Mickie Mueller
When Ostara arrives, it’s really starting to feel like spring is here and winter is behind us. My husband, Daniel, and I were married on Ostara, so in addition to celebrating the spring equinox, we’ve usually got some kind of anniversary plans as well that makes a bit of magic on the go a great addition to the day. So how do you celebrate the spring equinox in the middle of the week? It’s okay if you’re busy—I’ve got some easy ways that you can use to add a nice balance between the magical and mundane to the day no matter where you are or what you have to accomplish today. As you go about your day, take special care to pay attention to any flowering plants or buds waiting to burst forth that you may see, the tender light green shoots spring forth from the warming earth, animals are abuzz with plans for new life to come. These signs of spring can be seen all around, whether you’re living rural, in the suburbs, or even in the city. During this exciting time of new possibilities, embrace the idea that magic doesn’t have to be on a fancy altar, it’s in your heart and it goes along with you everywhere.
Seeds of Light and Abundance
Purchase a pack of seeds for herbs or flowers that are easy to grow from seed. For example, you could try basil, sunflowers, sweet peas, zinnias, or any that speak to you being sure to check to see which ones grow well in your area. Draw a simple egg with a star inside somewhere on the packet. Carry the seed pack in your pocket or in your purse. Throughout your day you will notice signs from the universe that the seeds will grow abundance for you, you’ll see signs of growth, money, wealth, plenty. Every time a sign grabs your attention, think of your bundle of seeds that you carry, and imagine the seed packet glowing with golden light. Feel warmth from the pack. Every sign you see for abundance will charge your seeds. When your day is done, place the seed pack somewhere safe until you’re ready to plant them.
Rabbits, Hares, or Serpents to Go
When I want to bring the spirit of the spring equinox with me, I love to wear my little primitive rabbit pendant; it’s carved from wood and it’s leaping full of energy. It’s a cool little piece that I found ages ago and I only wear it on Ostara, so I immediately go into that mindset when I put it on. Rabbits and hares are symbols of abundance and fertility because they breed like, well, like rabbits! You can usually find jewelry with rabbits or hares on them this time of the year, some will be cute and pastel for fun, but if you look around you can sometimes find a more elegant style for not too much money. Check second-hand stores or handmade marketplaces and see what you can find. If fuzzy creatures aren’t your style, don’t despair; this is also the time of the year when serpents come out of their earthen burrows to warm themselves in the sun. Snakes shed their skin, making them a perfect symbol of rebirth and renewal.
Once you’ve found a piece of Ostara jewelry that you like, hold it in some sage or incense smoke to spiritually cleanse it. Then hold it in your hands and focus on the themes of the spring equinox: rebirth, fertility, new life—fill the jewelry with that energy. Wear it on Ostara and take that magic to go while you honor the sabbat.
Inner Strength Tarot Meditation
You’ll need your favorite Strength card from one of your tarot decks and a 3 × 5 inch rigid plastic sleeve, to protect your card. You can find plastic sleeves wherever you can get baseball cards or gaming cards, or pick up a pack online—they come in really handy for tarot spells and meditations. Place the card in the sleeve and place in on the table so you can meditate on the image over breakfast. Look at the card and ask yourself how it illustrates strength. Ask your Higher Spirit to help you see those qualities in yourself throughout the day. As the earth finds the strength to burst forth with life, the Strength card will show you that you have everything inside you to face the challenges of life with grace, wisdom, and strength. Watch for the evidence of your own inner strength as you go about your day with mindfulness.
Wear Colors of the Day
Wearing the colors associated with Ostara can help you connect spiritually with the energies of new life as the inertia of winter is shattered and the world around you bursts with new activity.
Green is a great color to wear on Ostara because it’s the color of abundance, growth, and rebirth. Green is appearing everywhere now; some trees and shrubs even have a few leaves bursting forth, and it’s so welcomed after the long winter.
Light blue reminds me of the return of the clear sky this time of the year; it’s a color of joy, expansion, and opportunity reflecting the magic of Ostara. Another spring association with the color blue is robin’s eggs. It’s one of my favorite colors for Ostara eggs and robins are one of the first signs of spring singing of renewal across the land.
Light shades of purple like lavender or lilac are seen in nature as flowers bloom. Purple is also a color of balance, a mixture of warm red and cool blue adding to its spiritual associations and emotional healing during the spring equinox when day and night are in balance.
Black and white is a perfect color combination for those who just don’t rock the pastel look. The spring equinox is a time of balanced light and dark, so wearing black and white on Ostara can help you bring your energies into balance.
Sabbat on the Go Tips
Bring a hard boiled egg, egg salad, or quiche for lunch. For vegan celebrants, a tofu quiche is a perfect option. Whether you eat eggs or not, include a spring green salad for your Imbolc lunch and sprinkle it with crunchy seeds, sesame, sunflower, and /or poppy seeds. As you enjoy these Ostara treats, think about how they will impart growth and new beginnings in your life.
Oils to wear today include primrose, orange blossom, lilac, or any floral scent.
If you work in an office or someplace where you can have flowers, bring in a vase of spring blooms either picked yourself or purchased. Even better, enjoy potted blooming bulbs like tulips or jonquils, then you can plant them later.