20, 518, 520
Cazalet, Edward (‘Buddy’) 19–20, 467, 490
birth and childhood 226, 256, 257, 261, 266, 360, 386, 415
marriage 518–19
and PGW 19, 22, 226, 471, 475, 496, 520
PGW’s letters to 386–7, 518–19, 522–3
son’s birth 522, 525
Cazalet, Leonora (‘Snorky’; ‘Nora’) (formerly Wodehouse, née Rowley) 20, 24, 148
at boarding school 93, 108n2, 118–19, 127, 130 and 131n1, 132, 140, 141, 142, 147
childhood 92, 243, see also boarding school
children see Cazalet, Edward; Hornby, Sheran
death 338, 347, 348, 354
at finishing school 157, 159
in Hollywood and New York 178n1, 199–20, 206, 209, 212, 522–3
at Hunstanton Hall 172
marriage 225, 226, 236, 238, 239
and PGW 20, 93, 107, 118, 119, 120, 121, 140, 168, 254, 257
and PGW’s car accident 153, 154
and PGW’s internment and broadcasts 299–300, 312
PGW’s letters to 1, 7, 121, 127–8, 130–39, 141–8, 149–50, 158–62, 164–6, 174–6, 193–4, 236–7, 247–9, 252–3, 254–5, 256–7, 260–61, 263–9, 271–3, 276
publishes short story 232
takes in evacuees 287
Cazalet, Maud Lucia (Molly) (née Heron-Maxwell) 236, 239, 256
PGW’s letter to 282–3
Cazalet, Peter 19, 20, 21, 225, 256, 258, 269, 276
approved by PGW 225, 236, 238
given financial help by PGW 272
opposes publication of Performing Flea 448
PGW’s letter to 270–71
visits PGW in Paris 352, 354, 372, 387
war service 286–7, 347, 359, 364–5, 367
Cazalet, Sheran see Hornby, Sheran
Cazalet, Victor 21, 266n1, 273, 282, 347
Cazalet-Keir, Thelma 21, 225, 312, 347, 360, 362, 385, 387, 388, 449, 534n1
PGW’s letters to 347, 360–61, 534
Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine, The 101n1
Chamberlain, Neville 289
Chambers, Ruth 301
Chandler, Raymond: ‘Writers in Hollywood’ 202–3
Chaplin, Charlie 179, 222n1
Chapman and Hall 260
Charteris, Leslie 480
Cheesewright, G. D’Arcy ‘Stilton’ (character) 3, 291n1, 314, 381–2
Chesterton, G. K. 4
Chevalier, Maurice 233
Chingford, Essex 130
Christie, Agatha 1, 19, 478–9, 530
PGW’s letters to 527, 529–30
The Hollow 399
Passenger to Frankfurt 529
Christie, Audrey 433
Christison, ‘Slacker’ 240, 352, 355, 363
Chums (magazine) 37, 68, 81, 481, 500
‘Church Round the Corner’ (lyric) 134
Churchill, Diana 248
Churchill, Randolph 276
Churchill, Winston 110n2, 248n2, 276n1, 286, 291, 294
and PGW 349–50, 444–5, 462–3
speeches 284, 288
Citrine, Lord 497n1
PGW’s letters to 496–9
Cleopatra (film) 514
‘Cleopatterer’ (lyric) 128 and n5
‘Clicking of Cuthbert, The’ 124, 430n1
Cochran, Charles B. 127, 250
Code of the Woosters, The 225, 230, 275
Coffee House, New York 489
Cohn, Harry 201, 202
Collier, William 104
Collier’s Weekly 79, 80, 126, 131, 139n4, 141, 180, 192, 193, 198n1, 411, 412, 413, 426n1, 435, 492, 529
Walter Camp’s ‘Daily Dozen’ 129, 130
Collins, Wilkie 65
Columbia Pictures 202, 266
Comité Parisien de Libération 338
‘Company for Gertrude’ 190–91
Company for Henry 520, 521, 522n1
‘Comrade Bingo’ 119
Comstock, Ray 125, 161, 164, 500
Conde Nast 492
Coney Island, New York 113, 114n3
Conkle, Ellsworth Prouty
Keep Your Head (with PGW) 441
PGW’s letter to 441
Connor, William N. (‘Cassandra’) 312, 463, 502–3
PGW’s letter to 502–3
Conrad, Joseph 25, 120, 155, 428, 451
Constitutional Club, London 64n1, 80, 83, 120, 130, 139, 278, 279, 489
Continental Daily Mail 288
Cooper, Duff 312, 463
Cosmopolitan (magazine) 72, 80, 131, 148n1, 192, 220, 233, 402
Costain, Thomas B. 241
Courtneidge, Cicely 144n1
Courtneidge, Robert 143
Coward, Noel 226, 507
Crane, Stephen 25
Craxton, Carrington 59, 60, 477
Crime Wave at Blandings 410n1
Crosby, Bing 230
Crouse, Russell: Anything Goes 503
Crowninshield, Frank 492
Cumberlege, Barry 125
Cuppy, Will 214
How to Be a Hermit...214
PGW’s letters to 214–15, 218
Cussen, Major/Cussen Report 322, 338, 339, 345, 347, 348, 359–60, 379, 456–7
PGW’s letter to 379–80
Dahl, Roald
‘Genesis and Catastrophe’ 456n1
‘The Way up to Heaven’ 466–7
Someone Like You 466
Daily Express 27, 77n3, 78, 263, 463, 483
Daily Mail 221, 225, 253–4, 394, 463, 483, 484
Daily Mirror 502
Daily Telegraph 24, 311, 324
Damsel in Distress, A 74, 111n4, 133n1, 210, 410;
(film) 264, 266, 268
Daniell, Henry 269, 272
Davidson, Harold Francis, Rector of Stiffkey 256
Davies, Marion 202, 206, 209, 503
Davies, Mr (a fan): PGW to 179
Davis, Bea 373
Davis, Bob 84, 85
Dawn, Hazel (‘Pinkie’) 81, 89
Dawson, J. K. B. 46
Deane, Louisa 34
Deane, Mary 34, 478
‘Deep Waters’ 78n1
Degenershausen, Germany 17–18, 308–9, 312, 314, 316, 322, 323, 326, 334, 335, 344
Delaney, Edward 319
Delineator, The (magazine) 90
Denby, Robert J. (Bobby) 119–20, 143, 150, 179–80, 181–2, 223, 237, 239
PGW’s telegram to 180
Depression, the 210
Deval, Jacques 183n1
Dickens, Charles 4, 376, 468
Dickson, Dorothy 150
Dillingham, Charlie 143, 408, 500
Dinard, Brittany 149, 150
‘Disentangling Old Duggie’ 416
Do Butlers Burgle Banks? 472
dogs see under Wodehouse, P. G.
