Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication

Forte, Maximilian C., 1967-

Slouching towards Sirte: NATO’s war on Libya and Africa /Maximilian Forte.

Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-1-926824-52-9

1. Libya— History —Civil War, 2011-. 2. Libya— History —Civil War, 2011- —Causes. 3. North Atlantic Treaty Organization— Libya. 4. North Atlantic Treaty Organization— Africa. 5. Imperialism. I. Title.

DT236.F67 2012       961.204’2       C2012-906868-3


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Cover photo: European Pressphoto Agency

Cover by Folio infographie

Book design by Folio infographie


ISBN 978-1-926824-52-9 (paper)

ISBN 978-1-926824-74-1 (ePub)

ISBN 978-1-926824-75-8 (PDF)


ePub conversion by: StudioC1C4


Legal Deposit, 4th quarter, 2012


Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec

Library and Archives Canada


Published by Baraka Books of Montreal.

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