Portable Magic

Mickie Mueller

It’s Beltane and love is in the air during this lusty month of May! I know many of us would rather be dancing around a bonfire in a field or weaving a maypole to celebrate this sabbat of love, growth and abundance. Instead it’s the middle of the week and we’re running to the bank, sitting in traffic or waiting in line at the post office. We live in a different world than our ancestors did, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t honor the sabbat on the actual day. I’ve been blessed enough to have enjoyed a few Beltane’s with a large group of Pagans in the woods, drumming, drinking mead, and sharing fellowship. Even though life demands that I can’t do that every year, (and certainly not on a weekday) I try to come up with ways to make it a special day by taking my magic along with me even if I have mundane activities to do far from the fires of Beltane.

Florida Water Spritz

Flowers are an important part of any Beltane celebration. Florida water is not named after the state but comes from the Spanish word florido, which means flowery or “full of flowers.” If you can’t go around throughout the day in a crown of flowers this Beltane, Florida Water may be the next best thing. This scented water has been used in home remedies and many magical traditions since the 1800s. It’s great for stress relief, good luck, protection, and clearing away negativity. There are many recipes to make your own—I created this one ages ago after experimenting with several recipes and ingredients I already had or could get locally. I love this one; I use it regularly to clear negativity in a room or in my aura. This has become a staple at my house, and I do think you’ll love it too. You’ll need a spray bottle to keep it in. Fill the spray bottle about three-quarters with bottled spring water. Add six drops of each, rose oil, lavender oil, bergamot oil, one drop each of frankincense and clove oil if you have it. Add one tablespoon of lemon juice to the mixture. Now fill it the rest of the way with vodka. Shake it up and spritz yourself with it on Beltane morning. Shake it and use it any time you need to de-stress or clear away negativity.

Abundance Honey

You can usually find honey straws at your local farmers market, produce stand, or health food stores. I’ve seen them from time to time at grocery stores or big box stores too; you’ll need only one honey straw for this spell. Honey is a very magical ingredient and is produced of course by bees, some of the most productive creatures in nature. This honey spell is meant to bring good fortune and blessings of abundance your way on Beltane. Place a honey straw in a jar full of coins overnight, it’s ok if the coins don’t entirely cover the straw, just add all the coins you have on hand. Set the jar outside in the evening on Beltane eve so that the spirits of the land may impart their blessings on the honey. The next morning grab your honey straw when you’re on your way out the door and carry it along with you on Beltane. Enjoy it with lunch or for a snack, as you do, let the enchanted honey feed your cells and become part of you. Upon returning home, leave one of the coins under a tree or somewhere in nature as a gift to the spirits, a bit of honey from your honey jar would probably be an appropriate offering as well.

Heal Your Heart with Rose Quartz

Beltane is a sabbat we think about when we think about love; whether you’re already in a relationship, looking for that special someone, or happily single, our hearts are important for our well-being. Rose quartz is a wonderful stone to carry in order to open your heart, not just to romance, but every kind of love, including the all important love for yourself. I really appreciate the energy of rose quartz for healing and opening your heart which is a really appropriate way to honor the sabbat of Beltane. If you have any rose-quartz jewelry, break it out to wear on Beltane. If not, it’s pretty easy to find a stone. I’ve seen them at metaphysical shops, gem shops, even craft stores and big box stores sometimes have rose quartz jewelry if you don’t have other options. Run your rose quartz under running water to cleanse it of any residual energy, and visualize it washing away. Hold it to your heart and ask the stone in your own words to heal your heart and open it to love. Hold it there as long as you wish. Now wear it or carry it with you on Beltane. Every time throughout the day that you feel warmth in your heart, no matter the reason, recognize the magic of Beltane working through the rose quartz.

Wear Colors of the Day

Clothing was always an important part of Beltane, many people wore their best finery to May festivals, bright cheerful colors for celebrating. Although you don’t have to wear your finest clothes, think about the colors you choose and the energies they impart on Beltane.

White is often associated together with red on Beltane. Wearing white on Beltane symbolizes the cleansing, purifying, and clearing of your personal energy field.

Red is the color of vitality, passion, and strength, a perfect color for your Beltane wardrobe. It was traditional to jump over a fire for purification on Beltane, if there won’t be any bonfires in your area to leap, wear some red to represent fire and renewal.

Pink may seem a sweet and romantic color, or like a color of self love, but it’s also related to sexuality and passion. Decide your purpose and wear some pink on Beltane to work with the energies of the day.

Green is a great Beltane color to wear—it’s the color of fertility, and this sabbat takes it to a whole new level. Celebrants used to “Go a-Maying,” or “Green the Fields,” which meant running off to have sex outside, blessing the land with fertility. Wear green on Beltane to honor the spirits of nature, growth, fertility, and abundance.

Sabbat on the Go Tips

Carry the Empress tarot card with you in a 3 × 5 inch rigid plastic sleeve. Meditate on her power of fertility, inner and outer beauty and, love of self. See if you can bring her Venus energy into your day.

Have a spa day, or at least a spa hour. Even picking up a facial mask or pedicure kit on your lunch break or on the way home can be a lovely way to celebrate love for yourself and tap into the beauty vibes of the day. Want to really splurge? Check out your local massage therapy school—they usually offer really affordable massages.

Before you leave for the day, run your hands over the grass to gather a bit of dew and wash it over your face. According to tradition, Beltane dew imparts beauty.