Dolfuss, Engelbert 245
Donahue, Jack 489
Donald, D. G. 363
Donaldson, Frances 365
PGW’s letter to 337 and 339n2, 365–6
Yours, Plum... 14n8
Donop, Colonel Pelham von 30
Don’t Listen, Ladies! (with Bolton) 402, 419, 421, 425
Don’t Lose Your Head (play) 441
Doty, Douglas Zabriskie 101, 102
Doubleday, Nelson 444
Doubleday & Co. 385, 398n1, 401, 405, 406, 417, 418, 444
Doubleday Doran 208n2
Douglas, Mrs Sholto 350
Dovey, Alice 73–4, 81, 84, 85, 86
Dovey, Ethel 82n3
Doyle, Arthur Conan 4, 21, 62, 211, 309, 356
as cricketer 21, 72, 82, 431, 517
and PGW 21, 72, 82, 171, 255, 517
PGW’s letter to 83
novels and stories:
The Lost World 83
Sherlock Holmes stories 21, 103, 154, 417, 459
A Study in Scarlet 21, 103
The Valley of Fear 103
D’Oyly Carte, Rupert 63
Droitwich 120, 165, 184–5
Impney Spa Hotel 120, 184, 186
Dryden, John: Palamon and Arcite 43 and 44n1
Dudley, Gertrude, Countess (formerly Gertie Millar)
of 290, 360, 389
Dulwich College, London 22, 26, 35, 36–9, 40, 44n5, 52, 56, 96, 240, 252, 432, 476–7
cricket matches 145, 355, 431
Founder’s Day 459
Old Alleynian dinner, New York 416
rugby matches 37, 112, 132, 134, 145, 210, 240, 278, 411
Year Book 363
see also Alleynian, The
Duncan, Rosetta and Vivian 151, 152, 161
Durrell, Lawrence 416
PGW’s letter to 2, 416–17
Easthampton, Long Island 152–4
Edge of the Night, The (soap opera) 525, 528, 529–30
Edison, Thomas: ‘The Phonograph and Its Future’ 309
Edward, Prince of Wales/Edward VIII see Windsor, Duke of
Eggs, Beans and Crumpets 410n1
‘Eighteenth Hole, The’ 97n1
‘electrophone’, the 133
Eliot, T. S. 3, 4
The Waste Land 51, 120
Elizabeth, Princess/Elizabeth II 342, 457, 473
Elizabeth, Queen (later Queen Mother) 271, 342n2, 542
Elk’s Magazine 126n4
Elmhurst School, Croydon 31
Elson, Anita 463
Ely Court, Suffolk 127, 130, 147
Embassy Club, London 156
Empress of Blandings 173
Emsworth, Lord (character) 10, 53, 64n2, 94, 121, 173, 188, 190, 269, 318, 417, 446, 496–8
Emsworth House School, Hampshire 53, 60n3, 63, 64, 72, 81, 82, 84, 89, 108n3, 120, 139, 148
Encounter (journal) 471
Enke, Max 301, 359
Enke, Stephen 301
Errol, Leon 164
Eton College/Etonians 225, 258, 388, 413, 467–8, 475
Evening News 482
Evening Standard 146, 252, 497, 498
Evening World 101
Everybody’s magazine 90
Exodus (ship) 411 and 412n1
‘Expulsion from Eden..., The’ 114n3
‘Extricating Young Gussie’ 94, 114
Faber and Faber (publishers) 417
Fairbanks, Douglas 82, 85, 113, 179, 221
Fairlawne, Kent 225, 239, 266, 287, 359
Famous Players film company (later Paramount Pictures) 88, 179, 181
Farrar, Frederic W.
Eric, or Little by Little 32–3, 481
St Winifred’s 481
Farrow, John 210n1, 225, 269
Faulkner, William 5
Felixstowe, Suffolk 132
Quinton Farm 127
Ferguson, Elsie 159
Feuchtwanger, Lion (pseud. J. L Wetcheek) 194n3
Jew Suss 193
The Ugly Duchess 193
Feuer, Cy 493
Feuer and Martin 493
Field, Edward Salisbury: Wedding Bells 127
Fielding, Henry 5, 492
Tom Jones 492, 494
‘Fiery Wooing of Mordred, The’ 233 and 234n1
‘Fifty Years is Practically Half a Century’ 519n2
Fink-Nottle, Gussie 94, 169n1, 187n2
Fitzgerald, F. Scott 25, 114, 160, 437, 438
The Beautiful and Damned 160n4
The Great Gatsby 437
This Side of Paradise 160n4
The Vegetable 160
Flaccus, Elmer 289
PGW’s letter to 289
Flannery, Harry 306, 339, 358
Assignment to Berlin 339
Flaubert, Gustave 276
Fonscolombe, Benoît de 406n1
PGW’s letter to 405–6
Fontaine, Joan 264
Ford, Montgomery 394–5
Foreign Office, British: PGW’s letter to 327–9
Fox Twentieth Century 457
Francis, Dick 19
Francis, Kay 304
Frankland, Sir Frederick W. F. G. 193
Freeman, Den(n)is 225–6, 236, 256
French Leave 486
Friml, Rudolf 384
Frohman, Charles 105, 183n2
Front Line (horse) 146
Fry, Christopher: Venus Observed 450
Full Moon 314, 318, 320–21, 324, 401–2
Gable, Clark 263, 391, 476
‘Gala Night’ 193n4
Galahad (character) 64n2, 235, 454, 518
Galsworthy, John 255
Garcia, Fred 475
Gardiner, Reginald 272–3
Garrick Club, London 183, 207n6, 489
Gaulle, Charles de 337
Gay Divorce (musical) 507n1
Gay Gordons, The (musical) 511
Gem Collector, The/Intrusion of Jimmy, The 68n2, 78, 80n2, 101, 103n1
Gentleman of Leisure, A 72, 78n3, 222n1
Gentleman’s Agreement (film) 427
Gentlemen v. Players matches (Lords) 282, 411 and 412n2
George VI: coronation 271
George, Eric Beardsworth (‘Jimmy’) 22, 39, 40, 240, 431–2, 436
PGW’s letters to 7, 40–44, 42, 46–7, 49–50
sketches 45, 48
Germany Calling (Nazi radio programme) 307
Gershwin, George 22, 267–8, 383, 390, 500
Funnyface 192
Primrose (with Carter) 166
Showgirl 191, 192
Gershwin, Ira 1, 22, 191, 383, 411, 418, 495, 500
PGW’s letters to 191–2, 383–4, 390–91, 527–8
Funnyface 192
Park Avenue (with Schwartz) 390 and 391n1
Primrose (with Carter) 166
Show Girl 191, 192
Gershwin, Leonore (‘Lee’) 191, 268, 383, 384, 390
Geyer, Siegfried: By Candlelight 213n1
‘Gibbon, Scotty’ 38
Gibbs, Cosmo 126n3
Gibbs, Hamilton 124
The Grey Wave/Gun Fodder 124
Gibbs, Philip 124
Gilbert, John 213
Gilbert, W. S. 6, 44, 517
Gilkes, Arthur Herman 36, 240
‘Girl in the Pink Bathing Suit, The’ 199 and 204n1, 201 and 204n9
Girl on the Boat, The/Three Men and a Maid 126n5, 127, 129, 131, 141, 146(quoted)
Gissing, George 25
Globe newspaper 52–3, 54, 56, 72, 80, 108n3, 481, 482
‘Goalkeeper and the Plutocrat, The’ 80n4
Goebbels, Josef 308, 323n1, 333n1
Gold Bat, The 38, 54, 57n10, 492n1
Goldberg, Rube 422
Golden Moth, The (with Thompson) 135, 146
Goldwater, Senator Barry 517
Goldwyn, Samuel 121, 198, 201, 202, 268, 423n2
Gone with the Wind (film) 475–6
‘Good Angel, The’ 78n1
Good Morning, Bill 194, 216 and n2, 273n1
Gordon, George 282n1
Gordon, Mary: PGW’s letter to 281–2
Goulds, the 60
Graham, Harry 213n1
Grand magazine 139n4
Grant, Arthur 358
Grant, Ruth 294–5
Graves, Robert
Claudius the God and His Wife Messalina 249
I, Claudius 249
Great Neck, Long Island 114, 115, 116, 151, 157, 160, 161–5
Greenwood, John Eric 125
Griffin, Norman 150
Griffith, Corinne 213
Griffith, D. W. 222n1
Griffith, Raymond 179
Griffith, S. C. (‘Billy’) 252, 283n1, 363, 413
PGW’s letters to 252, 509–10
Grills, Olive see Armstrong, Olive
Grimsdick, Derek 218, 399, 456, 487, 505
PGW’s letters to 452–3, 456–7, 499–500, 502, 510, 518, 540
Grinlinton (Dulwich boy) 240
Grossmith, George, Sr 86n2
Diary of a Nobody (with Weedon Grossmith) 51, 378
Grossmith, George, Jr 73, 86n2, 153, 178n1, 188, 189, 511
The Beauty Prize (with Kern and PGW) 153, 155, 156
The Cabaret Girl (lyrics) 149n4, 150
Primrose 166
Grossmith, Lawrence 85, 104
Guernsey 33–5
Guinness, Alec 496
Guitry, Sacha 419, 421
Don’t Listen, Ladies! 402, 419
The Lame Devil (film) 421
Gunn, W. 438
Gwyther, Geoffrey: Patricia (with Melford and Stanley) 172
Habberton, John: Helen’s Babies 274
Hadamovsky, Eugen 306
Haileybury 112, 132, 210, 432, 436
Ham Hill, Powick, Worcestershire 258
Hamilton, Cosmo 54, 57n10
Hammerstein, Oscar 411, 418, 440, 491
Mary Jane McKane 161
Show Boat (with Kern) 378
Hammett, Dashiell 214
Harbach and Mandel: Mary 138
Harlow, Jean 267
‘Harmonica Mystery, The’ 480–81 and 483n4
Harper’s magazine 164n1
Harriman, Margaret Case 492
Harris, Sam 161
Harrison, Rex 450, 493
Harrogate, Yorkshire 165, 166, 167, 168–9
Hašek, Jaroslav: The Good Soldier Švejk 305
Haskins, Herbert (‘Bert’) 358–9, 456
Have a Heart (musical with Bolton and Kern) 94
‘Haw-Haw, Lord’ see Joyce, William
Hay, Ian (John Hay Beith) 133, 150, 194, 210n2, 282, 311, 429, 461
A Knight on Wheels 158
Hazlitt, William 512
Head of Kay’s, The 38
Hearst, William Randolph 202, 207n4, 263, 264, 503n1
Heavy Weather 10, 235, 241, 322
Hedgcock, Murray: PGW’s letter to 531–3
Hegemans, the 84
Heggan, Thomas: Mister Roberts (with Logan) 415
Hemingway, Ernest 120, 217
Henley, William Ernest: Poems 43–4
Henry, O. 4, 76
Henson, Leslie 149–50, 192
Herriman, George: ‘Krazy Kat’ 138 and 139n3
Hibbs, Ben 370
Hicks, Seymour 55, 511
Hilder, John Chapman (‘Jack’) 113
Hilton, James
Good-bye, Mr Chips 249
Lost Horizon 249
His Excellency (play) 511
Hitler, Adolf 19, 245, 278, 284, 289, 306, 313, 315, 455
Hoffman, Arthur Sullivan 123, 157, 182
Hollywood 121, 125, 199–204, 205–7, 208–9, 211, 212–13, 215–16, 217, 221, 225, 263, 268–9, 270–71, 522–3
Hollywood Cricket Club 200
Homage to P. G. Wodehouse, A (collection) 21, 534
Home, Andrew 76, 81
‘Honeysuckle Cottage’ 67n3, 167, 168
Hong Kong 30–31
Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation 49, 51, 52–3, 477, 481
Hopper, Hedda 269
Hornby, Sheran (née Cazalet) 20, 22–3, 272
birth and childhood 226, 244, 247–8, 260, 266, 272
‘in exalted circles’ 494, 495, 514
and PGW 275, 471, 493, 534
PGW’s letters to 380–82, 400, 414–15, 425–6, 491, 521
Hornby, Simon 23
Hornung, E. W. 82
Hot Water 120 and n13, 149n3, 217, 218, 234
Hotel Biltmore, New York 136, 137, 138
House on the Cliff, The 402, 431
Howard, Lady Carolyn Dacre Howard 429–30
Howard, Leslie 183n1, 192
Howard, Willie 416
Hughes, Rupert: Empty Pockets 112
Hughes, Thomas: Tom Brown’s Schooldays 32
Hunstanton Hall, Norfolk 120, 172–3, 178, 194–5, 198, 221, 226, 243–4
Hutten, Baroness von 332
Huxley, Aldous 228–9
Brave New World 228
Crome Yellow 120
Ice in the Bedroom 472, 495–6
Ickenham, Lord (character) 496–8
Iddon, Don 375, 463
PGW’s letter to 466
‘If You Were the Only Girl in the World’ (hit song) 160n2
Illustrated, The (magazine) 339
PGW interview 397, 399
‘In Alcala’ 74, 99, 112
‘Indian Summer of an Uncle, The’ 193n4
Indiscretions of Archie, The 132, 133
Ingrams, Richard 534
Inimitable Jeeves, The 118, 135
Inside Stand, The 251
Intrusion of Jimmy, The see Gem Collector, The
Jacobs, W. W. 4
James, Henry 4, 25, 451
James, William 25, 110n2
Jameson, Storm 311
Janis, Elsie 199, 205
Jardine, Douglas 270
Jasen, David 471
Jazz Singer, The (film) 199
Jebsen, Johann (Jonny) 315–16
Jeeves, Reginald (character) 2, 3, 94, 114, 118, 148n1, 207, 225, 275, 299, 300, 320, 380, 411, 416–17, 457, 458, 536, 541, and see below
Jeeves (with Rice and Lloyd Webber) 536
Jeeves and the Feudal Spirit 4–5, 225, 430n1, 464–5
‘Jeeves and the Song of Songs’ 193n4
‘Jeeves and the Unbidden Gust’ 369n2
Jeeves in the Offing 489n1
Jeeves Omnibus 208n2
‘Jeeves Takes Charge’ 169n1
Jeffries, James 78
Jenkins, Herbert 123, 155, 208n2, 220n1
Jenkins (Herbert) Ltd 220n1, 362, 388, 393, 399, 417, 529
Jerome, Jerome K. 61n1
Jews 313, 321, 411, 418, 427
Jill the Reckless 118, 126n5
‘Joan of Arc’/’You Can’t Keep a Good Girl Down’ (lyric) 134
John O’London’s Weekly 234
Johns, W. E.: Biggles (character) 126n9
Johnson, Celia 413
Johnson, Lyndon B. 517n2
Johnson, Nunnally see Kaufman, George S.
Johnson, Dr Samuel 4
‘The Vanity of Human Wishes’ 44
Johnston, Jack 78
Johnstone, Justine 118, 150
Jolson, Al 199, 230
Jones, R. J. 436
Joy in the Morning 3, 118(quoted), 284, 290, 299, 300, 304, 314, 318, 320, 324, 380, 385, 399, 401, 478n2; reviews 396–7, 398
Joyce, James 10, 25
Ulysses 120
Joyce, William (‘Lord Haw-Haw’) 307, 311, 379, 384, 385
Kafka, Franz: The Trial 120
Karloff, Boris 200
Katyn Forest massacre (1940) 332
Kaufman, George S.
The Butter and Egg Man 403
Park Avenue (with N. Johnson) 391
Keats, John 7
‘La Belle Dame sans Merci’ 442
‘Endymion’ 67n4
‘Extracts from an Opera’ 422
‘The Nightingale’ 424
‘A Song about Myself’ 424–5
Keeler, Christine 513
Keep Your Head (play, with Conkle) 402, 441
Keir, David 21
Keith, Ian 433
Kelley, Louise 81, 84, 85
Kendon, Frank 234
Kern, Jerome 18, 94, 114, 117, 134, 135, 384, 414n5, 453, 491, 500
The Beauty Prize (with PGW and Grossmith) 153, 155, 156
The Cabaret Girl (music) 149n4, 150
Sally (with Bolton and PGW) 138
Show Boat (with Hammerstein) 378
Ketchel, Stanley 77
Keun, Odette 230
King, Hamilton 85
King-Hall, Baldwin (‘Bud’) 54, 107, 148
King-Hall, Ella see Westbrook, Ella
King-Hall, George 82n6
Kipling, Rudyard 31, 61n1, 62, 68, 225, 255, 485, 500
‘At the End of the Passage’ 157
‘Beauty Spots’ 228
‘Gunga Din’ 429
Just So Stories 491
The Light That Failed 251
Knox, N. A. 413
Kortright, C. J. 413
‘Krazy Kat’ (George Herriman) 138 and 139n3
Ladies’ Home Journal, The 112, 274, 464
Lamb, Charles 512
Lane, Sir Allen 478
Larwood, Harold 270
Laughing Gas 200, 216n1, 257, 259
Lawrence, D. H. 25
Lawrence, Gertrude 178n1, 179, 192, 440, 500, 522
Lawrence, Vincent: Treasure Girl (with Thompson) 193n3
Lawson, Thomas 19, 84, 85, 90, 91, 99
Leave It to Jane (musical with Bolton and Kern) 94, 128n5, 472
Leave It to Psmith 93, 147 and n2, 152, 158, 195–6, 210, 213, 217, 415, (proposed play) 394–5, 402, 408
Lee, Gypsy Rose 422
Leff, Mr 273
Lehár, Franz: The Blue Mazurka 141
Leigh, Vivien 476
Lengyel, Menyhért 411
Lenin, Vladimir I. 455
Le Strange, Charles 173, 221
Le Touquet, France 144, 226, 245, 258, 314, 343–4, 396, 397, 400, 401, 409
Low Wood 252–3, 256, 257, 273, 278, 283–4, 290–91, 294–5, 297, 354, 377, 396, 397, 400, 401, 420
in World War II 283, 284, 288, 289, 290–91, 293–5
Lewis, Sinclair 120
Liberator magazine 80n1
Liberty magazine 177, 227n2
Lindbergh, Charles 311
Lindsay, Howard: Anything Goes 503
Lingen, Theo 323
Listen Lester (musical comedy) 138, 139n1
Lister, Francis 425
Little, Bingo (character) 39, 119, 148, 176n1, 409, 410
Little Nugget, The 81n2, 82, 83, 84, 88, 105, 113, 479
Little Warrior, The 126n4, 127, 131
Lloyd George, David 360
Lloyd George, Megan 360
Lloyd Webber, Andrew 536
Jesus Christ Superstar 472
Lobris, Upper Silesia 333, 334
Logan, Joshua see Heggan, Thomas
London, Jack 61n1, 110n2
London magazine 110
London Palladium 133
Loos Prison, Belgium 295, 305, 324, 325, 328
‘Lord Emsworth and the Girlfriend’ 121
Lorimer, George H. 114n5, 177, 459, 500
Los Angeles Times 203, 212
Lost Lambs, The (serial) 63, 68, 109
Lotos Club, New York 489
Lottie Blossom (character) 461, 462
Lottman, Herbert: The People’s Anger... 337
Louder and Funnier 417
Love Among the Chickens 54, 57, 60, 61, 69, 69, 70, 145, 158, 477
‘Love Birds’ see ‘Nodder, The’
‘Love Me, Love My Dog’ 78n1
‘Love on a Diet’ 229n1
Lowe, Cyril Nelson (Tid) 125
Loxwood Hall, West Sussex 193
Lucas, E. V. 175
Luce, Claire Booth 492
‘Luck of the Stiffhams, The 233 and 234n1
Luck of the Bodkins, The 245, 461, 462
Luck Stone, The 54, 68n1, 69, 81
Lyons (A. S.) Agency, Hollywood 433
McCarthy, Senator Joseph 468
McClure’s magazine 72, 88, 90n1, 101
MacColl, René 484–5, 490
McCormick, Ken 444, 445
McCrum, Robert
‘A Lotus Eater’ 204
Wodehouse: A Life 296, 303, 315, 339, 341
McEvoy, Joseph Patrick: Show Girl 192, 273
Mackail, Denis George 23, 139, 155, 312, 354, 442, 459, 460
PGW’s letters to 7, 120, 140, 152–3, 171–2, 176–7, 202, 205–7, 211–12, 215–16, 226, 232, 234–5, 243–4, 353–4, 372–4, 375–7, 378, 382–3, 389, 393–4, 430–31, 442–4, 449–50, 454–5, 466–7, 467–9, 475–6, 478–9, 483–4, 490, 492–5, 513–14
books and stories:
‘At Mr Besley’s’ 160n6
‘Bradsmith was Right’ 454
The Flower Show 493
Greenery Street 176–7
Ho! Or How It All Strikes Me 373
Ian and Felicity... 235
Patricia (with Gwyther, Melford and Stanley) 172
What Next? 23, 140
Mackail, Diana (née Granet) 23, 430–31
MacKenzie, Cameron 87–8
Mackenzie, Sir Edward Montague Compton 23–4
PGW’s letters to 385–6, 391–2
Poor Relations 24
Whisky Galore 24, 392
Maclaren-Ross, Julian: ‘Good Lord, Jeeves’ 457, 458
MacLehose, Christopher 529
Madame Tussaud’s, London 473, 539
Mailer, Norman: The Naked and the Dead 426–7
Malvern House, Kearsney, Kent 35
‘Man Upstairs, The’ 78n1
Man Upstairs, The (collection) 88
‘Man with Two Left Feet, The’ 160
Mansfield, Jayne 471, 514
Mant (R.) & Sons 106
Markham Square, London 52
Marlborough, Wiltshire 460
Marsh, Edward: A Number of People 366
Martin, Mary 401
Marx, Groucho 450
Mary (Harbach and Mandel) 138
Masai, the 334
Mating Season, The 169n1, 381–2, 401, 402, 489n2
Maugham, Syrie 248
Maugham, William Somerset 248n1
Cakes and Ale 451
Maxwell, Elsa 507
Medcalf, Stephen: ‘The Innocence of P. G. Wodehouse’ 4, 10
Medicine Girl, The/Doctor Sally 216 and n2
Meet Mr Mulliner 67n3
Megrue, Roi Cooper 85
Melford, Austin: Patricia (with Gwyther, Mackail and Stanley) 172
Melrose Grange, Bell Port, Long Island 97, 98, 100, 106, 108
Melville, Alan 468
Mencken, H. L. 264
Meredith, Scott 410, 411, 495, 525, 534
PGW’s letter to 534–5
Merman, Ethel 245, 503, 504, 507
Merrick, Leonard 148
Metallious, Grace: Peyton Place 493
Methuen (publishers) 175
Methuen, Lord 477
Metro-Goldwyn-Meyer (MGM) 199, 200, 202, 204, 206, 208, 209, 211, 212, 213, 215, 216, 217, 225, 264, 268, 423n2
Metropolitan (magazine) 80, 87
MGM see Metro-Goldwyn-Meyer
Mike 63, 69, 480, 482n2, 491
Mike (character) 51
Mildmay, Anthony, 2nd Baron Mildmay of Flete 266, 359, 364, 365
Millar, Paddy 352
Miller, Arthur 490
Death of a Salesman 403
Miller, Gilbert 182, 189
The Captive 182 and 183n2
Miller, Marilyn 118, 189, 489, 490n2, 500
Milne, A. A. 24, 82, 221, 311, 375, 446, 449, 467
Chloe Marr 394
The Dover Road 375
‘Milton, Ethel’ see Wodehouse, Ethel
Miss 1917 (revue) 139n7, 207n3
Miss Springtime (musical with Bolton and Kern) 94, 114n2, 128, 134
Mr Mulliner Speaking 169nn1,2, 223 and 227n2
Mister Roberts (Heggan and Logan) 415
Mitford, Nancy 472
Love in a Cold Climate 429
Mizener, Arthur: The Far Side of Paradise 438
Molnár, Ferenc 402, 411, 500
Money for Nothing 173, 194
Money in the Bank 296, 300, 301, 314, 317n1, 318, 320, 324, 359, 380, 389, 391, 392–3, 394, 449
‘Monkey Business’ 200
Monroe, Marilyn 490
Moody, Frederick 265
Moody, Helen Wills 265, 269, 273
Moore, Grace 266, 390
Moore, Owen 126n8
Moore, Victor 114
Moreuil, Francie de 419
Morgan, Frank 272
Morrison, Herbert (Home Secretary): PGW’s letter to 346
Moses, ‘Grandma’ 505
Mosley, Sir Oswald 275
Mostly Sally see Adventures of Sally, The
Mowat, 357, 358
Moyle, Seth 71, 80, 84, 88, 109
Much Obliged, Jeeves 529
Muggeridge, Malcolm 21, 24, 347, 354–5, 357, 360, 361, 371, 374, 388, 484, 500
PGW’s letters to 349, 361–2, 364–5
The Thirties 361
Mulliner, Osbert (character) 216n1, 223, 229n1, 416, 541
Munsey’s Magazine 73, 82n2, 85n1, 126n3
Murnau, Friedrich W.: Faust 183
Murphy, Norman
PGW’s letter to 531–3
The Wodehouse Handbook 173, 184, 201
Mussolini, Benito 210, 261, 278
‘My Castle in the Air’ (lyric) 114n2
My Fair Lady (musical) 493
My Man Jeeves 118, 369n2
Needham, Raymond 251
New Fold, The (serial) 51
New Statesman 458
Newnes, George 65, 175
New York: 1904 54; 1909–10 56–7, 69–70, 71–80; 1913–18 85–6, 87–91, 92–4, 97, 103, 111; 1920s 118, 120, 136, 137–8; 1947–51 401–4, 405, 406–7, 408, 412, 418, 419, 435, 445
New York Evening Journal 138
New York Herald-Tribune 514
New York Journal 398n2
New York Times, The 73, 302, 303, 401, 396–7, 465, 472
New York World 61, 71, 73
New Yorker 390, 398, 415, 466, 492
Nicholson, Miss 415
Nightingale, The (musical) 177
Ninesling, Loretta 126, 139, 168
‘Nodder, The’/’Love Birds’ 200–1, 229n1, 266n3
Norfolk, St, Park Lane, London 180, 181, 183, 235, 239, 257–8
Not George Washington (with Westbrook) 54, 55, 60n1, 62, 63
Novello, Ivor: The Golden Moth 135
Nuts and Wine (with Bovill)) 86
Ober, Harold 438
Observer 393, 486
Oh, Boy! (musical with Bolton and Kern) 18, 94, 126n7, 151n3, 503n1
Oh, Kay! (musical with Bolton and Gershwins) 22, 178 and n1, 179, 184, 188, 207n3, 433, 454
Oh, Lady! Lady!! (musical with Bolton and Kern) 18, 94, 95, 127n7
Oh, My Dear! (musical) 126n7
O’Hara, John: Ten North Frederick 485, 493
Old Palace, Bromley, Kent 140, 141, 142
Old Reliable, The 200, 403, 426n1, 442 and 443n1
Olympic (liner) 84
‘Open House’ 229n1
Oppenheim, E. Phillips 150, 224, 230
O’Ramey, Georgie 127
‘Ordeal of Osbert Mulliner, The’ 223 and 227n2
‘Ordeal of Young Tuppy, The’ 193n4, 196
Orwell, George 1, 24, 32 and 35n11, 361, 367, 387–8, 444, 481, 482
PGW’s letter to 368
Dickens, Dali and Others 443–4
Down and Out in Paris and London 388
‘In Defence of P. G. Wodehouse’ 303, 339, 368, 388, 441–2
Smothered Under Journalism 387
O’Sullivan, Maureen 200, 209, 219, 225, 269, 305
‘Out of School’ 70
Over Seventy/America, I Like You (articles) 10, 24, 223 and 227n1, 472, 490
Overy, Kate 185
Oxford University: PGW’s honorary doctorate 226, 278–9, 280–82
Pain, Barry 4
‘Two’/Graeme and Cyril 481
Palestine 411, 412n1, 418
Pall Mall Gazette 47n3, 193
Palmer, Lilli 450
Paramount Studios 225, 419
Paris 1922–4 148, 157, 159, 165; 1943–7 337–8, 341–5, 347, 348–51, 352–4, 355, 356, 359, 360–61, 362–3, 368, 373, 375ff.
Parker (Vanity Fair editor) 492
Pat (musical with Bolton) 150, 151, 164
Paulus, Field Marshal Friedrich 329, 364
‘Paving the Way for Mabel’ 133
Pearls, Girls and Monty Bodkin 10
Pearson, Cyril 50n3
Pearson, Hesketh: Arthur Conan Doyle... 356
Pearson’s Magazine 25, 61, 257, 259, 286, 480–81
Pearson’s Weekly 50, 54, 61
Pemberton, Max: Iron Pirate 37, 481
Penguin Books 458, 462, 478
‘Pennefather, Ernest’ (character) 394
Pennington, Mrs 87
People’s magazine 73
Pepper, Reggie 72–3, 86n2
Performing Flea (correspondence with W. Townend) 12, 26, 404, 444–5, 446, 447–9, 452, 456, 461, 500; reviews 464, 465
Pétain, Philippe 442
Phipps (play) 433
Phipps to the Rescue 426n1
Phrases and Notes (notebooks) 76
Piccadilly Jim 93, 96, 114, 118 (quoted), 119 (quoted), 125, 143, 446
Pick-Me-Up (magazine) 50
Pickford, Mary 125, 221
Pictorial Review 86, 112
Pigs Have Wings 403, 446, 449–50, 454
‘Pilgrims of England’ (football team) 76
Pink Lady, The (Caryll) 81, 84, 86n3
Pinker, James Brand 25
PGW’s letters to 56, 61, 62, 70, 70
Pioneer, The (Indian newspaper) 125
‘Pitcher and the Plutocrat, The’ 80n4
Plack, Werner 304, 305, 315, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 341, 358
Playboy magazine 471m 514, 519, 525
Play’s the Thing, The (with Bolton) 183n1, 402, 414, 415, 418, 426
P.M. (newspaper) 405
Pocock, R. N. 58
Pope, Alexander: Iliad (trs.) 33
Porter, Cole 245, 505, 506, 507, 535
‘Night and Day’ 507
see also Anything Goes
Pothunters, The 21, 38, 52, 53, 58, 59, 541
Pound, Ezra 5
Powell, Anthony 19–20, 527n1
PGW’s letter to 526–7
A Dance to the Music of Time 526, 527–1
The Soldier’s Art 526
What’s Become of Waring 526, 527–1
Powell, Dilys 234
Prater, Ernest 46
Preedy, George R. (pseud.): General Crack 193
Prefect’s Uncle, The (formerly The Bishop’s Uncle) 54, 58
Priestley, J. B. 234–5, 397
Bright Day 397
Daylight on Saturday 397
Primrose (show) 166 and n1
Prince and Betty, The/Prince at Large, The 77n2, 80–81, 82, 83n2
Prince sisters, the 31
‘Princess’ musicals 94–5, 114, 472, 491
Princess Theatre, New York 18, 126n7, 161, 188
Pritchett, V. S.
BBC talk 392, 393
PGW’s letter to 392–3
‘Profumo affair’ 513
Prohibition 2, 119, 137, 178n1
Proust, Marcel: À la recherche du temps perdu 120
Psmith, Rupert Eustace (character) 62–3, 83n1
Psmith in the City 19, 57n2, 64n1
Psmith, Journalist 77, 80, 111
Public School Magazine, The 38
Punch (magazine) 24, 50n2, 53, 68n2, 357, 394n1, 472
‘Balm for the Broken Hearted’ 10-11
Maclaren-Ross’s parody 457, 458
Thackeray sketches 22, 40
Putnam (publisher) 180, 181
Queen Mary 426
Quick Service 288, 292
Quinton, Anthony 3
Quinton Farm, Felixstowe 127
‘Rallying Round Old George’ 86
Ransome, Arthur 461–2
PGW’s letter to 462
Rantzow, Count 326
Rathbone, Basil 269
Red Book Magazine, The 113n1
Reed, Edward Tennyson 50
Reed, Talbot Baines 481
Reilly and Lee Co. 319
Remsenburg, Long Island 403, 452, 463, 468, 470–71, 475, 476, 487, 490, 494, 506, 511, 516
‘Renegade, The’ 62
Return of Jeeves, The see Ring for Jeeves
‘Reverent Wooing of Archibald, The’ 169n1
Reynaud, Paul 291
Reynolds, Paul 25, 109, 125, 138, 141, 177, 180, 225, 317, 320, 410
and PGW’s battle over income tax 242
and PGW’s internment 297, 300, 301
and PGW’s wartime broadcasts 306, 307–8, 312, 319
PGW’s letters to 120, 128, 129, 181–2, 197, 241–3, 273–4, 280–81, 291–2, 293, 299, 299, 301, 317–19
Reynolds, Paul, Jr 370
Reynolds (P. J.) Tobacco Company 301
Rice, Elmer: The Show Must Go On 433–4
Rice, Tim 536
Rich and Cowan (publishers) 399, 418
Right-Ho, Jeeves 68n2, 225, 489n3
Ring for Jeeves/The Return of Jeeves (with Bolton) 458–9, 460
‘Rise of Minna Nordstrom, The’ 200
Riviera Girls (musical; PGW and Kern) 134
RKO 264, 268
Robinson, Edward G. 200, 268, 272
Robinson, Gladys (née Lloyd) 268, 272
Rodgers, Richard 491
Romaine, Margaret (‘Peggy’) 89
‘Romance at Droitgate Spa’ 165
‘Romance of the Ugly Policeman, The’ 104, 105n1
Romberg, Sigmund 384
Roosevelt, Franklin D., President 264, 507
Roper, Emma 30, 31
Rosalie (MGM film project) 202, 209, 225, 263, 489
Rosalie (musical, with Gershwins) 189, 390
Rosalie (novelette) 202, 204, 209, 211
‘Rough-Hew Them How We Will’ 78n1
Rowley, Leonard 20, 92
Rubery, Matthew 10
Ruggles, Charlie 114
Rumsey, John 223
St Germain en Laye, France 398–400
Sally (musical with Bolton and Kern) 18, 134, 135, 138, 141, 150n2, 173, 177; revival 402, 414, 415–16, 418, 490n2
Sam the Sudden/Sam in the Suburbs 169–70, 175
‘Sapper’ (H. C. McNeile) 206, 207n5
Saturday Evening Post 87, 88, 94, 101, 111, 113, 114, 125, 152, 162, 165, 241, 284, 288, 317, 318, 319, 320, 358, 367, 369, 370, 382, 402, 411, 412, 413, 437, 519
‘Sausage Chappie, The’ 133
Savage, ‘Colonel’ Henry Wilson 117, 141
The Blue Mazurka 141, 142, 144
Sayers, Dorothy 214, 311
The Five Red Herrings 215, 218
Schmidt, Paul 315, 342, 343, 515
Schreyer, Mr (a fan): PGW’s letter to 517
Schwartz, Arthur 418
Park Avenue (with I. Gershwin) 390 and 391n1
Schwed, Peter 518, 525, 535–6nn
Scott, Sir Walter: Peveril of the Peak 30
Scribner, Charles, II 109
Scribner’s (Charles) Sons 110n3, 438
See You Later (show) 114, 115
Selby, Viscount 377
Sergeant Brue (musical) 54, 55, 57n10
Service with a Smile 496–8
Shakespeare, William 3, 6, 20, 43, 120, 295, 305, 418, 442, 535
Sharpe, Tom 26
PGW’s letter to 539–40
Shaw, George Bernard 25, 110n2, 438, 442, 447
Pygmalion 492, 493
Shaw, Irwin: The Young Lions 417
Shawcross, Hartley, Attorney General 384, 385
Shearer, Norma 200
Shelley, Mary (Godwin) 512
Shelley, Percy Bysshe 424, 512
‘Epipsychidion’ 424
‘Ozymandias’ 424
‘The Revolt of Islam’ 424
Sherborne School 132, 134, 145
Sheridan, Anne 485
Sherriff, R. C. 268
Sherwood, Robert E. 492
Shirreff, A. C. 363
Shively, George 398n1
PGW’s letter to 398
Short, Hassard 390
Show Boat 378
‘Signs and Portents: A Cricket Story’ 62
Simon and Schuster (publishers) 519
Simpson, Wallis see Windsor, Duke and Duchess of
Sinatra, Frank 493
‘Sir Galahad’ (lyric) 127, 128n5
Sitting Pretty (musical with Bolton) 151, 152, 161
Skey, W. G. 436
Skowhegan, Maine 432–3, 434
Slater, Mr (a fan): PGW’s letter to 460
Slesar, Henry: PGW’s letter to 528
Small Bachelor, The 177
Smith, C. Aubrey 200
Smith, George 451
Smith, Godfrey 541n1
PGW’s letter to 541
Smith, J. B. 436
Smollett, Toby 5, 492
‘So-Called Pleasures of Coney Island..., The’ 114n3
‘Some Aspects of Game Captaincy’ 38
Somervell, Sir Donald 359
Something Fishy/The Butler Did It 301, 472, 484, 493
Something Fresh/Something New 88, 94, 108n1, 109, 114n5, 125, 128(quoted), 129, 240, 481
Sound View Golf Club, Long Island 123
Spain, Nancy 463, 490
PGW’s letter to 464
Spectator (journal) 465, 486
Spender, Stephen 471
Spenser, R. H. 363
Spode, Sir Roderick (character) 275
Spring Fever 402, 403, 417, 423–4, 426, 434n1
‘Spring Frock, The’ 67n2
Squeaky (dog) 430, 433, 439, 443, 455, 470
Squire, J. C. 455
Stableford, Shropshire: Old House 38–9, 258
Stanley, Arthur: Patricia (with Mackail, Melford and Gwyther) 172
‘Star Is Born, A’ 229n1
Steel, George Drexel 136
Stein, Gertrude 5
Stevenson, Robert Louis: Treasure Island 37
Stewart, Donald Ogden 159
Steyn, Mark 6
Stiff Upper Lip, Jeeves 187
Stone, M. E., Jr 80
‘Stone and the Weed’ 80n3
Stout, Wesley 317, 318, 319
PGW’s letter to 320–21
Strand Magazine 47n3, 86, 110, 413
Conan Doyle’s stories 21, 83n2, 103n2, 211
Kipling’s story 229n2
Leonora Cazalet’s story 232 and 233n1
Mackail’s story 160n6
PGW’s stories 67n2, 72, 78, 80n4, 83n2, 105n1, 122n18, 126n4, 148n1, 162, 191n1, 198n1, 204n5, 227n2, 234n1, 410n1, 423n2
Townend’s story 187
Streetcar Named Desire, A (Williams) 415
Success magazine 77, 79, 80
Sullivan, Frank 500
PGW’s letter to 285
Sullivan at Bay 285
Summer Lightning 118, 119, 180, 192 and 193n5, 196, 235
Summer Moonshine 184
Summers, Mr (a fan): PGW’s letter to 409–10
Sunset at Blandings 540
Swainson, Fred: Acton’s Feud 37–8, 481
Tales of St Austin’s 38
Tandy, Jessica 423n2
‘Tangled Hearts’ 10
Tarkington, Booth 25, 120
The Guest of Quesnay 110
Tatler 166
Tauchnitz (publishers) 318
Taylor, Billy 80
Taylor, Elizabeth 514
Taylor, Laurette 183n1
Taylor, Robert 269
Temple, Shirley 230
Tennyson, Alfred, Lord 41, 361, 424
Terriss, Ellaline 510–11
PGW’s letter to 511
‘Test Case, The’ 492n1
Thackeray, William 4, 7
Epistles to the Literati 44
The History of Henry Esmond 41, 44
The History of Pendennis 41, 44
Punch sketches 22, 40
Thank You, Jeeves 224–5, 230, 233, 536–7, 539
Thatcher, Heather 150, 194, 272
‘They’ll Go No More a’Buttling’ 409n1
Thief for a Night, A 78n3
Thirkell, Angela 374, 459
August Folly 374
Pomfret Towers 374
Wild Strawberries 374
This Week (magazine) 402
Thomas, William Beach 37, 52, 481
Thompson, Fred 135, 136, 138, 141
Treasure Girl (with Vincent Lawrence) 193n3
Three Men and a Maid 126n5, 430n1
Three Musketeers, The 188, 189
‘Threepwood’, Emsworth 17, 64n2, 105
Thuermer, Angus 302, 303
PGW’s letter to 508
Thurber, James 472
Thwaites, Norman 71, 72, 73, 84, 87, 96, 110, 114n4
Till the Clouds Roll By (film) 414n5
Time magazine 301
Time and Tide 468
Times, The 127, 246n1, 354, 355, 483
Times Literary Supplement: reviews 171–2, 173, 393, 458
Titanic, sinking of the 85n2
Tit-Bits 10, 52, 65, 66–7, 67
Tonbridgian, The 46
Tost concentration camp, Upper Silesia 293, 296–7, 298, 299–300, 301, 302–4, 305, 324–5, 328, 329, 352, 356, 357–8, 396, 508
see also Wodehouse in Wonderland
Tost Times 300, 300
Town and Country (magazine) 408
Townend, Irene (‘Rene’) (née Ellam) 26, 155, 168, 208, 209, 418, 427, 510
Townend, William (‘V.T.’; ‘Bill’) 26, 39, 41, 46, 65, 123
death 473, 510
friendship with PGW 41, 50, 53, 56, 59, 120, 182–3
helps PGW with plots 26, 54, 59, 64, 68, 71, 148, 167, 168, 169–70, 190, 197, 213, 231–2, 477
and PGW’s broadcasts 312
PGW’s letters to 3, 59–60, 64, 68, 117, 119, 120, 123–6, 148–9, 151–2, 153–8, 163–4, 167–70, 173–4, 178, 182–91, 194–6, 197–8, 202, 208–10, 213, 217, 218–21, 224, 226–7, 228–32, 233–4, 237–41, 245–7, 251, 255–6, 259–60, 261, 263, 274–5, 277–8, 283–5, 285–8, 290–91, 324–5, 345, 348, 352–3, 354–9, 363–4, 366–7, 369–71, 374, 377–8, 380, 387–8, 394–7, 398–9, 403, 406–7, 408, 410–14, 417–18, 422, 426–30, 431–2, 433–41, 444–9, 451, 455, 458–60, 461, 462–3, 464–5, 484–6, 500–1
his writing (and see below) 26, 157–8, 163, 185–6, 187–8, 197, 224, 259–60, 286, 288, 290, 367, 410–11, 428, 455
books and stories:
And Now England 283
The Fingal’s Passenger 417
Fool’s Gold 426
‘Missing’ 123
Peter the Greek 154
‘Sport!’ 220
Voyage Without End 245, 251, 260
We Sailors 218–19
see also Performing Flea
Treadgold, Jack 240
Treasure Girl (the Gershwins) 192 and 193n3
Treasury of British Humour 487
Trilling, Lionel 472
Trollope, Anthony 366–7
Autobiography 366
Is He Popenjoy? 366
Truex, Ernest 114, 160
Truman, Harry S., President 418n2
Twain, Mark 280, 364
Uffenham, Lord (character) 301, 359, 392
Ukridge (character) 7, 53, 54, 59, 60, 148, 288, 365–6, 402, 477
Ukridge 369n2
‘Ukridge’s Dog College’ 369n2
Uncle Dynamite 31, 314, 351, 394, 402, 427
Uncle Fred in the Springtime 226 and 227n8, 281
Uneasy Money 114, 369n2
Updike, John 472
Usborne, Richard
PGW’s letters to 476–8, 480–82, 488–9, 491–2
Wodehouse at Work 34, 471, 476, 499–500, 502
Vanity Fair 54, 94, 97n1, 113, 181, 491–2
Variety magazine 134, 212, 213, 243
Veale, Douglas 278, 279
PGW’s letters to 278–80
Vecsey, Armand: The Hotel Mouse (with Bolton) 143
‘Very Good Girl On Sunday’ (lyric) 128
Very Good, Jeeves 207–8
Victoria, Queen 51
Vonnegut, Kurt: Slaughterhouse-Five 305
Wain, John 486
Hurry On Down 487n1
Wall Street Crash 199
Wallace, Alastair: PGW’s letter to 467
Wallace, Edgar 166, 438
On the Spot 378
Walpole, Hugh 225, 428, 451, 468
Wanger, Walter 150
War Graves Commission 358–9
Warner, Jack 202
Warner Brothers 202, 266, 304
Washburn, 248
Watt, A. P. 225, 251, 266, 284, 362, 363, 374, 391
PGW’s letters to 250, 253–4, 255
Watt, William (‘Billy’) 78, 80, 88, 89, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103n1, 113, 126
Watt, W. P. 438, 458
Waugh, Alec: The Loom of Youth 126
Waugh, Arthur 27
Waugh, Auberon 21, 534n1
Waugh, Evelyn 1, 4, 8, 27, 120, 202, 486, 501, 502–3
PGW’s letters to 407, 486–7, 501, 506, 508–9
‘An Act of Homage and Reparation to P. G. Wodehouse’ 472
Black Mischief 27, 487
Brideshead Revisited 27, 397, 407
Decline and Fall 27, 509
‘Dr. Wodehouse and Mr. Wain’ 486
The End of the Battle 508–9
A Handful of Dust 249
Put Out More Flags 397
Scoop 506, 509
Vile Bodies 27
Wayman, John 93
Wells, H. G. 25, 224, 226, 230, 500
The Dream 169
Wentworth, Patricia 517
West, Nathanael: The Day of the Locust 203
West, Rebecca 451
Westbrook, Ella (née King-Hall) 54, 63–4, 73, 82, 148
as PGW’s agent 101, 110, 125–6, 175, 250
Westbrook, Herbert Wotton 53, 125, 247, 378, 429–30
as inspiration for Ukridge 7, 477
marriage 73, 82
PGW’s relationship with 53–4, 59–60, 62, 72, 154–5, 167, 250, 459
Brother Alfred (with PGW) 86n2
Not George Washington (with PGW) 54, 62, 63, 69, 71
Whalen, Grover 391
Wharton, Edith 25
Whitaker, Alma 203, 212
White, T. H.: Sword in the Stone 387
White Feather, The 26, 62, 68
White Hope, The 82n4, 93
White Star Publicity 136
Whitley, John 226
Who’s Who (PGW and Bolton) 216n2
Wilkening, Cora 88, 89, 101, 102, 110, 125
Williams, Tennessee: A Streetcar Named Desire 403, 415
Wills, Helen see Moody, Helen Wills
Winchell, Walter 418
Windmill, The (magazine) 368, 388
Windsor, Duchess of (Wallis Simpson) 263, 264, 372
Windsor, Duke of (formerly Edward, Prince of Wales/Edward VIII) 155–6, 226, 263–4, 372, 373, 392
Windsor Magazine 61 and n, 110, 286
Wittgenstein, Ludwig 3
Wodehouse, Armine 30, 125, 253, 255, 262, 488, 500
childhood 30, 31, 32, 33
education 35, 36, 40, 49
in India 143, 253n1
interest in theosophy 121, 125, 126n10
PGW’s letter to 257–8
Wodehouse, Eleanor (née Deane) 29–30, 32, 36, 107, 135, 142, 145, 177, 253; death 338
Wodehouse, Ethel (‘Bunny’) (formerly Wayman) 7, 92–3
at Bellport (1914) 98, 100, 103, 104, 105
in Cannes (1925) 174–5
as car driver 112
dental problems 265, 326, 335
and dogs 248, 278, 367, 370, 439, 443, 455n1, 470–71, 478
in England (1920s) 117, 119, 130, 131, 132–3, 150
financial worries 197, 199, 242, 246, 272
in France: 1920s 148, 157, 159, 165; 1930s 224, 226, 248; postwar 375, 383, 384, 395, 399, 401, 420, 426; see also in wartime France (below)
gambling 141, 146–7, 177, 229, 248
and grandchildren 226, 414, 420, 475, 518, 519n1
at Great Neck 161, 165
at Harrogate (1924) 166, 168–9
in Hollywood (1930s) 199, 200, 208, 221, 263
illnesses 133, 184, 258, 265, 266–7, 382, 403, 473, 511, 512, 523, 524, 525–6, 538
and Leonora 92, 93, 157, 159, 172, 212, 226, 236, 244, 260
and Leonora’s death 338, 347, 362–3, 367
marriage 29, 90, 92, 93–4, 97–8
in New York: 1921 136, 137–8; 1947–51 406, 408, 412, 418, 419, 435, 445
and Norfolk St house 183, 193
and Performing Flea 444, 448
and PGW 7, 29, 439
PGW’s letters to 13–14, 350–51, 512–13, 514–15, 519–20, 523–5, 537–9
and presidential election (1964) 517
at Remsenburg 403, 468, 470–71, 475, 487, 516, 522
and Shaw 442
starts animal shelter 471, 527
in wartime France 284, 293–4, 295, 297, 298, 338, 341–2, 345, 348, 349, 350, 352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 362, 370
in wartime Germany 309, 313, 315–16, 321, 322, 326, 329, 331, 332, 334, 335
Wodehouse, Helen (‘Nella’) 125, 145, 516, 524
PGW’s letter to 262
Wodehouse, Henry Ernest 29, 30, 32, 33, 36, 38, 39n3, 49, 121, 125, 143, 177, 195, 488
Wodehouse, Laura (née Massy) 142, 445
Wodehouse, Leonora see Cazalet, Leonora
Wodehouse, Pelham Grenville
adopts Leonora 93, see Cazalet, Leonora
agents 125; see Baerman, A. E.; Denby, Robert; Meredith, Scott; Pinker, J. B.; Reynolds, Paul; Watt, A. P.; Westbrook, Ella
as ‘agony uncle’ 10–11, 65, 66–7
appearance and weight 71, 145, 201, 220, 302, 400, 436
and aunts 31–2, 33–5
as bank clerk 49–50, 51–3, 477, 481
becomes American citizen 483
birth 9, 29
and boxing 36, 60, 482
and his brothers 140, 141–2, 143, 145, 253, 258, 262, 445
cats 7, 104, 106, 113, 126, 159, 161, 470, 471, 503, 506, 520, 527, 530
character and personality 8–9, 13, 56, 62, 121, 201; see also ‘fits’ of depression; generosity
childhood 30–35
and cricket 37, 82, 84, 156, 270, 282, 325, 411, 413, 437–8, 482, 517, see also Dulwich College
death 473
dogs 7, 18, 23, 104, 106, 107, 116, 126, 139, 185, 198, 205, 209, 219, 221, 236, 248, 254, 269, 278, 286, 287, 290, 331, 333, 448, 470–71, 488, 503, 506, 513, 515, 516, 522, 523, 527; see also Squeaky; Wonder
as drama critic 94, 113
at Dulwich College 35, 36–9, 40–50, see also Dulwich College
early articles and books 52, 54, 58–63, 68
early influences 4, 5, 6–7, 21, 44, 53–4
earnings and finances 2, 38, 58, 61, 62, 69, 70, 79, 80, 81, 87–8, 93, 98, 99–100, 102, 102–3, 104, 111, 125, 131, 162, 179–82, 192, 199, 210, 266, 274, 305, 322, 368–9, 379–80, 396, 411, 480, 481–2, 519; see also tax liabilities
and Edward Cazalet 19, 22, 226, 261, 471, 475, 496, 520
eightieth birthday 472, 501, 503, 505, 506, 508
female characters 118
as film scriptwriter 199, 200, 202–3, 205, 206
in France see Auribeau; Barbizon; Cannes; Le Touquet; Paris; St Germain en Laye
‘fits’ of depression 120, 155, 408
gambling 146, 176, 240–41, 248
generosity 197, 217, 240–41, 271–2, 301, 411
gets honorary degree 27, 278–82
at Globe newspaper 52–3, 54
golf 123, 125, 146, 147, 153, 166
in Hollywood 121, 125, 199–204, 205–7, 208–9, 211, 212–13, 215–16, 217, 225, 263, 268–9, 270–71, 522–3
homes see Bellport; Great Neck; Le Touquet; Norfolk St; Remsenburg
at Hunstanton Hall 172–3, 194–5, 243–4
illnesses 206, 403, 439–40, 473, 495, 530
internment 2, 3, 7–8, 293, 295–7, 298, 304, see also Tost concentration camp
interviews given 136, 137, 203, 212, 219, 306, 397, 399, 406–7, 422, 463, 471
knighthood 473, 540, 542
letters to fans 179, 289, 409–10, 460, 485, 517
love for Ethel 145, 150, 156, 420, 426, 471, 473, 511, 523, 537–8
as lyricist 6–7, 54, 94–5, 114, 115, 117, 188–9, 383
and Madame Tussaud’s 473, 539
marriage and early married life 92, 97–9, 105, 107
motor accident 153–4
names 30
in New York: 1904 54; 1909–10 56–7, 69–70, 71–80; 1913–18 85–6, 87–91, 92–4, 97, 103, 111; 1920s 118, 120, 136, 137–8; 1947–51 401–4, 405, 406–7, 408, 412, 418, 419, 435, 445
notebooks 38, 54, 56, 76, 480
physical exercises 128, 129, 201, 211, 376, 459, 470, 475, 488, 500–1, 508
and postwar parcels 383, 384, 387, 390
pseudonyms 68n1, 113, 247, 491
relationship with parents 30, 31, 32, 38, 253, 488
and rugby 37, 196, see also Dulwich College
and séances/spiritualism 21, 120–21, 167–8, 185
and Sheran Cazalet 244, 260, 275, 471, 493, 534
silver wedding 284
smoking 225, 238, 277, 299, 301, 302, 319, 351, 352, 425, 440, 508, 537
starts shelter for stray animals 527
swimming 201, 205–6, 209, 211
in Switzerland 257, 395, 396
tax liabilities 199, 223–4, 225, 233, 237–8, 239, 242–3, 246–7, 248, 249, 251, 405
and technology 9–10, 501
and television soap operas 521, 525, 528, 529
his typewriters 12, 183, 393, 494, 540
vegetarianism 187
views on: clubs 489; critics 444; dogs’ eyes 382–3; the French 376; Jews 411, 418, 427; letter-writing 383; London 120, 156, 373, 493; New York 120, 157, 189; nudity 4, 372, 373; old age 427, 437, 459, 472–3, 500–1; political events 8, 119, 194n3, 423, 427, 439, 462–3, 517; reviews 171–2; the Riviera 120; Shakespeare 3, 20; television 450, 459; war (1930s) 210, 226–7, 245–6, 251, 277–8, 283, 286
wartime broadcasts 8, 24, 303, 304–9, 311–12, 319, 327–9, 338–9, 346, 357, 359–60, 379, 394, 395, 404, 407, 446–7, 448, 449, 456–7, 461, 471–2, 499–500, 502
in wartime Germany 17, 304–9, 312–16, 318, 321–3, 326, 333–6, 344, 357, see also internment; Tost concentration camp
in wartime Paris 337–8, 341–2, 343, 344, 345, 347, 348–51, 352–4, 355, 356, 359, 360–61
and women 2, 63, 73–4, 81, 86–7, 90
and World War I 73, 88, 95–6, 107, 124
his writing 4–6, 12, 119, 124–5, 473
Wodehouse, Philip Peveril 30, 31–2, 33, 89, 140, 141–2, 145, 445
Wodehouse, Richard Lancelot Deane 30, 36, 38, 140, 141
Wodehouse in Wonderland (camp reminiscences) 302–3, 317–18, 320, 337, 356–7, 362, 370, 371, 374, 388, 389, 394, 448, 456–7
Wolkenstein, Count and Countess of 333
Woman’s Home Companion 126n5
Wonder (dog) 7, 309, 314, 326, 331, 332, 334, 351, 353, 355, 367, 370, 371, 375–6, 382, 389, 400, 408, 414, 422, 426, 427, 443
Wood, Daisy 74n13
Woods, Al 183n1
Woolf, Virginia: Jacob’s Room 120
Wooster, Bertie (character) 1, 2, 4–5, 34, 39, 72, 94, 118, 147, 169n1, 196, 208, 224, 230, 231, 286, 290, 314, 365, 381–2, 444, 458, 487, 510, 531, 536–7
Wordsworth, William 512
Wright, Harold Bell 175
Wulfing, Frau von 334
Wyngate, Valerie 183n1
Wynn, Ed 114
Yorick Club, New York 489
Yorkshire Post 393
Young Men in Spats 169n1
‘You’re the Top’ (song) 503, 504, 505, 507
Zeppelin airships 107
Ziegfeld, Florenz 7, 117, 123, 134, 135, 150, 151, 164, 177, 188, 189, 408, 438, 500, 522
Ziegfeld Girls Club 463
Ziman, H. D. 371
PGW’s letter to 371–2
Zoff, Marianne 323n1
Zouche, Mary Cecil Frankland, 17th Baroness 193